
MHA: Telekinesis

While a young man was having a heated debate on how to become omnipotent with telekinesis a message suddenly appeared in front of his screen. /Welcome to the Omniversal Race to Omnipotence/ And suddenly a beam of light struck the planet killing everything on it. AN: Just a very advance warning, if you can't handle the first 5 chapters, you might as well drop it and not waste your time, I'm not joking, you're literal specks of dust compared to the amount of readers I have accumulated so one, ten, or even a hundred readers who have drop this novel doesn't really matter, I'm not wasting your time so if you don't like it, then drop it. Now on to the advance warnings, first five plus chapters have something that borders the line between legal and illegal so yeah, read at your own discretion, but it does stop at beyond 10 chapters or so so if you can stomach it, then might as well read pass the horrors I made. (Started in December 4, 2021 - 9th day of writing) (2nd novel) (Reach 1k collections in February 14, 2022 - Valentines Day, nice | 82nd day of writing)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Ch 31 - Surprise

"Wo Oh, were in school already" said by Jinwoo as he look at Heiran and Hansoo with an 'oh no' face.

"Stop scaring them, you've been doing that for the past 5 minutes or so" said by Jinho as look at Hansoo and Heiran.

"Don't worry, its going to be fine" said by Jinho as he reassured the both of them.

"Haha, sorry. And yeah, its going to be fine" said by Jinwoo as he dragged them both to school.

"So, were is Mr. Shadow Monarch anyway" said by Hansoo as he look at the map on the wall besides them.

"I don't know, lets just go to class and wait for him to arrive" said by Jinwoo as they all nodded and went to Class 1 A.

(After some time)

The whole class now knows the situation and Heiran seem to have become friends with everybody here with her very cheerful and friendly attitude while Hansoo just stayed with Jinwoo and Jinho as they became quite close friends.

"Dont worry, I'll say it together with you to teacher when he arrives" said by Jinwoo as he reassured Hansoo as they waited patiently.

And as the same time the bell rang, shadows gathered in front of the class as it became a person.

"Sir" said by Jinwoo as he raise his hand, calling SM.

"What is it Jinwoo" said by SM.

"As you may know, some students were not able to arrive yesterday due to some unfortunate circumstances. They wish to talk to you and see when they could do the test themselves" said by Jinwoo as SM nodded in understanding.

"Ohhh, okay then. May the students who werent here introduce yourselves and we can just do the test at Friday" said by SM as Jinwoo nodded and sit down.

"Just say your name, hobbies and quirk" whispered by Jinwoo to both Hansoo and Heiran as Hansoo nodded.

Hansoo went first as he stand up and started to speak.

"My name is Kang Hansoo, my hobbies are (normal hobbies a normal person have), and my quirk is that it allows me to progress quite fast in any skill I learn" said by Hansoo as he showed them him spinning a pen as he got better and better at a rapid pace.

"Good, now may the other student introduce themselves" said by SM as Heiran went to stand up.

"My name is Yoo Heiran, and my hobies are (hobbies a cheerful friendly girl will have). And my quirk allows me to multiply the attributes a person have by 5" said by Heiran as her hands glowed in a white light as she became stronger.

"Oh wow, you have the same type of quirk as Ae Karin. Well, good job students, you may just send me a message on why you were not able to attend yesterday. Now you may sit down Yoo Heiran" said by SM as Yoo Heiran and Hansoo nodded.

"Now that everyone is officially here, lets now start with a lesson about this topic..." said by SM as he went and started the lecture.

"And that is it" said by SM as after some rueful hours the lecture finally finish as the bell was heard and the students cheered.

"You may have your lunch" said by SM as they all prepared to leave.

But then one student raise their hands.

"What is it student Kim Gongja" said by SM.

"Will we have some activities that we need to do for today" ask by Kim Gonja, he appears like a very average Korean teenage male, with pale skin, jet black hair, a very average face, he appears like a person you would forget.

"Oh great question Kim Gonja" said by SM as all the students suddenly felt dread.

"There is" said by SM as every student felt like they were about to die.

"None, so have a great lunch and come back here after an hour" said by SM as all the students cheered.

"Thank you teacher!" said by the students as they cheered and high five each other.

SM chuckled for a bit as he was swallowed by the shadows and dissapeared from the class.

"Hey, I know a great place to eat at, its this place" said by Jinho to Jinwoo, Hansoo, and Heiran who became very close friends as he showed them a picture of a restaurant.

"My treat of course" said by Jinho.

"Of course I will come" said by Jinwoo instantly.

"Me too" said by Hansoo

"Sure" said by Heiran as they all went there and ordered some food as they happily ate with each other as they made some small talks.

(A week later)

The gang could be seen walking together to school as they just reach Jinah's school.

"Goodluck with your studies Jinah!" said by Heiran.

"Yeah, study hard!" said by Hansoo.

"Don't slack off so you can be cool like your oppa here" said by Jinwoo smugly.

"Haha, I will!" chuckled by Jinah as she got closer to them in the past week as they said their goodbyes to each other.

So they waver their hands to Jinah as they continued walking to school.

'Hmm, this past week has been quite calm. No more wild encounters or random events, even Haeran seem to become less annoying than she use to' thought by Jinwoo as he thought of the past week that was quite peaceful.

'Its very normal, like a normal week in a superhero highschool' thought by Jinwoo as he remembered how 'exhausted' he was when they did some more physical activities in Wednesday.

They continued to talk to each other as they finally reach Seoul High and entered Class 1 A.

They went and sat down as they went to talk more to each other until it was the start of classes.

And then, the resounding ring appeared once more throughout school as the shadows started to gather again in front of the class as SM appeared.

"Okay students, today we are going to-" but before he was about to start their lesson, a white light suddenly covered the whole room as Jinwoo was even surprise as he activated his quirk and prepared for a fight.

But as the light subsided, he suddenly saw that he was in a drastically different place from before.

He appeared in a throne room as he was surrounded by knights, with a magic circle below him as a beautiful blond haired girl with kingdom toppling beauty went and neared him as she said.

'Wh- where am I?' thought by Jinwoo as his body started to get stronger as he willed his quirk to modify his body.

"Hello there Hero! My name is Anastasia and you might be confuse right now but we summoned you here to the world of Fantasia to help us slay the Demon King who plans to conquer the whole world!" said by the girl as Jinwoo was shock beyond imagination at what just happened to him.

AN: Surprise mother fuckers!! Were in fucking Fantasia baby, fuck MHA were going to an "original" world with an "original" plot if you know what I mean.

And holy fuck was this chapter harder to write, trying to somehow find a way to incorporate this to the MHA verse while still working with the secret 'plot' that is happening on the background was hard as fuck.

And check out my other novel NoNameDeity's Shitpost. You guys are actually missing out on a lot of content like my one shot God King of Bussy's Genesis in Ch 54.