
MHA : Shadow Monarch [Dropped]

He doesn't know how and when he suddenly got reincarnated into MHA world, he suddenly feel excited, worry, scared and determine to walk into all the challenges that waiting ahead of him, his new friends and comrades. "...wherever the is light, there will always shadows to be found as well..." - Uchiha Madara "Since this world already have the 'light' , let me become it's 'shadow' " - MC ** This is my first try writing a fanfiction, my grammar is very bad, like real bad. I hope you guys have wonderful day, thanks for checking out my fanfic **

Danzzzz_ · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

1 Reincarnation

[Japan, one of the house in a neighborhood]

"Rrrrriiing- rrrrringggg- rriiingggg~~~" in a quiet morning, a sudden ringing sound echoed in a bedroom.

"Urgh...." in the quiet bedroom, a murmuring sound can be heard, after minute a hand slowly lifted up and with a quick wave movement the hand quickly fall back on the bed.

Immediately after that, a shadowy tendril rise up under the bed and shot up with amazing speed and impale the poor alarm clock on the study desk breaking it in the process. The shadow tendril then retreat back to where it came from quickly. After about five minutes, a young man with disheveled black hair groggily wake up from his sleep.

The young man stared at the mess that he created in silence for a while then muttered slowly "Sigh... I really shouldn't have set up alarm clock in the first place... another alarm clock is destroyed." The young man cover his mouth with his hand as he release a big yawn and proceed to do some stretching while still sitting on the bed.

Looking at the mess again, the young man sigh and wave his hand again. Suddenly, a big shadow hand came out of the shadow nearby and grab the broken alarm clock along the broken pieces and then drag itself back to the shadow.

The young man then got up from bed and went to bathroom to freshen up. Looking at his messy appearance in the mirror he can't help but comment " 15 years huh... it's been 15 years since I got reincarnated in this world, it's not even counting my previous life age. I really glad I'm not bald like a certain hero or become a girl in this life."

(Imagine the mc is like Jinwoo from Solo Leveling, let's pretend he is a bit shorter since he is 15 years old)

The young man is actually someone that got a chance to reincarnated into another world. He doesn't know how is this possible, he just died and then the next thing he knew, he got reborn as a baby in this new world. He doesn't remember anything about meeting some kind of higher being like R.O.B or god, but he knows what is happening to him at that time.

He got reborn into a family of young couple that has just gotten married and live in a pretty good environment as his parents love and care for him. His parents give him name Takashi Kageyama. Unfortunately when he is 10 years old, both of his parents died in a car accident while he waiting for them to come home to celebrate his birthday. Luckily, his family got relatives that willing to take care of him till he is 13 years. After that, he went back to his family house and live alone there till now.

He feels very sad about his situation at first but after a few weeks in grief he get over it and try to live better life. He was an orphan in his previous life so he somehow managed to stabilize his emotional condition pretty well, but he still feel sad but mostly grateful, as he got to feel parents' love and care even though it's for a short time.

Kageyama then snap out of his thoughts when he heard the whistle sound from kettle in the kitchen. He went to the kitchen and make himself a cup of coffee and sit in the living room while watching a morning news while takes a few sip of his coffee.

Kageyama watch the news reporter announced about weather this week, a few gossip about celebrities and then the highlight, a live report about an area that got destroyed when a group of pro heroes clash with a group of criminals.

Pro heroes. Yes, that's right, the world where he reincarnated is a world of heroes vs villain as the theme. The first time he heard about heroes and villain in this world he was startled because he thought that he might be in the world of a certain bald cape hero but after hearing words 'quirks' and mostly 'All Might' , he calm down a bit and then realizes that he is in MHA world.

As an orphan in his previous life, he live alone in the past and he also don't have many friends as he is not that of a social person. Then one day, his co-worker introduce to him the world of animes, manga, manhwa and fanfictions. After he got job and get to rent a room for himself, he spend most of his free time watching animes and reading all manga, manhwa and fanfictions he can so he know the basic of MHA world.

A world where majority of it's inhabitants have superpowers or also known as quirks. There are the basic kind of quirks like super strength and telekinesis. There are also quirks that make people have different kind of physical features, like wings, a bird head, any kind of animal physique and all weird mutation. Lastly, 'villain like' quirks or so that's what children call it. Like himself, he got a shadow manipulation quirk. He can control, manipulate and manifest his shadow and nearby shadow as he please.

When he awaken his quirk, his parents told him to be careful because other children might call him names and bully him because of his quirk, when he went to school he only show that he has small control of his very own shadow as he doesn't want to people call on him having strong 'villain' type quirks and has to deal with immature children problem.

Back to his quirk, he can manipulate his and nearby shadow as he please. He is excited when he awaken this quirk because he got like many kind of references from anime and manhwa in his previous life that he can replicate. While he excited to have a strong quirk, all he does untill he was 7 years old is practicing his quirk as much as possible so the shadow he use become more faster, agiler, stronger and the range of his manipulation become bigger.

He doesn't do any kind of body training at the early age because he want to make sure he doesn't ruin his body and health. He also want to experience what it's like having family so he doesn't need to waste his time to do intense exercises and join any kind of dojo at the early age. He start to exercise and build up his body slowly when he was 8 years, as he thought that it's appropriate time and his parents also thought the same, they also sometimes exercise together when they have nothing to do, it's also become one of their bonding activities as a family.

After done reminiscing about the past, Kageyama get up and make himself a simple yet healthy breakfast and ready himself to start his morning routine. He wear black sports short over a black tight leggings pair with a loose training shirt and start his morning routine by jogging around the neighborhood area.

While he's jogging at a steady pace, he start thinking what to do for today as today is his rest day from doing any kind of extensive training. After a few minutes thinking what to do, he decided to take a walk in the city and relax today. After done jogging, he went home and take a shower. After that, he wear a long black sweatpants, a white t-shirt and also an oversized black hoodie over the t-shirt.

After done changing his clothes, he lock his house and went to a tree in front his house. The tree is huge, since it's already near midday, the sun is up high in the sky so there is a nice dark shade under the tree, so he step into the tree shadow, become one with it and just like that he's gone to the nearest city.

Maybe he can find something to do in the city while walking.


This is my first time writing something like this (long story/book/fanfiction) , I will put this one up first to see if there's even people want to read it. If not I will just stop right here.

I write this just for fun, my grammar is very bad, I'm sorry, english is not my main language.

Feel free to comment , suggestions/ideas/reviews are appreciated, thanks for reading my fanfic. Have a nice day👋🏻.
