
MHA: String Demon

- A boy born in a superhuman world full of heroes, who civilians idolize. Great right, NO! Nothing is always as it seems and isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Especially for Charles, a boy who's been raised in a terrible environment. With Drug addicted, and Alcoholic parents who abuse him, and in an area where crime rate is at its high, will all these problems lead Charles down the path of a hero,  Villain or something entirely different. Name: Charles Sato Blood type: O Favorite things: Food, Toys, and Freedom Dislikes: Parents, Heroes, Drugs and Alcoholics Quirk: Strings - Able to generate strings from his finger tips, or wrists. Quirk Potential: C --------------------------------------------------- Pic is from google and I own nothing but the OC's.

Legend27 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

chapter 14

The next morning, Charles got up from his bed in a good mood. Why wouldn't he? He and the rest of his friends finally made their debut by taking over a small local gang.

He opened the blinds and let the sunlight shine through the window. He took a deep breath and stayed in the same position basking in the sunlight.

"We're one step closer" Charles said as he looked towards the sky through the window.

Charles then walked away from the window and started getting dressed for school. After getting dressed he went to the washroom to brush his teeth.

Finishing up with that, he said goodbye to his grandfather and walked to school.

[Charles, when are we gonna start recruiting others into the gang. We need to talk to the others and start getting reliable members] Danny explained as Charles was walking.

[We need strong members, not numbers. As we saw four strong people took down a small gang. Ten very strong people or those with better potential is better than forty weak men] Tony said giving his thoughts on the matter.

'Yeah but right now the more members we get, the faster we could distribute the drug. Not only that but the more people we have on our side, the faster we could branch out into different areas' Charles stated as he walked through the school gate.

After entering the school he walked to his class.

Finding his seat, Charles sat down and went on his phone. Looking through it, he saw that he had a message from Zack.

{Yo, Aizen wont be going to school today. Lets just say he doesn't feel too good. I called Mikasa but she wont answer. Can you do me a favor and check up on her. I'm with Aizen right now} Messaged Zack.

{I should've known this would happen. Sure I'll check up on her soon. We have a presentation before lunch so I can skip it. Give me an hour or so} Charles messaged back.

"Hey Charles"

Charles heard a voice which made him put down his phone and look up.

"What's up Shinso" Charles said with a smile.

"Nothing much. You excited for todays presentation. Apparently the school managed to bring in some heroes for it" Shinso said as he put his bag down and sat in his seat.

"Yeah seems pretty cool" Charles said.

'I could care less though' Charles thought as Shinso went on to talk about what heroes could show up.

'How should we recruit him. We could go about it by saying we're heroes but that'll be unbelievable. Maybe we could find someone to fuck with his head and that's when we could swoop him up and bring him into the gang' shared Charles to the other two in his head.

[That's heartless Charles. He sees you as a friend. We cant just have him join without him wanting to] Danny tried reasoning.

"Anyways, w-" Before Shinso could finish the bell rang.

The teacher then walked into the class and started his lecture.

Time passed by quickly and it was already time for the presentation. 'Finally' Charles thought as he raised his hand.

"Yes Sato-kun" Charles' teacher asked.

"Can I go to the washroom. I'll meet you guys down at the gymnasium"

"Hmmm, okay but make sure you get there as fast as you can"

"Thanks sir"

Charles then quickly rushed out of the classroom and went into the washroom. He then opened the window and used his strings to get onto the roof of the school.

He looked to which way Mikasa's home was and leaped off the roof.


Charles then started swinging from building to building, house to house, and lamp post to lamp post.

After a few minutes of swinging Charles finally arrived at her apartment complex.

"Jeez, who would've thought heroes would yell at you for simply swinging around" Charles said in annoyment.

He walked up to her apartment door and knocked on it.

"Hello, Mikasa. Open up its Charles"

After knocking a couple more times no answer came. 'She was fine yesterday. Who knew it would be this bad' Charles thought.

[Of course she didn't react yesterday. It was the adrenaline. You cant possibly think a normal person could kill without some sort of backlash] Danny said.

'Hey I'm pretty normal and I'm fine with it' Charles exclaimed.

[No your not. You have two other personalities in your head. That's not normal] Tony said.

'Shut up. Anyways lets get this door opened'

Charles then used his strings to pick the lock. After a couple of seconds he heard a click and opened the door.

Walking through the apartment he couldn't help but feel angry. 'Her moms still the same, whoring around' Charles thought as he looked around to see no sign of a guardian.

He walked further down and arrived in front of Mikasa's room door.

*knock* *knock*

"Mikasa I'm coming in" Charles said as he opened the door and walked into her room.

Ashe walked in he saw that Mikasa was in her bed with her sheets covering her head. Sighing he walked towards her and sat on the bed.

"You up Mikasa"


Charles sighed one more time before pulling the blanket off her head. "Listen Mikasa, I know yesterday wasn't something someone could just do and not have some sort of backlash" Charles said before taking in a deep breath.

He then smiled and patted her head. "I know it was hard for you, and I want you to know that the guilt your feeling will pass by quickly after knowing you did something good".

Mikasa got up with tears in her eyes and screamed "How, I killed people Charles. I thought I- I was ready, but experiencing it was something else. I didn't realize what I was doing and I only came to realize that I took a life when I came home. Charles, I-I took someone's life. I took someone's son, dad, uncle" At this point Mikasa started crying even harder.

Watching this scene Charles' heart broke and did the only thing he could do. He pulled her into a hug and ran his hand down her hair.

"Let it out. I know it's a hard thing, but the people we killed weren't innocent. They raped, killed, stole and did many more horrendous things. I promise that we will never kill any innocent person. I promise that when we rule the world, there wont be a need to kill anymore lives" Charles said as Mikasa was in his arms sobbing.

After finishing what he had to say, the two stayed in the same position for a couple more minutes before they separated.

"T-*Sob* - Thanks for coming to check up on me" Mikasa said as she wiped her eyes.

Charles patted her head and said "Any time. But why didn't you message any of us. You know you're not the only one who going through this right. Aizen's been going through this too. If you contacted me sooner I would've ran here as soon as I saw the message" Charles explained.

"I-I didn't want you guys too see me as weak. I'm the only girl in the group and I don't want to be seen as a hinderance or someone who cant do the job" Mikasa explained.

Charles sighed before flicking her forehead. "Don't be stupid. None of us see you like that. If anything the three of us think you're an essential part of this group. You're strong, smart and overall someone we would never leave behind"

Mikasa hearing this smiled as she gave him one last hug. "Thanks for coming, now I need to washup, so go back to school will you".

Charles smiled as he leaned in and kissed Mikasa's forehead. He then got up and walked out of her apartment, and went back to school.


AN: As you guys saw this is the reason Mikasa reacted the way she did.

- This chapter we learned about Charles' ambition to rule the world. This is something that wont be easy so he'll have to work hard.

- I honestly ship Mikasa and Charles but Idk if they'll end up together. I'm just riding the wave!