
MHA; Spider-Man

In The World of My Hero Academia, Billions of dollars have been spent to create spiders with supernatural genes, and the genes of these spiders are supposed to be transmitted to humans if they release their venom in the human. The goal of this operation is to create an army of nine people who can rule the entire world, but there is one spider missing from the secret laboratory after the success of the operation... Kyouta is a young man born without abilities and lives in the city of crime, Saikono, living a normal life, but everything was about to change after he transferred to a new school... More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

soha_rou · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Two Spiders

The Crime City, Saikono, 10pm.

Darkness was covering the sky of that city, and the stars were shining quietly in the darkness of its sky. All that illuminated the neighborhoods of the city were the lighting poles, their light a buttery white that tended to be yellow and bright.

Few people walk the city streets this late, the reason is that most of the heroes have finished their surveillance patrols and are returning home.

There is only one hero agency in this city, and it works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For this reason, the work of the heroes who join that agency is divided into three sections. Each section of heroes works eight hours a day, and thus they can cover the entire day.

However, night is the scariest time in this city, and people usually cannot go out, unless there is a necessary reason for them to go out.

On top of one of the buildings in that city, there were two men on the edge of the roof of that building. One of them was sitting on that edge and looked young, with black hair and eyes of the same color, with white skin, and he was smiling. He looked like he was nineteen or twenty years old.

He was wearing a black Spider-Man suit, but his face and black hair were exposed and not covered, as he said with a smile;

"These people live in an atmosphere full of turmoil, why do they continue to live in this city? If I were them, I would choose a city where the Symbol of Peace All Might, or Endeavor, or one of the ten famous heroes lives. The people of this city are really stupid, aren't they, Ryu-chan?"

Unlike the black Spider-Man, the other man had a serious facial features, with black hair and red eyes. He looked like he was in his thirties, and he had some hairs on his chin, evidence that he had not shaved in about a week.

This man was serious, wearing a silver Spider-Man costume with slightly white stripes. He was standing and crossing his arms, and said in a serious tone;

"You have a lot of free time to think about these things. I still don't understand why they would include a kid like you in the Spider Gang. Having you with me makes me feel weak. They should have given me a stronger partner."

The boy moved his black eyes to look at that man and answered in a calm tone;

"It's true that we don't have any information about each other's abilities, but I'm sure of that I am the one who will protect you in case we get attacked by him. I think that among the eight spiders, I am the only one who has the opportunity to kill the ninth spider..."

That man remained calm for a few seconds, then said after the wind blew his black hair:

"You have a loose tongue for a kid who only got his ability 9 months ago. Speaking of which, we've been placing ourselves as prey on top of buildings for 16 days now, and he still hasn't attacked any of us. What's the Ninth Spider doing up until this moment..."

The boy raised his black eyes up and said while looking at the stars;

"You're right, sitting and waiting is really boring. I want to start destroying this country as soon as possible, and I want the ninth spider to attack me at any time. It doesn't matter what happens, even if I have to fight you too now, all I care about is fighting to escape this boredom... What do you think Ryu-chan? Do you want to fight me now to change the boring routine?"

The silver spider moved his eyes towards that boy, thinking;

'This bastard is crazy about fighting, he's like a time bomb. If nothing happens that interests him in the next few days, he will view me as a source of amusement and may even try to kill me. I hope the ninth spider comes to us before this happens, but this is a bigger problem for me. I feel as if I'm walking between two fires...'




The next day, UA Academy, Inside 1-A Classroom.

"Kyouta, that was your name right?" Kaminari.

"You have a great flexibility, what kind of training do you undergo?" Kirishima.

"What do you mean by training, Kirishima? It obviously has something to do with his ability." Mineta.

"His ability? This is impossible. His ability was like spider webs, but his physical structure is the result of many years of work. This is beyond doubt. It is clear that he spent his life refining his body. How manly!!" Kirishima.

"Take your seats guys, why are you crowding around Kyouta anyway? Give him some personal space." Iida.

Kyouta was surrounded by students in the class, not all the students, just those three, and Iida was telling them to stay away from him a little, but Kyouta looked at Iida and smiled at him, saying;

"No, no, I've never had a chance to speak to anyone so fluently before. It doesn't bother me at all."

Mineta looked at Kyouta and said in surprise;

"That's impossible! Someone like you must be popular among middle school girls, don't lie!"

Kyouta remained quiet for a few seconds, then he answered;

"I don't want to disappoint you, but it wasn't what you imagined. I discovered my ability in the third year of middle school, and I honed it for four months so that I wouldn't have problems in the entrance exam of this academy. As for my body structure, I don't mean to break your ambitions, Kirishima, but I think it's part of my ability."

Those three remained strangely silent for a few seconds. As Kyouta did not even understand the reason for their silence. Then, after those seconds, Kaminari smiled and said;

"Yes, you are a really interesting person. I like people who are humble and speak without pride about their ability. I am Kaminari, Denki Kaminari. It is nice to meet you."

"Same for us." Mineta&Kirishima.

Kirishima, Mineta, Kaminari and Kyouta all shared smiles, evidence of what was likely the beginning of a friendship, and before they could return to their seats, a person walked to the classroom and caught all the attention. Not Teacher Aizawa, not the Academy Director. But another person, the most respected person in the entire country and even outside the country. The strongest hero, the symbol of peace, the number 1 hero, All Might...


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