
MHA : the florist

Flora Kurosaki she remember her past life what she will do she going to be a hero or villainess

Jinxbadluck12 · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

chapter 1

Flora Kurosaki just finish help her mother placing plant outside the flower shop. Kurosaki flower shop.

"Flora are you ready your test later?" Ask her mom

" I just finish review am going to ace the test on the UA mom" Flora answer her mom

" Are you sure you okay going to be general ed not in the hero course? " Mom place last flower on the pot on the counter.

"Yes, am sure mom" flora smile to her mom

"Because your dad know someone on hero can give you recommendation." Mom look at Flora

" Hero , you know what I think about hero this day they ...it nothing mom" Flora shake her head. She countinue use her quirk to make the flower beauty on the store.

Okay then, thank you for your help me." mom gesture Flora to be ready for her test.

Flora nodded she go back to her room up stair. The store down stairs upper floor there house.

Flora sit on the chair. She notice the flower pot on her desk. She focus on the pot. Then small plant grow into beautiful lily.

Flora quirk called Chlorokinesis to make plant and control plant any kind of plant .

When Flora was four year old her quirk active a plant sprouted on the ground and hit her head. She start remembering her past life.

Her past life she was nerd for anime she can't believe when she start remember think her past life where she now. She living now in the world Boku no hero academia.

Flora thankful she have the quirk Chlorokinesis in her past life she read about this power and how superhero and supervillain to use this power. She have the idea how to make this advantage to her family business.

Flora open her tv on her room. The new have slime villain attack and all might stop the villain.

"The episode one start" she smile