
MHA : Shattered Symbol

SLOW START, WILL TAKE SOME TIME BE BECOME OP. OP MC, SMART, QUIRKS NOT DECIDED YET. MULTIPLE QUIRKS. Disclaimer :- I don't own anything except the original fanfic arcs and characters that will be introduced by me later on and this picture is from the google so if it belongs to you mention your name to me. i will gladly give you credit.

Deserted_Shayar · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 4: CRUSHED

The news anchor leaned in closer, his eyes piercing and filled with determination as he turned to address the camera. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are honored to have with us today Hiroku Natsumu, the newly appointed Minister of Hero Law Enforcement. The biggest question today is, how can a hero society come to this point? 'Featuring a footage of a Courageous Quirk less BOY' Running into villain while all Heroes on site were not able to take any action in confusion!?, let us listen closely to Minister Natsumu's insights on this." He paused, emphasizing the importance of this discussion.


Hiroku Natsumu inclined his head slightly, the sharp lines of his face betraying no emotion. "Thank you for having me." His tone was clipped and professional, emanating an air of cold authority. "As I'm sure your viewers are aware, this recent incident might seem like a courageous act but we perceive it as a clear obstruction for heros' operation."


The anchor revealed a shocked expression. "You are saying that while there was no action from the heroes side at the scene, That boy's actions were still an obstacle."


Natsumu's eyebrows furrowed, his lips thinning into a disapproving line. "Yes, I am considering," he responded. "But let's not forget that this quirkless boy jumped into the villain with a hostage in hand while using his quirk to cause turmoil. There were a number of heroes on the scene," Natsumu continued, "and while it may seem like they couldn't handle the situation, they were able to limit the damage and keep things under control until further reinforcement arrived, following our protocol."

He stopped mid-sentence and locked his eyes onto the camera, his expression filled with stern accusation. His words came out in an urgent whisper, "But this boy's reckless actions not only endanger himself, they also give the villain more power and potential to cause harm. The worst-case scenario is innocent bystanders could also be put in danger."

His voice rose in anger as he spoke, his words dripping with frustration and disbelief. "Do people really think the heroes did nothing? They were working tirelessly to contain the situation and keep everyone safe! And look, it was all resolved peacefully thanks to our symbol of peace. That boy's actions were completely unnecessary." He spat out the last word, a clear condemnation of the misguided individual who had caused chaos and fear.


Anchor shifted on his chair, a subtle sign of discomfort evident in his body language. He spoke with a hint of curiosity, "We heard he's been applying to multiple hero schools and security agencies. It seems like he wants to join the ranks of heroes." He looked at the anchor, waiting for their response. "What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe non-credentialed individuals can still contribute positively to hero work?"


Natsumu's brows furrowed and his lips pursed into a thin line. "No," he declared firmly. "A lawful society stands on entrusting those with the right capabilities to handle such duties.Allowing just anyone to intervene would destroy the entire system."


He leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing. "Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if every citizen with a desire to 'help' began inserting themselves into dangerous situations or started dreaming of becoming a hero? It would be a recipe for disaster - innocent lives put at risk, heroes hampered in their duties, and the rule of law reduced to mere suggestion."


The anchor's face tightened, the corners of her mouth pulled down in a frown. She shifted in her chair, avoiding direct eye contact with her guest. "Let's delve into this further," she said, her voice laced with tension. "You seem to suggest that Izuku's actions were misguided and deserving of criticism."


Natsumu nodded, his expression stern. "Although I admire the young man's courage, we cannot overlook his disregard for protocol. True heroism requires discipline, training, and proven excellence - not impulsive grandstanding. Rest assured, we will take necessary action to prevent this from happening again. The safety of the public and integrity of our hero system must be protected at all costs."


The anchor nodded, sensing the interview was ending. "Thank you, Minister Natsumu, for your perspective on this complex issue." She turned to the camera with a grave expression. "And there you have it - a firm rebuke of Deku's actions from top hero law enforcement."


The camera cut away, leaving Izuku alone in the living room, the Minister's scathing words still ringing in his ears. He stared at the screen, a growing sense of dread and hopelessness swelling within him.


The swarms of media vultures descended upon the streets, their cameras and microphones thrusting towards the pro heroes who had been caught in the midst of the chaotic sludge villain incident.


Kamui Woods stood stoically, towering over the clamoring microphones shoved in his face. His voice was calm but serious as he spoke. "While I understand the noble intentions of the young hero, he needlessly endangered himself and those around him. True heroism involves careful planning, working together as a team, and prioritizing the safety of innocent lives at all times."


Mt. Lady, her figure barely contained by her skintight suit, rolled her eyes with a haughty laugh. "Amateur move. Kid's little stunt was laughable. He should thank his lucky stars he didn't end up six feet under or cause someone else's demise. But what can you expect from a wannabe? Being a pro hero is a game for the big shots."


Death Arms, with his hulking frame and bulging muscles, loomed over the reporters. "That little shit should consider himself lucky to still be breathing." His words dripped with venom and disrespect, fueled by pure rage towards those who dared to challenge their power.


With each biting rebuke, Izuku felt the weight of his failure pressing down upon him, crushing the last vestiges of hope he had clung to. The very people he had admired, the heroes he had dreamed of joining, were now condemning him in the harshest of way possible.


The words of All Might echoed in his head, "You can't be a hero." He had always known it, deep down. But Izuku refused to believe it. The dream of being a hero was all I had ever wanted, but now faced with reality, doubt crept in. Maybe All Might was right after all…


Meanwhile on another side of the town the door to Natsumu's office burst open, the towering figure of All Might striding in with a thunderous expression on his face.


The Minister, seated behind his desk, looked up with thinly veiled irritation.


"All Might. To what do I owe this... unexpected intrusion?" Natsumu's tone was clipped, his features etched in disapproval.


All Might did not bother with pleasantries his shoulders were tense and his jaw was clenched, his azure eyes blazing with righteous fury. "What is the meaning of this news!? Explain to me how you could let such slander be broadcasted on national television!"


Natsumu's brow arched slightly, an air of indifference settling over him. "Ah yes, the so-called 'Quirkless Boy' incident. I must say, I'm surprised you've taken such a personal interest in that reckless young man's misadventures."


All Might's massive frame bristled with barely contained outrage. "Reckless? Misadventures?" he thundered, his booming voice shook the room.


"That 'young man' as you so callously refer to him, is a budding hero with immense potential - potential that you have ruthlessly crush with your political games!"

Natsumu's eyes narrowed, his fingers steepling beneath his chin.


"Potential, you say? All I saw was an untrained, unauthorized civilian who brazenly disregarded the laws and protocols that keep our society functioning. Such wanton disregard for public safety cannot be tolerated, regardless of one's aspirations."


All Might's fist crashes down onto the desk with a deafening thud, sending shards of splintered wood flying in all directions. The veins in his neck bulge under the strain as he shouts, "That 'wanton disregard' you accuse me of was a selfless sacrifice to save the lives of innocent civilians - the purest embodiment of a true hero!" His voice shakes with fiery determination as he defends his actions without hesitation or remorse.


Natsumu's expression hardened, unperturbed by the Symbol of Peace's display of raw power. "And that, All Might, is precisely the problem. Heroism is not some romanticized notion of noble self-sacrifice. It is a duty, a responsibility, that must be earned through rigorous training and a proven track record of sound judgment."

He leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. "Young Midoriya has demonstrated neither the skills nor the discipline required of those who would don the mantle of hero. To celebrate his reckless actions would be to undermine the very foundations of our hero society."


All Might's lips curled into a menacing scowl, his massive frame looming over the Minister's desk. "You speak of foundations, of protocols and regulations. But tell me, Natsumu, when was the last time those very foundations bent to accommodate the dreams and aspirations of the next generation?"


Natsumu opened his mouth to respond, but All Might pressed on, his voice thundering with righteous indignation. "Izuku Midoriya may not fit your narrow definition of what a hero should be, but he possesses a spirit and determination that far surpasses the rigid constraints you seek to impose."


He leaned in, his towering presence casting an imposing shadow over the Minister. "And I will not stand idly by while you crush that spirit, that potential, simply because it does not conform to your vision of a 'proper' hero."


Natsumu's eyes widened slightly, the first flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "Are you... threatening me, All Might?" he activated his quirk Emotional Feedback Loop which allows him to manipulate the feedback loop between his own emotions and those around him, escalating or de-escalating emotional intensity to suit his needs.


All Might's expression changed a bit, his gaze wavered. "I am merely informing you, Minister, that I will use every resource at my disposal to ensure that young Izuku Midoriya is afforded the opportunity he deserves. Your condemnation of him on national television was a grave injustice, and I intend to see that it is rectified."


He straightened to his full, imposing height, the air crackling with the force of his conviction. "Make no mistake, Natsumu. I will not rest until Izuku's dreams are restored, and the path is cleared for him to pursue his aspirations as a hero. The future of our society depends on nurturing the next generation, not crushing their hopes and desires."


Natsumu's lips thinned into a disapproving line, but there was a glimmer of unease in his eyes. "You're overstepping your bounds, All Might. I am the Minister of Hero Law Enforcement, and my decisions are based on the well-being of the public, not the whims of individual citizens."


All Might's expression hardened, his jaw set with unwavering determination. "Then I shall make it my mission to change your mind, Natsumu. For the sake of Izuku Midoriya, and for the sake of every aspiring hero who dares to dream, I will not back down."


With those final words, All Might turned and strode out of the office, leaving a stunned Natsumu in his wake. The Minister's brow furrowed, a growing sense of unease settling over him as he contemplated the formidable force he had just provoked.


It was clear that All Might was not about to let Izuku's fate be decided without a fight. And as the Symbol of Peace's fiery determination burned brighter, Natsumu couldn't help but wonder if he had set in motion a chain of events that he might ultimately be powerless to stop.


Izuku's mind was left with, thoughts that crushed any lingering sense of self-worth. Curling in on himself, Izuku felt the darkness closing in once more, the despair threatening to consume him entirely.


What was the point of even existing, if the world saw him as nothing more than a foolish, reckless child - unworthy of the dreams he had once cherished?

So! WE are finally done with the back story. This chapter was 2k words so i hope you liked it.

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Deserted_Shayarcreators' thoughts