
Chapter 8

The whole group then went on to play musical chairs and many other games children would play. After thirty minutes of constant moving around the group finally stopped and took a break.

While Danny was on a break many kids tried to talk to him but unluckily for them Danny already switched back with Charles, who was annoyed at the current situation.

Charles then went to the corner of the room and sat down, finally taking a break. After a short while the dark skinned boy walked near him and said "Can I sit".

Charles looked at the boy and asked "you can speak English. At least one can, go ahead".

The boy nodded and pulled out a chair before sitting down. "So how come you're here" the dark skinned boy asked.

Charles looked at him for a second before answering. "To make sure I'm okay. At least thats the reason they gave".

"Same here. Where did you come from?" the boy asked.

"Canada, you?"

"America, but I came here a couple of years ago"

"What's you're name?" Charles asked.

"Zack" responded the boy.

"Nice to meet you" Charles said with a straight face as he put out his hand.

Zack smiled and shook it.

They then went on to talk for a couple more minutes before the individual counselling started.

Mrs. Sakura was of course partnered with Charles as she was the only therapist who spoke English.

Charles then said goodbye to his new acquaintance and followed Sakura to another room.

Entering the room, Sakura motioned for to Charles to sit on the couch. Sitting down Charles and Danny switched once again.

"Now then Charles, I heard about what happened, and before we start I wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. I know it cant be easy adjusting to everything that happened" Sakura said.

"Its fine, Mrs. The hero that helped me, Blaze, told me that they were in a better place. I'm sad that they're gone now, but I know that they're still with me, here" Charles said as he pointed to his heart with a sad smile.

"Yes they are. They'll be with you and watching over you, your whole life" she said with a small smile.

[I really hope not, or we'd have to kill them again] Tony said.

[haha, you're a fucking idiot] said Charles after laughing at Tony's stupidity.

Sakura then started talking to him about he feels and how he feels about his grandfather.

"I like him. It was hard at first because I didn't know what he would be like but after a couple of hours I started to like him. He was really nice" Danny exclaimed.

Sakura smiled and asked what he did to make him think Sasuke was nice.

"He treated me good and bought me delicious food" Danny explained.

'He seems okay so far. In the file it said that his parents likely abused him. Should I ask, no, not yet. its too soon for that. He was probably subconsciously afraid of his grandfather because he thought he wouldn't treat him well. Not the first case of this, so I'll wait and see how he will act' Sakura thought as she assessed Danny.

"That's good Charles. Have you gotten to know any of the other children in the class" Asked Sakura.

"Hmm it was hard cause many of the others couldn't speak English but I did get to know Zack a bit" Danny explained.

"Zack, huh. Its good you're making friends Charles"

'Zack is quite troublesome. I just hope Charles doesn't get mixed up in Zack's fights' Sakura thought as she remembered Zack fighting the other kids and beating them into a bloody pulp.

"Now then. You wanna play a little game. I'll show you images and you tell me what you see" She said making Danny nod.

She then went on to show a bunch of black and white pictures.

"What do you see here" Sakura asked.



Sakura noticed that Danny's answers weren't at all normal for those who had abusive parents. Finally after thinking it over once more, she decided to finally ask the question.

"Lets stop with this for now" Sakura said before asking the big question.

"I heard that your parents abused you. Is that true"

"Yes" Danny responded as he put his head down.

"How did you feel when they did that"

"sad, but they always apologized"

"Is that true"

"Yes. Mom and dad always said sorry"

"Did you hate them for it"


"You don't have to lie. It's okay to hate them"

[She's being to pushy, switch with me so I can kill her] Charles said in Danny's head.

[Let me crush her skull] Tony jumped in.

Danny didn't want her to die so he teared up and looked her in the eyes.

"*Sniff* I * sniff* NEVER HATED THEM. I loved Mom and Dad *Sniff*" Danny cried out.

'how could I be so insensitive. I forgot I was talking to a small child not a teenager.' Sakura thought.

"I-I'm sorry Charles. I- I really am".


Sakura saw that Danny was still crying and felt terrible. 'I'm so stupid' She thought as she got up from her seat and walked to Danny and gave him a hug.

"I'm really sorry Charles. Please forgive me" She said as she affectionately rubbed his back .

"*Sniff* Its okay" Danny said as he gently pushed away Sakura and wiped his nose with some tissues on the counter.

They then spent the rest of the time together talking about things they liked. Eventually time ran out and it was time for Danny to go home.

"Bye, Mrs." Danny waved at her as he walked out of the room and walked to his grandfather who was by the door.

After reaching Sasuke, they left the room and walked out of the building.

"How was it" Sasuke asked.

"Not bad. We just played games most of the day" Danny said.

"Hmm, Sounds fun. Wanna get something to eat"

"Yeah" Danny said with some excitement in his voice.

"Switch" Danny whispered under his breath.

[okay] Charles said.

[Not fair] Tony whined.

The two then went to eat dinner before going home.


AN: As you can see Danny is great at acting. He was able to cry in an instant which is quite scary. Sakura did find it suspicious that Charles was acting fine but she quickly let it go after Danny cried out that he loved them and they always apologized.

This made it seem like his parents were sort of bipolar.

Also A new character was introduced, Zack. He will have an important role in the future.

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