
MHA; Spider-Man

In The World of My Hero Academia, Billions of dollars have been spent to create spiders with supernatural genes, and the genes of these spiders are supposed to be transmitted to humans if they release their venom in the human. The goal of this operation is to create an army of nine people who can rule the entire world, but there is one spider missing from the secret laboratory after the success of the operation... Kyouta is a young man born without abilities and lives in the city of crime, Saikono, living a normal life, but everything was about to change after he transferred to a new school... More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

soha_rou · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The ninth

Kyouta's older brother entered his room carrying his phone in his hand and closed the door calmly, and after making sure that the situation was quiet and no one could hear him, he said when he put the phone to his ear;

[ Hello... ]

[ And why all this delay in answering? ]

[ I was making sure no one could hear me. ]

[ Always the same excuse, anyway, tomorrow we have the first official mission for the spiders team. ]

[ Official mission? ]

[ Do you have an objection? ]

[No, but I thought we would wait longer. ]

[ Wait longer? We are already exhausted by waiting, but since we lost the ninth spider, we no longer have time to wait. And although you know how much we are in a hurry, you were happy to take this precious day as a vacation. ]

[ I thought I told you that it was one of the most important days in my life. Don't involve my family and family affairs in this... You know this was my only condition before getting into all this chaos. ]

[ Okay okay, I understand. But you have to understand that our men are now spread throughout Japan. We have been searching for the heir to the Ninth Spider for three consecutive months, the selection process was difficult and involved thousands of people. And when we finally find the most suitable person to be the heir, the spider has disappeared. Now, about 4 full months have passed since the disappearance of the ninth spider. If someone had obtained the power of that spider, it would truly be a real obstacle for us. We have to find the spider as soon as possible, but if there is someone who has inherited its power already, then we will kill him immediately... ]

[ We'll kill him? Can't we just convince him to join us or something? The number of people who have received the power of spiders so far is eight people, including me. Why are you worried about one spider? ]

[ Asahi, the ninth spider... Is the strongest... ]

After hearing these words, the 24-year-old young man, Asahi, with dark brown hair and eyes of the same color, stood frozen in place.

It has now become clear that Asahi, who is actually Kyouta's older brother, is involved in something very big, and it becomes clear why he is so busy with work.

After a few seconds of silence, Asahi continued this conversation;

[ What does this mean exactly? I thought that each one of us had a different ability from the other, but you said that the eight spiders were equal in terms of strength. Why is there one stronger than the rest?! ]

[ Although it has been three years since you joined us, but Asahi, you are still as dull as usual. You know that this matter is outside the scope of my orders, I am only tasked with monitoring and training the eight of you. The Ninth Spider and his successor are completely outside my jurisdiction. In short, I am just a media face for the real organization. If I make one mistake, they will kick me out immediately. Here I mean they will kill me, after all, not you, not me, not the rest of the spiders. We all do not have the right to disobey orders or withdraw, and if they feel that there is an aura of rebellion emanating from us, they will assassinate us immediately. Asahi, don't think that you will be able to protect yourself with your current ability. You and the other seven spiders are completely helpless. The only one who is able to speak and expresses his thoughts in front of this organization is the ninth spider. It's a secret weapon that was specially developed to protect the organization from the other eight spiders... ]

[ Protects the organization from us?? You mean he will... ]

[ Yes, this is true. Originally, the ninth spider is a means of oppressing, restraining and killing you if you disobey orders. ]

[Hey, hey, boss. If the Ninth Spider poses a danger to us all, then why should we find him? Isn't this better for all of us? You're fine now as long as he's missing, right? ]

The leader remained silent for a few seconds and then said;

[ Asahi, the Ninth Spider was designed to assassinate you and the other spiders, and will not hesitate to do so. Meaning that the person who inherits the ninth spider will Instinctively search for you and kill all of you. That's why the organization wants to hurry up and find the ninth spider, because if they don't, they will lose all eight spiders... More precisely, Asahi, the ninth spider will come to kill you sooner or later, this is its instinct, that's why it exists in the first place... ]

Asahi remained in shock, unable to utter a single word, all because of the shocking information he had obtained. At that time, the leader added to his speech;

[ I didn't want to tell you this, but I can't hide it any longer. Asahi, please be safe, don't even think about fighting the ninth spider, just try to escape if he found you.

By the way, we still have plenty of time. You know that we can locate all of you, it's because you all have activated your powers. But the Ninth spider has not yet activated his ability, meaning we cannot track his signal, but this is a positive thing. Do you know why? ]

[ This means... The Ninth Spider Inheritance is still weak? ]

[ Exactly, before his instincts awaken, we must find him and kill him. This is tomorrow's mission, it's a survival game... By the way, you're meeting other spiders tomorrow for the first time, I want to tell you that there are signals coming out in your mind, I mean you spider-men can know each other. This means that if you happen to meet the ninth spider, you will recognize it immediately, and it will also recognize you, but this will not happen until the Ninth awakens his instincts.. Indeed, the Ninth's sense is much better than yours, because he will be able to determine your location from kilometers away...

It seems that some of the men who were searching for a trace of the ninth spider have returned, I will hang up now. ]

Immediately after the leader uttered these words, he hung up the call, leaving Asahi's mind in disarray.

So much information and puzzles, all of it was running through Asahi's mind, so much so that he sighed and fell on his back above his bed, saying in a quiet tone while looking at the ceiling;

"This has become like an assassination game, but I can't die now, Kyouta still needs me..."


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