
MHA: Shadowed Feathers

What would you give up to make a deal with a demon? Could you ensare it within you and control it or would you sucumb to the overwhelming force and never more exist in the mortal realm? Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia. All rights belong to Horikoushi Kouhei

PenguinOfChaos · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Steps of Destiny

'No, it couldn't end like this. His boss had said it would be an easy robbery, so why the hell did this psychopath appear out of nowhere.' The man thought as he furiously ran away from the giant house now standing menacingly behind him in the dark. He had been told that the owners of the house would be out for at least 5 hours, so he and his team would have had plenty of time to loot the house of all things worth a good dime. It had gone smoothly at the start. Just as he was told, nobody was home. From here they had split up so there was one on each floor.

But only 10 minutes into the heist the lights were cut off in the entire house. He had tried calling over the radio, but only one of the other two answered. He quickly told the other to leave, but the radio stayed silent. He was on the third floor, and taking a quick look out the window, he saw no other option than to jump out. Opening the window he saw the drainage just a less than a meter away from him. Taking a quick breath had jumped out towards the drainage, hoping it would at least slow his fall or at best stop him completely, and could be used as a pole to climb down on. It had slowed his descent a reasonably amount to not cause any damage. However that hadn't mattered. 

When he landed on the ground, he saw him. Standing roughly ten meters behind him, was a tall man cloaked by the darkness around him. He was outlined by the little light the moon gave off, but the only thing the man could focus on was the glowing red eye looking straight at him. His body moved instinctively by itself, this wasn't a fight he could win. With his fight or flight instincts kicking in, he bolted in the opposite direction towards. Not looking back he jumped through the hedge that was surrounding the house like a great wall, he made it through. He kept running, but having lost his sense of direction in the heat of the moment, he didn't know where they had parked their car.

Not seeing any option to begin looking for it, he kept running like a madman into the black night. Surrounded by nothing but houses on either side of him while he ran down the street, made him a perfect target for anyone chasing him to take a free shot, but it never came. Rounding the street corner he looked back, nothing. Quickly gaining himself, he saw a car parked not too far away. Sprinting to it praying it wouldn't be locked, he almost jumped out of glee when the car door opened smoothly for him. Taking a seat in the car he put his finger up to where the car key normally would be. Sticking his finger towards it, it changed its shape to fit perfectly. Starting the car he took his hand back, while leaving a copy of the finger looking key. 

Taking off with such speeds that the car left skid marks, he swiftly found a main road. Not caring about being stopped by the police or a hero, he zoomed down the road towards the groups agreed upon safe location. Making it safely to the house, he stopped the car and ran towards the door. Fishing out the key from his pocket he entered. The house was pitch black, and the silence was almost deafening. 'There should have been someone here' he had thought as he walked in through the door. Turning the lightswitch on his left side expecting to see light, he instead became eerily aware that something was wrong. But the man that had ambushed them couldn't be here. He had checked if the man had followed him, and nobody but the team, the boss and a few others knew this would be the location. He steeled his courage as he walked further into the house. Coming into the kitchen he turned tried turning on another lightswitch. This time the light slightly flickered before turning on. He let out a breath of relief. 

Taking out his phone he tried to call his boss, but it went straight voicemail. He looked at his phone, 'no signal', he sighed to himself. Taking a quick look at the time on his phone, he saw it said 23:55. There would approximately go 20 minutes before his boss would come. Just to be safe, he went to one of the cupboards, and took out the hidden handgun, discreetly placed behind some canned foods. While still holding the handgun, he checked out the rest of the house. Both the bedroom and bathroom were clear. Having only one more room to check he went towards the back of the house, where what they called the interrogation room was located. The room was made up of two parts. The front where people could guard, and the back situated behind a metal wall with a matching metal door, all of it soundproofed so no one could scream for help. The front was all clear, so he made his way to the door. There was a lock pad besides the door that could only be opened with a certain code that was changed every week. 

Putting in the code the door swung out a little. Holding up the gun he opened the door slowly while checking both sides of the room. The small room was only made up of a table in the middle with a light hanging over it and 3 chairs. He put the gun down, noticing a black feather besides an ink bottle and a note.

'Decisions have consequences, you have tread your steps, but now destiny catches up to you with every move you make.' 'KRAA!' The man having read the note jumped in fright hearing the loud screech of a raven. Trembling, he turned around. The red eye stared at him. He put up his gun, but his finger couldn't pull the trigger out of the pure fear helt felt. Backing up, the man hit table and fell backwards onto it. His eyes were blinded by the shining light above him. Reacting to the light he tried to block it out with his arms. Hearing the footsteps of the other man in the room he looked up at him. He loomed over him like a tiger does its fallen prey. For the man it seemed the red eye shone with the light of a thousand suns, piercing his own gaze and attacking his inner soul. Without even speaking the man with the red eye made is message clear, as his left arm was revealed. The man thought it couldn't get worse, but the sight of the arm almost made him pass out by the fear he felt.

The arm felt like it had a mind of its own, with it own set of eyes dancing over his body sizing him up. He could feel the arm feast on his fear, but he couldn't stop it. The man had known everything he would do, and it felt as everything he had done had been orchestrated by the man in front of him. The powerless feeling was like nothing else he had ever felt. He looked past the man in holding on to a feeble hope that someone would come and help, but all he saw was the metal door now closed. Dread, his heart dropped. He knew what this room was used for, he had used it a few times before. The code name was the interrogation room, but in all reality this was used as a torture room. The red eyed man took another step towards him, now standing almost directly over him. The stretched the normal arm towards his own arm. He wanted to resist but he couldn't. Grabbing a hold of his wrist he prepared his other arm. The red energy the arm was made from began shining. Holding his hand towards the man's fingers it began a quick descend until it hit its target. 

The screams of the man tried to burst out of the room, but the soundproof room resisted. Instead they lingered in the air inside the room, to never be heard by anyone else than the two occupiers.