
MHA: The devil's footprint

The twin of Shoto, however considered yet another failure in the eyes of Endeavour. The difference with this son though, is that his flames seem to spread from his feet, and his smile is slightly sharper than it should be. Author's note- the mc will not be world breakingly overpowered, I plan to keep his power range within the scope of the MHA universe

stoneclauss · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Shoji Todoroki

I soon, by some miracle, stopped my crying and managed to compose myself. At least to a degree. However a deep seated fear had implanted itself into my heart. I was going to be raised to be better than the number one hero. And if I fell short of his expectations during training, I can only imagine what kind of punishment would await me. However, a spark of hope was lit inside me. Within this world, I had been born with one of the greatest genetic advantages possible. Born to the number 2 hero of this world, along with the fact that Enji Todoroki participated in a quirk marriage, I was almost guaranteed to get a strong quirk, unless whatever entity that put me here decided it hates me and makes me quirkless.

I shivered at the thought, imagining what Endeavour would do if one of his children were to be born without a power. After all, he would drive his first son to villainy with the constant streams of abuse.

Knowing all this, I forced all anxiety I had about my situation as far down as possible. Worrying about it would do me no good, I'm already stuck here. No amount of worrying will remove me from this situation. 'Besides, maybe I'm in some alternate reality where Endeavour is actually kind to his children' I hoped pitifully.

After a few hours, I found myself in a car, strapped next to Shoto in a ridiculously sized baby seat. The car in and of itself was also extremely large, like a Range Rover, and had at least 6 seats. However, I would have been a fool to think that this was an ordinary vehicle. There was no feasible way the number 2 hero would have no added features or protective measures to the car he uses to transport his kids. There's no way he's that confident in not being attacked.

Before I knew it, we had arrived home, and the silence of the journey along with the stone like look on Enji's face didn't encourage any optimism. The silence was only broken by the occasional sound from either me or Shoto. Calling this building a mere house didn't do it justice. It was more like the home of a samurai. It was styled in your typical Japanese fashion, with tatami mat flooring, a stone walk way towards the main entrance, paper screen's walling each room, and even a garden filled with patio within the centre of the building.

Soon after arriving, we finally came into contact with our elder siblings, and their eye's almost seemed to dull when looking upon our father. I became drained of all hope at that moment. However, our silence was finally broken.

"Children, these are your new younger brothers. The one with half white hair is Shoto. The other, with red hair and white tips is the younger of the two, Shoji." I Enji's voice came out as almost monotone, however there was a hint of hope when talking about Shoto, as if he already knew that Shoto would be the promised child. The one that he had been dreaming of. The perfect mix between him and his wife Rei. Meanwhile his lack lustre statement solidified that I wasn't going to be a favourite. Considering I apparently have mostly red hair, I will likely have a purely fire based quirk, meaning I'm yet another failure in the eye's of number 2. Yet I thanked my lucky stars that I had dedicated so much time to watching anime, and a little to attempting to learn the language, being able to roughly understand right from the get go could only ever prove to be useful.

'Prove him wrong'

That statement rose from deep within me, like this was truly the chance I had to dedicate myself to something. To obsess myself with something. The idea of wiping his arrogant attitude off the planet brought immense satisfaction to me. Becoming a stronger hero than he could have even imagined all the while being considered a failure for not having a half and half quirk.

'I'll become stronger than you can even imagine' I swore to myself, all the while attempting to smirk. Besides, with the events to come, being strong could only be a boon.

With my promise engraved into my heart, I spent the next few years as productively as I could... Which was not very. Between properly learning the language, learning to crawl (and eventually walk) as well as being picked up at random intervals to be cuddled because I was "just too cute", really put a damper on my immediate plans to become the strongest.

Well, it's not like I can do much until my quirk awakens and the old man trains me into oblivion, however I can still try and give myself a head start, such as chasing Shoto round the compound or the garden almost like we were playing tag. But doing so was painful... in the sense that I often tripped over my own feet, and in the figurative sense of progress was dreadful. 'I miss being an adult' I sighed internally. Although I must admit, the screams of joy I would get from my twin when he caught me, were more than enough to make up for all the other shame I had to bear as a child incapable of doing things for himself.

Unfortunately, as the day's passed I grew to hate Endeavour more and more. The rigorous training he put his kids through was horrific, but his screams of anger, among other forms of punishment, was gut wrenching. I would often hear Toya crying in his rooms when training was over, and all I could do was knock lightly on the door and ask in my childish voice "what's the matter?". Of course, I always knew. Yet every time I asked, he would just smile, give me a hug and send me on my way to play with Shoto.

Every day in that house is utterly heart breaking.