
MHA: Telekinesis

While a young man was having a heated debate on how to become omnipotent with telekinesis a message suddenly appeared in front of his screen. /Welcome to the Omniversal Race to Omnipotence/ And suddenly a beam of light struck the planet killing everything on it. AN: Just a very advance warning, if you can't handle the first 5 chapters, you might as well drop it and not waste your time, I'm not joking, you're literal specks of dust compared to the amount of readers I have accumulated so one, ten, or even a hundred readers who have drop this novel doesn't really matter, I'm not wasting your time so if you don't like it, then drop it. Now on to the advance warnings, first five plus chapters have something that borders the line between legal and illegal so yeah, read at your own discretion, but it does stop at beyond 10 chapters or so so if you can stomach it, then might as well read pass the horrors I made. (Started in December 4, 2021 - 9th day of writing) (2nd novel) (Reach 1k collections in February 14, 2022 - Valentines Day, nice | 82nd day of writing)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Ch 29 - Heroic Past

As Kang Hansoo entered his home, he felt a stuffy feeling in his chest as he saw the interior of his home.

And as he saw his mother, he felt the stuffy feeling in his chest explode as he felt like crying at the sheer raw emotions he felt.

'T- this is real. I am truly... finally... home' thought by Hansoo as he fought off the masculine urge to cry.

'To think I was able to actually escape the acursed world of Fantasia, that is truly a miracle' thought by Hansoo as he reminiscence his time in Fantasia.

He was just doing the normal stuff, dreading the start of school and the oncoming stress that it will bring.

Then he woke up late and saw that class was about to start so he panic and hastily eat, took a shower and rush out of the house.

But then as he went and started to run to the school, a pillar of white light suddenly appeared above him as his whole body was covered by the white light.

And as the while light receded, he saw that he was in a drastically different place from before.

He appeared in a medieval room that appears to be a king's throne room as he was surrounded by medieval looking knights wearing armor.

He appeared to be above a summoning circle with weird runes in a circular manner with a very beautiful girl with kingdom toppling beauty in front of him.

He still remembered on how naive he was from before as he got infatuated by her so easily.

Then he remembered the girl saying this wretched words.

"Hello there hero! Welcome to the land of Fantasia, my name is Anastasia and we need your help to defeat the Demon King who plans to conquer the whole world!" said by Anastasia as he almost puke in disgust at how stupid he was and unconditionally accepted that.

Then the king told him to open the system and he still remembered how confuse he was and how he got so mesmerize and thought that he was the protagonist of that world.

'Sigh, I still remembered on how I thought that I was the protagonist of that world, its so stupid' thought by Hansoo as he remembered how his status looked like.

[Race: Human]

[Class: Hero]

[Level: 10]

[Quirk: Faster Improvement (Legendary)]

[Skills: Strength(D) Endurance(D) Agility(D) ...]

[Class: Hero - allows the class holder to earn 5 times more exp than normal. Allows the class holder to see the status of any other being without restriction]

[Quirk: Faster Improvement (Legendary) - allows the quirk holder to improve 5x as fast in any skill]

Everyone in the room was shock at his potential and Hansoo thought he really was the protagonist at that point.

But then came the downfall, he was subjected to torment and was excuse as training. Nobody helped him on how to progress and he was all alone.

His companions were trash and kept making problems for him, like the elf bitch that is racist and bring unnecessary conflict to him, or the useless Anastasia who doesn't help at all, or the pervert Arch mage who is always useless against females, or the sword princess who is always violent, and arghh he just can't take a break.

So as they were useless any way, he found a way to make them useful.

Once they reach the Demon King's castle, he killed all of them and reach level 1000+.

He rush to the Demon King as they fought a fierce battle and he won.

He thought that if he defeated the Demon King, he will return back to Earth, he thought it was simple math.

But nope, after he defeated him, there was no fireworks and such and then he will have to part ways with his companions in a tear jerking goodbye as he go back home.

But no, once the world learned that the Demon King was gone, they deemed him dangerous and a threat and once they learned he killed his companions, they found a reason to call him evil and subjugate him.

So with him being the most wanted man on Fantasia, he did the most logical step, to become the Demon King!

He went and took over the Demon King's army and became throned as the Demon King.

He started power leveling and reach the five thousands plus levels and made many skills reach max level and some even transcendence while researching ways to return back to Earth for many decades inside Fantasia.

And finally he found it, the way to go back to Earth. With a forbidden sacrificial magic that involves sacrificing ten billion lives.

And there was a race called Humans who are coincidentally amounted to 10 billion.

So with righteous fury, he went to the human continent and with a single wave of his arm, a large wave of magical energy went to raze the land of the human continent.

But then it was suddenly put to a stop as a man with blond hair and heroic appearance appeared.

"Fallen Hero Kang Hansoo! Your evil ways will be put to a stop by me, the new Hero of this world!" shouted in rage by the person as he look at the ocean of blood that formed from the countless dead bodies he saw.

And then beside him appeared a group of women that seems to be his harem as they gave buffs to the man, making him stronger.

"Die" said by Hansoo as the hero and his harem grasp their chest as they felt something and then suddenly died.

He went and continued to raze the whole human continent as he fought other heroes but finally killed all humans and even all elf supremacist as a red magic circle appeared in his hand as the ocean of blood and dead bodies is gathering at the magic circle who flew to the sky.

He felt his power draining at a rapid point as the ocean of blood started getting suck into a tear in space as his power went to become weaker more and more until the tear became just big enough for him to go through it.

And then he met Jinwoo, confirmed that it work and met Heiran and then went home.

"I'm home" said by Hansoo with a smile.

"Oh, welcome home honey" said by his mother as he smiled with joy.

And so he went and spend time with his mom and later his dad who arrive home late as he joyfully ate dinner with them.

"Fwooh, I cant believe I get to see my room again. Its been so long-" but as he was talking, the whole world suddenly came to a standstill.

Then a menacing figure appeared beside Hansoo wearing a jet black skin tight suit that shows the person's very defined muscles.

The person then went to touch Hansoo's head as a strand of gooey ethereal blob of slime started to come out of Hansoo's head and the person dissapeared as time resumed once more.

"That I saw this room, its really nostalgic" said by Hansoo as he went and threw away his magically new school uniform and sat on his bed and wave on the air.

[Race: Human]

[Class: None]

[Level: 10]

[Quirk: Faster Improvement (Mythical)]

[Skills: Strength(E) Endurance(E) Agility(E) Magic(E) Control(D) ...]

[Quirk: Faster Improvement (Mythical) - allows the quirk holder to improve 10x as fast in any skill and have an easier time to learn skills]

"Sigh, I can't believe it, the system is still here. I thought it originated from Fantasia but it seems not, but I really got nerf big time. Even my race reverted back to human. I really need some mind protection skills right now, especailly because of this big secret, maybe I should do it tomorrow" muttered by Hansoo as he went and lied down on the bed to sleep.

But in the middle of the night, as Hansoo was finally peacefully sleeping, a subtle force went to affect his brain that also dissapeared the instance it appeared.

AN: Nani!?!? 2 systemu useru!?!? Why are the systems the same!?!? Who was the mysterious person who appeared!?!? Coincidence, I think not!?!?!

Also remade the system so no Name or Titles

New Novel: Traversing the Infinite Realities