
MHA: String Demon

- A boy born in a superhuman world full of heroes, who civilians idolize. Great right, NO! Nothing is always as it seems and isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Especially for Charles, a boy who's been raised in a terrible environment. With Drug addicted, and Alcoholic parents who abuse him, and in an area where crime rate is at its high, will all these problems lead Charles down the path of a hero,  Villain or something entirely different. Name: Charles Sato Blood type: O Favorite things: Food, Toys, and Freedom Dislikes: Parents, Heroes, Drugs and Alcoholics Quirk: Strings - Able to generate strings from his finger tips, or wrists. Quirk Potential: C --------------------------------------------------- Pic is from google and I own nothing but the OC's.

Legend27 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

chapter 6

Charles' eye lids slowly opened and he was suddenly blinded by the sunlight.

"Finally up huh. If you were still been asleep five minutes from now, I would've had to wake you up. Come on get ready, we have a flight to catch" Sasuke, his grandfather, said with a smile on his face.

Charles got up with a grunt as he rubbed his eyes.

He then looked around the room and saw that the his luggage with all his clothes in it was already by the door.

"When do we leave" Charles asked.

"In twenty minutes. We have enough time to get something in our stomachs" his grandfather said.

Charles nodded and went to the his suit case to take out new clothes to wear.

After a couple of seconds of rummaging through his suit case he took out some sweat pants and a black worn out hoodie. After changing into his clothes the two decided it was a good time to check out of the hotel and get to the airport early to eat something.

About ten minutes later they were already at the airport, and waiting in line for a slice of pizza. Seconds later it was their turn to order.

Charles got a regular peperoni pizza while Sasuke got a plain cheese pizza.

Sasuke looked at his watch and cursed. "Shit, lets go kiddo. We have six minutes until we get called. Lets eat while we walk".

"Sure" Charles said as he followed Sasuke while eating his peperoni slice.

After walking for a couple of minutes they finally arrived at their destination. Luckily for them they were just in time, not only that but they finished their slice as soon as they got there.

They gave them their tickets and boarded the plane. What followed next was a tiring twelve hour flight.


After the twelve hour flight, they finally arrived in Japan, more specifically Tokyo.

Getting off the plane Sasuke grabbed Charles' hand, which instinctively made him flinch. This however only lasted a fraction of a second, but in that time period Sasuke noticed what happened.

He put on a sad smile before letting go of his hand and putting it on his head before rubbing it.

"Lets go unpack at my apartment then eat something good. After all, japan has way better food than where you're from" Sasuke said.

They then walked to where the luggage's where being picked up.

After picking up their luggage, they walked out of the airport and got a cab to Sasuke's apartment. Arriving at the apartment, Sasuke showed Charles to his room.

They then unpacked all the clothes and only kept the clothes in decent condition, throwing out all the torn ones.

After putting all the clothes away they walked to downtown Tokyo. Charles was amazed at the scenery.

'Wow, amazing' Charles thought as he looked at the colorful buildings.

Sasuke saw the face Charles was making and laughed.

"hahahah, even you can make a face like that huh brat" he said as he ruffled Charles' hair.

"Hmm, you really need a haircut. Yup that's it, before we go eat you need new clothes and a haircut" Sasuke said as he picked up Charles and put him on his back.

Charles really didn't want to do the piggy back ride but after a minute of convincing Charles gave in. The two then went to an H&M and bought some clothes for Charles.

Nothing too fancy, just some jeans, shirts, sweaters and a pair of shoes.

Walking out of the clothing store Charles felt, uncomfortable. The clothes he always wore, were either baggy, or didn't fit too well. These however fit perfectly, and were comfortable to move in.

Sasuke saw that Charles was happy with the new clothes and that brought a smile to his face.

"Now, lets get your hair cut" he said as he dragged Charles to a nearby hair salon.

After an uncomfortable hour of trying to fix Charles' hair, they finally finished.

"Wow, you clean up nice kid" Sasuke complimented.

Charles looked at himself in the mirror and thought 'Why did I need to do this. I just want food'.

[We're looking good] Tony said.

[We look really cute] Danny exclaimed.

"Now then shall we finally eat" Sasuke said making Charles say the fastest 'yes' he's ever heard.

Sasuke chuckled and said "looks like your ready to stuff your stomach. I cant keep you waiting, onwards we go".

he then picked Charles up and ran out of the store after paying for the haircut with Charles on his back.

They then walked back to where Sasuke's apartment was and just before they reached it they turned into an alleyway and walked up to a small shop that was serving ramen to another elderly.

"Sasuke, its been a while" the man cooking the ramen said stopping what he was doing and waving to him.

Sasuke and Charles sat down beside the other customer before they said anything.

"Ohh Sasuke who's this lad?" the other customer asked.

"Haha, this young man is my grandson. He'll be living with me from now on" Sasuke said.

"Hello, I'm Charles" Charles said as he introduced himself.

"Names Teuchi, kid. Prepare to have the best ramen of your life" Teuchi the shop owner said as he put the other elderly mans freshly made ramen in front of him.

"Names Hayato" the elderly man said before quickly taking a bite out of the food in front of him.

"HMmmmm, as good as ever Teuchi" Hayato said as he took another bite.

"hahaha, now then what would you guys like" Teuchi asked.

"Hmm, you okay with what I pick" Sasuke asked Charles.

"Yeah" Charles answered.

"The regular, give me two Tonkotsu ramens.

"Coming right up" Teuchi said as he started working on the orders.

After a couple of minutes both Charles and Sasuke were digging in with out saying a word. When they were both done they let out a sigh and patted their stomachs.

Seeing them do this Teuchi and Hayato laughed.

"Like grandfather like grandson" Teuchi said as he leaned forward and patted Charles' head.

They then went on to talk for a bit longer before Charles and his grandfather left.


Getting home Charles was told to shower first. After showering he changed into his 'pajamas', which was normally a baggy shirt and shorts. He then laid in his bed and thought about the day.

All of a sudden his grandfather walked into the room and closed the lights before tucking him in and sitting by his side.

"I know it must have been hard for you buddy. Trust me when I say you'll be safe here, and I wont ever hurt you. Have a good night" Sasuke said as he leaned forward and kissed Charles' forehead before walking out of the room and walking into his.

After he was gone a shocked Charles touched his forehead and let out a small smile.

[I like him more and more] Tony said.

[Is this what 'parents' are] Danny asked.

"Who knows, but at least he feeds us" Charles said as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


AN: Charles is slowly starting to like Sasuke.

- Next chapter will introduce two important characters so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading !

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