
MHA : Sorcerer's Heroic Journey

In the midst of a cosmic convergence, the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Stephen Strange, finds himself torn from the Marvel universe and reborn in a world where superpowers, known as Quirks, define society. Unfamiliar with this new reality, Dr. Strange discovers that his mystical arts have taken on a unique form, a quirks of this world. As the Sorcerer Supreme endeavors to understand the nature of Quirks and their place in hero society, he forms unexpected alliances and faces formidable adversaries. The convergence of two worlds sparks a cosmic adventure, where the boundaries between magic and Quirks blur, revealing a destiny that transcends both realms. PS: The cover is not mine. All credit for the cover goes to their rightful owners.

Raiden_Ei · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 : Trials

Midway through the written test, the atmosphere inside the examination hall at U.A. High School was filled with the intensity of focused minds. The sounds of pencils on paper and the occasional murmur of contemplation reverberated through the room. 

A look of seriousness can be seen on everyone's faces except for one. This one exception is Kazuki Tanaka, who found himself navigating the questions that tested not only knowledge but the strategic minds of aspiring heroes.

As Kazuki delved into the questions, his knowledge and experience from his past life gave him an advantage and set him apart from his peers. Unlike his peers, each struggling and contemplating the questions in the written examination, Kazuki's pen moved across the paper with speed and precision, breezing through the questions. The questions, a blend of theoretical knowledge and scenarios demanding practical application of quirks, presented a unique set of challenges that echoed the unpredictability of hero work.

"Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock"

The ticking clock sound of the clock can be heard marking the passage of time, each second drawing the students closer to the practical test which is expected to be even more challenging than the written test that most of them are currently struggling in.

"Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock"

The sound of the clock continued reverberating in the room, giving some aspiring heroes more anxiety as they started to write faster because of the time limit.

"Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock"

The clock still continued ticking nonstop until suddenly-

"TIMES UP!" The amplified voice of Present Mic covered the room, catching some students off guard and some more to panic because of their unfinished test.

"Just pass your paper on your way out! Afterwards, you can go change and go to the bus that will bring you to your designated area written on your card!" Present Mic said cheerfully before trying once again to-

"CAN I GET A PLUS-ULTRA?!" He asked in a lively voice. However, it was for naught as like the last time, the aspiring heroes just stared at him before leaving their seats to pass their test.

"Good luck on your Practical Test Tanaka-san! It's a shame I got put in Area B..." Kazuki's seatmate said, wishing him luck with a cheerful voice before turning dejected after she noticed that they were not gonna be in the same area. 

"Good luck to you too Ashido-san..." Kazuki just gave her a few words before going to the front to hand in his test papers.

"It's a tough crowd, maybe try again next time." Kazuki jokingly said to the blonde examiner, giving him a cheeky grin before leaving the room to go to his designated area.

"Worry-" Present Mic tried to talk back however, he stopped himself as Kazuki had already left, not even waiting for him to speak. 'Oh, I'll get back at you... Maybe a full-power shout when he's asleep?' He thought.

A few minutes later, in Area A.

The transition from the written test to the practical challenges was seamless, as Doctor Strange and some of his fellow test-takers gathered in the designated area—a simulated cityscape within the expansive U.A. High School grounds. The vibrant hum of quirks and the anticipation of the unknown created an electric atmosphere.

He, along with his peers, would soon find themselves thrust into the practical test – an arena where quirks would clash with robots, strategies would be tested, and the essence of heroism would be revealed.

The practical test awaited, and Kazuki, with his experience and wisdom from his past life, stood on the precipice of the next phase in this hero's journey. The trials and triumphs of the entrance exam were far from over, and the true test of their willpower was about to unfold in the dynamic landscapes of U.A. High.

Suddenly, the metallic doors slid open as the practical test was unveiled, revealing a simulated cityscape fraught with chaos. Buildings and lifelike combat robots, with their red eyes gleaming, created an intricate setting that mirrored the unpredictable nature of hero work. The students, each with a budding Quirk and dreams of heroism, were about to face their second trial.

Kazuki, with his presence oozing off an air of confidence, immediately made a portal to the highest point in the area, entering it before immediately closing the portal.

"Huh. that's cheating! The examiner hasn't said go yet!" Someone from the crowd of aspiring heroes remarked as Kazuki entered the portal, leaving the starting area.

"He's surely gonna be disqualified!" Another agreed before suddenly seeing another one rushing in with boosters from his feet.

"HEY!" Another one exclaimed as the boy with boosters in his calf ran in.

'Fools...' The said boy, running quickly with boosters on his calm commented as he rushed in, kicking and destroying some combat robots along the way.

"What's everyone waiting for?! The test started when the door opened!" Present Mic's voice came out of the speaker after he noticed most of the crowd standing in the same location even after the door opened.

"What?!" Hearing the examiner's words, the crowd was shocked and in uproar before rushing in too. 

As the crown entered area A, a white-haired boy can be seen in one of the tall buildings, looking down, seeing a crowd of aspiring heroes rushing in, and trying to take down any robot that came into their view.

From his position, he can most of his peers. He could see a fast boy, destroying robots with each kick. Another one blasting robots with a laser coming from his belly. Then there is also a boy burning down robots with flames coming from his mouth and many more examinees doing their best.

However, none of them caught his eye. Instead, he looked at a green-haired boy, the same boy that was called out earlier was now nervously running around the streets trying to find robots.

'Hmmm... How should I proceed?' Kazuki asked himself after a few more minutes of observing. He finally contemplated what action would be the most suitable for his current predicament.

Standing above the simulated chaos of the practical test, Kazuki, activated his quirk, causing a wave of energy to flow in his veins. He raised his hands with deliberate grace. His fingers moved in intricate patterns. With each gesture, an extra arm appears out of him, and suddenly, identical clones burst out of his body. 

'Image of Ikkhon' Kazuki thought as he used his quirk to project 10 images of himself.

The images immediately left Kazuki alone, each creating a portal leading to the ground, each of them going to a different part of Area A.

'Now... Let's try to break some records.' Kazuki thought before creating a portal of his own leading to a large mob of robots ranging from 1-pointers to 3-pointers.

"Hello there tin cans." He said causing the robots' eyes to go red and rush to him. Doing some patterns with his hands, he concentrated the energy in his body to perform another attack.

"Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon" He said before suddenly, blue tendrils came out of the ground beneath the robots, grabbing them and pulling them down to the depths of Earth.

Kazuki smirked seeing this before suddenly sensing something from behind. Doing a circular pattern with his hands and concentrating the energy on his body, he created a small portal behind his head within seconds. The punch from a 3-pointer that was coming to him came through the portal and came out of another portal that led behind the said robot.

The resounding clang of metals colliding echoed through the air as the robot's punch hit itself, destroying itself with the punch. 

"Tin cans..." Kazuki commented with a smirk on his face before he focused on his energy once again. This time, creating a glowing orange sword. 'Sacred Sword of Vishanti' he thought as he conjured the sword before rushing to the robots coming in his way, completely obliterating them.

In the observation room.

"It seems we have a lot of promising students this year..." One of the spectators, Midnight, known as the R-rated hero commented as she watched many aspiring heroes go beyond their limits while fighting the combat robots.

"Indeed... From what I can see, Japan has a bright future ahead." Nezu agreed to her, also commenting on Japan's bright future in the hands of the aspiring heroes that they will be teaching.

However, as the chimera said this, everyone in the room stared at him. "Is that because of your little wizard? Or the rest of his peers?" A man with a mask on his face and a cowboy outfit asked.

"Naturally!" Nezu answered back cheerfully causing some of the people in the room to roll their eyes the their chimera principal.

"Well, he's not wrong... Kazuki is obliterating every robot that enters his sight within seconds..." A man in red, Vlad Kind, commented as he focused his attention on a white-haired boy breezing through the combat robots in the area.

"He's making it look too easy..." A block of cement, Cementoss, also commented as everyone started to focus their attention on the screen in front of Nezu that focuses on the white-haired sorcerer.

"I'm really curious about where you found him, Nezu." A man in a yellow sleeping bag, Eraserhead said.

"That will be a story for another time." Nezu answered back, sipping his tea before finally looking over the screen and noticing something. "It seems he's taking this test seriously..." He commented as he noticed that the boy they had been talking about was seen on more than one screen.

"So, you finally noticed his clones?" Eraser head asked Nezu.

"Yes... And from his current speed, I believe breaking the record is possible." Nezu answered before adding another comment about the boy.

 "Wait... Now that you mention it, I haven't been with Kazuki much so I never really got the chance to know him... But, what is his quirk? Earlier he created clones, then made the earth eat the robots, now he's slashing the robots with a sword he created out of thin air while his clones either release energy blasts, use a whip, create some weapons or crush the robots with those orange circles..." The R-rated hero asked as she looked at Nezu.

"Well... He has a rather complex quirk..." Nezu said before he paused to think and sip on his tea. "His quirk is called Mystique Arts. He has a different energy in his body that he can manipulate to make attacks, or as he calls it, spells." After sipping the tea, he continued speaking, shedding a bit of light on Kazuki's mysterious and complex quirk.

"He has a lot of potential. He's currently at 29 points and it has only been 3 minutes... He still has 12 minutes to get 150 points before breaking Endeavor's record..." The block of cement answered as he looked through the current standings. "The one following his is only at 14 points... Truly a big gap..." He added.

"And he spent the first 2 minutes just sitting in one of the buildings. What a monster..." Midnight said, licking her lips while watching the white-haired boy and his clones continue destroying every robot they came across.

"As I said... I believe he will be the next Symbol of Peace... Do you agree, All Might?" Nezu said, not even hiding his favouritism before asking the buff man in the back of the room who hadn't said a word.

All Might, the number one hero, the symbol of peace, a massive man with an equally muscular, well-defined physique and a big smile on his face was asked a question. However, he stayed silent for a few moments as a memory entered his mind.

'Do you want to inherit my quirk? Do you want to inherit One for All Young-' The thought entered the symbol of peace's mind before he immediately shook it off as a green-haired crybaby entered his mind.

"He certainly has a bigger chance among his peers!" He answered as his smile grew. However, his thoughts, or maybe his wishes were different. 'Your journey will truly be tough young Midoriya...'

For the next few minutes, the observers just continued chatting, talking about the white-haired sorcerer's magnificent performance in the practical. However, this stopped when other aspiring heroes started to get on their radar.

"Well, I guess Kazuki isn't the only diamond we found..." The cowboy hero commented as he observed a blonde boy blasting a mob of 3-pointers with a big blast of explosion.

"Agree..." Another observer with a mask and coat that covered his whole body agreed as a certain dark-blue-haired boy who was destroying robots with one kick caught his attention.

"We have a promising year ahead of us folks!" The principal commented with a smile on his face as the observers continued to look at other screens, noticing other aspiring heroes that got overshadowed by Kazuki's magnificent performance.

A few minutes later in area 1.

As Doctor Strange maneuvered through the simulated city, his summoned sword slashed all the robots he encountered. "This is too easy..." He commented as his sword sliced to robot like a hot knife slicing butter.

"Damn it..."

"He's taking down most of the robots."

"At this point, we won't have enough!"

Words were spoken as Kazuki continued to breeze through the robots. Now, his peers were complaining about his performance that's causing them trouble. However, Kazuki couldn't care less as he just continued. 

As he was about to slash another robot, a boy suddenly came from behind him and kicked the 1-pointer before Kazuki could slash it.

'Fast..' Kazuki thought to himself as he unexpectedly crossed paths with a dark-blue-haired boy he saw earlier, the future speedster of U.A. High School. 

"Don't steal my robots so-" Kazuki tried to talk to the boy, however, before he could finish his words, the boy immediately sped up and went to kick another robot. Seeing how he just got ignored, Kazuki just clicked his tongue and continued on his rampage.

'The robots are getting less and less... As I thought, there are only a limited number of robots in my area and I probably took out most of it... I might not even break the record because of the limited robots...' The white-haired sorcerer thought to himself as he looked around trying to find more robots. 

'If only I had my sensing-' Kazuki was about to think about his sensing prowess in his past life as the sorcerer supreme, however, his thought was cut short as he felt the ground shake, followed by a loud rumble that caught his attention.

'Is it the zero pointer?' He thought to himself before he focused his energy, doing circular gestures with his hands, creating a portal that led to the source of the recent events in the area. 

As Kazuki entered the portal, he got transported somewhere in area A, before he closed it and looked around. Amidst the simulated chaos of the practical test, a sudden anomaly disrupted the challenges. A figure, a giant robot, 100 times bigger than the 3-pointer materialized within the cityscape—its presence an enigma amid the clash of quirks and the resounding clang of metal.

Kazuki saw this and noticed almost everyone close to the 0-pointer running for their lives, abandoning all the robots they had been fighting before the appearance of the gigantic 0-pointer. However, as he saw everyone run away, he noticed 2 people that remained. A girl stuck in a pile of rubble and the same green-haired boy that had been called out earlier.

'Should I help them?' Kazuki thought to himself before rejecting the idea. 'Hmm... They should be fine... It's not like this will kill them.' He thought as he also started to walk away. 

However, unbeknownst to him, as the gigantic 0-pointer began to march near the stuck girl, it suddenly lifted its foot, preparing to crush the girl.

The observers, Kazuki, the girl, the green-haired boy, and a few of the examinees saw this and the same thought entered their minds.

'Tha-that's not supposed to happen... Right?'

Author's note: Hello Everyone! That's chapter 3, hope you like it! Anyways I need some help for the romance in this story. I have 3 options for everyone, Just vote below.

MC without romance(Strange loves Christine in every universe but doesn't end up with her in any universe)


I just ignore this "I love you in every universe" and ship him with one of his classmates