
MHA: Shadow Devil [Hiatus]

The story is about some random otaku who got reincarnated in the world of MHA, a world filled with heroes and villains. He doesn't know how and why this happened, so he decided to stand up for himself. Armed with the knowledge and capabilities of one of the best wizard from another world, he decided to become a hero and live an exciting and happy life instead of the boring and mundane life like in the past. .... "If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss might gazes back. You better be careful." -MC "Kill? I'm not gonna stain my hands with your blood, how about I introduce you to the 'abyss' instead, the view in there is a bit 'dark' but you'll definitely love it." -MC ... Well, here we go again... My grammar is not the best so I hope you guys don't mind. I will fix it, little by little.... Update? About 1 or 2 chapters a week I guess, what do you guys think? It's okay right? I'm not a professional writer or anything.. but I will definitely post whenever I can. I'm writing this for fun :) Thanks for checking out my fanfic :)

Danzzzz_ · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Class 1-A


(Monday, early morning)

Today, Kurayami woke up a bit earlier than usual. After that, he does his morning exercises and takes a shower afterwards. He then changed into the uniform of U.A High School and eat some sandwiches for breakfast.


He stood in front of the mirror in the living room and couldn't help but feel a little... uncomfortable. No, It has nothing to do with how good he looks in the U.A High School uniform or how the uniform fit so perfectly on him.

It's just that he doesn't remember filling out any kind of form regarding his measurements anywhere when he signed up for the entrance exam for U.A High School.

The uniform was sent to him alongside the acceptance letter a few days ago by the U.A.



(A few days ago)

Kurayami looked at the envelope and the two pair of beautifully folded U.A High School uniform wrapped in a nice plastic packaging in front of him and couldn't help but feel strange for some reason.

"Okay, I guess I did passed the test... as expected, and these uniforms are mine...? And I supposed they're probably going to be in my sizes too... All right, this is kind of creepy..." He said hesitantly while setting aside the uniforms for a while.

He takes a few deep breath and calm down. After that, he opened up the envelope properly and just like in the anime, there was some kind of holographic device and also stuffs like the school guidelines and a mini map to his class and facilities. He pushed them aside and put the holographic device on the table. Sure enough, after a few seconds, the device activated and All Might suddenly appeared on the holographic screen.

Well, what All Might said after that was pretty much all the cliché stuffs. Congratulations, some compliments, encouragement and words of wisdom. It is cliche but it's kind of entertaining though, with the way All Might talks and acts, it makes him a bit fired up for some reason.

'Well, it is All Might after all, the energy, confidence and charisma that oozing out of him was insane, as expected from the Symbol of Peace.' Kurayami thought to himself.

All Might then brought the results showing him in 2nd place with 76 points, just one point away from tied for first place, Bakugo with 77 points. Unlike Bakugo, he has some rescue points though. He was very relieved after seeing the ranking, it meant he didn't have to make an awkward speech for the Sports Festival. It's all according to his keikaku.

But then, All Might said something that made him rethinking his decision to enter U.A.

"...and yeah, about the uniforms, you must be wondering how does U.A know your full body measurements right?! The truth is... I also don't know how they do it! Hahaha! When I was your age and about to enter U.A, they also did the exact same thing to me too. In fact, they did this every yea-" Kurayami suddenly lost touch with the reality for a moment after hearing that part.

'Should I went and apply for Shiketsu instead, U.A seems kind of scary to me now. They know something so details about me, that's some serious shit right there.' he thought for a second seriously.


"... Come, Kurayami Kaito-kun! This is... your hero academia!!" All Might passionately said while gazing at the camera. The device then turned off automatically after that.

Kurayami snap back to the reality when he heard the last part and sigh a bit afterwards.

He looked at the uniform and thought that he should at least try it on once, just to make sure.

(Five minutes later)

"It fits... perfectly... how in the shadow realm is this possible...?" Kurayami said in disbelief after he changed into the uniform.

-End Flashback-

(Note: I just made up this part because i want to make the chapter a bit longer, and I thought it would be funny, yeah..... no funny? I guess, it's just me🥸)


"Well, that's some weird moment alright." Kurayami said as he remembered that day.

He took his bag on the couch and prepared to leave. Just as he was about to slip into his shadows, he glanced at a photo of his adoptive grandparents with a younger version of himself smiling happily in the frame, hanging on the wall right next to him.

"You guys did told me to live a fun and happy life, get married and so on and on. Heh, I don't know about the marriage part yet, but I will definitely have a lot of fun after this." a small smile appeared on his face as he slip into his shadow slowly while still gazing at the photo.

"See you later..." he said for the last time before disappearing leaving the house in silence.


Kurayami appeared quietly in a narrow alley near the front gate of the U.A. After making sure his appearance was acceptable, he stepped out of the alley and joined the throngs of first year students crowding around the front gate, entering the school with their friends while chatting with each other.

He glanced at the surrounding students and continued on his way to Class 1-A while holding the mini map provided by the school. After five minutes of walking, he finally arrived at the classroom door.

"Excuse me." He opened up the door without hesitation and entered the class.

The first thing he saw when he opened up the door was Iida arguing with Bakugo about how Bakugo should respect the chairs and tables in the classroom. He ignored them and went to his seat which is just right next to the back door of the classroom. The other students just stay quiet while watching the show.

He sat on his seat and made himself comfortable. After that, he closed his eyes and started meditating, he didn't want to look at these two noisy people, so he thought he could block out their voices and avoid having headache this early in the morning. But, his plan was thrown out of the window when he felt someone approaching him.

*poke* *poke*

"Hey, hey! Yami-kun! Wake up, you sleepyhead! Hehehe, we're in the same class again, that's three years straight now, isn't that cool!!?" he heard someone talking excitedly next to him as they continued to poke him on the shoulder. He chose to ignore their actions and thought that they will go away after a few moments.

*poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* x5

"Hey, hey! Wake up!" his eyebrow twitch as he felt that his shoulder being poked repeatedly.

"Sigh... Okay, stop that. How many times do I have to tell you this, it's meditation. I'm not sleeping." he opened his eyes and looked at the girl standing next to him with a narrow gaze.

"Hehehe..." the girl only laugh mischievously as she pulled her hand away.


This girl next to him is Mina Ashido. She was his classmate during his second and third years in the middle school. As he mentioned earlier in the previous chapters, he went to Musutafu Private Middle School, which is where Mina Ashido and Eijiro Kirishima attended.

He doesn't really remember details about every characters in the anime, so he can't say that he went to this particular school because of them. He entered that school because it was close to his home and the school had the highest reputation among other nearby schools. It could be said that he was also quite surprised after running into both of them about two weeks after he entered the school.

Enter the second year, he was then placed in the same class as Mina Ashido and became an acquaintance with her. She is a person with high social skills and very excited about almost anything. She always hangout somewhere with her friends after school. He sometimes was forced to communicate with this girl when she came to him for something related to school. He has to admit that she is cute and all but the way she always trying to involves him in her little gathering with her friends after school was very annoying.

It can be said that he is very opposite to this girl. He doesn't really talk to other people unless they talk to him first. Additionally, he always went straight home after school to practice his quirk and avoids any kind of gathering after school because he thinks it's a waste of time and money.

Fast forward to the third year, everything is just the same as during the second year. But that one particular event changed the dynamic of the relationship between him and this pink girl, and it was also the first time Kurayami met a real full fledge villain, not those random thugs and the usual street robbers.

But that's a story for another time.


(Back to Kurayami in the classroom)

"Sigh... what do you want, Mina. Are you here just to annoy me..? Seriously? This early in the morning?" he asked the hyperactive girl.

"Hehehe, don't be such a letdown Yami-kun. I just want to say hi and also, congrats on getting the second place in the entrance exam. Too bad, you only need 2 points to become the first place, aren't you frustrated because of that? C'mon, tell me, tell me!" the girl replied in an excited manners and started to tease him while poking his shoulder again.

"You should know me by now, I don't really care about all those stuffs. First or second place, it's all the same to me at the end of the day… and didn't I tell you to stop with that poking, do you want me to bite your finger?" he replied calmly to her teasing and slapped her hand away from his shoulder causing the girl to stop and pout as she looked away.

"Hmph! Stupid Yami, you're no fun, you should be thankful I talked to you first thing in the morning. I'm not talking to you anymore for today." she then walked away and sat in her seat avoiding looking at him the entire time.

"Sigh... this girl is really... whatever." Kurayami doesn't know what to say to this girl and just gave up at the end. He felt several gazes on him from some people probably because of the sudden interaction between him and Mina but the most intense one was definitely from the Endeavor's son, Shoto Todoroki. He must have heard what Mina said just now, about him being the second place in the entrance exam.

He ignored their looks and did a quick scan around him and found that there were exactly 20 seats in the classroom, which meant he had replaced one of the original cast members in the anime. The question is, who? And after another quick scan he had his answer.

'There were two more seats left, one for the protagonist and the other one is for that gravity girl... hmm, so I replaced that guy with the quirk to command animals huh. Well, he's useless anyway. I mean, the quirk itself is cool. The ability to command any kind of animals by speaking to them, that's OP as shit, but that guy is very gentle and kind. Good traits but it's not fit with his quirk and job requirements(hero). Well, if he goes to work at a zoo or become a vet. Now that's another story.' Kurayami concluded after he didn't see that particular guy.

A sudden commotion in front of the classroom door pulled Kurayami out of his reverie. He saw that Midoriya had arrived and was having a not-so-weird conversation with Ida and Uraraka while the other students were watching them like it was a show or something. Well, their conversation are very entertaining alright, with the way Midoriya freaking out while Uraraka animatedly talking to him.

Kurayami then saw a glimpse of a sleeping bag outside of the classroom with his sharp eyes and thought 'Well, here comes the teacher.'

"Go somewhere else if you want to play friends..." a tired voice suddenly echoes throughout the classroom startling everyone well except for Kurayami since he already saw it coming.

They saw a man in a bright yellow sleeping bag outside of the classroom which is kind of weird...?

The man then continued while standing up and slipped out of the sleeping bag slowly.

"This is the hero course... It took about eight seconds before you were quite. My name is Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. Nice to meet you." said the hobo looking man slowly, surprising some students.

"Ehh, homeroom teacher?"

"Is he a pro hero? I don't remember seeing him anywhere in the media though."

"The media is very troublesome. Sigh... I know this is very sudden, but I want you to go to the locker room and change into these and come to the P.E Grounds. We are doing a Quirk Apprehension Test. I'll be waiting, you guys better not be late..." he said tiredly as he pulled out a gym uniform as an example and started walking away without waiting for anyone's reaction.


After a moment of silence, almost all the students rushed out of the class fearing the teacher's scolding while Kurayami calmly left the class thinking that Eraserhead must be tired from the night patrolling and teaching the students in the morning.

"So you must be that guy right, Kurayami Kaito. The second place in the entrance exam, I heard what you did during the practical test. It was so cool!!! I'm Denki Kaminari, nice to meet'cha!" he looks at the blonde-haired guy who started a conversation next to him.

"Is that's so... Well, it's nice to meet you too. As you already know, I'm Kurayami Kaito, you can call me either Kaito or Kurayami, I don't really care." he replied back to Kaminari.

"So, I wonder..." after that Kurayami and Denki started to have a rather nice conversation and after that others also started to join them.

'Friends, huh... they're not bad I guess..' Kurayami thought inwardly while talking with the other guys in the locker room.

'Well, they're okay... but this guy though...' he thought as he gazed at Mineta who was trying to find a peep hole in the wall muttering about girls and boobs.


Well, here it is the new chapter. After this, the length of the upcoming chapters might be random. I hope you guys don't mind.

Sigh... I still need to practice the way to write the conversation/interaction part. The way I write it is very weird..? I dunno bout you guys. As usual, there must be some grammatical errors somewhere. Tell me your opinions tho.



















Please go easy on me with the comments though, please... no, I'm serious. I'm begging you, please go easy on me...🥸🥸🥸
