
MHA: Shadow Devil [Hiatus]

The story is about some random otaku who got reincarnated in the world of MHA, a world filled with heroes and villains. He doesn't know how and why this happened, so he decided to stand up for himself. Armed with the knowledge and capabilities of one of the best wizard from another world, he decided to become a hero and live an exciting and happy life instead of the boring and mundane life like in the past. .... "If you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss might gazes back. You better be careful." -MC "Kill? I'm not gonna stain my hands with your blood, how about I introduce you to the 'abyss' instead, the view in there is a bit 'dark' but you'll definitely love it." -MC ... Well, here we go again... My grammar is not the best so I hope you guys don't mind. I will fix it, little by little.... Update? About 1 or 2 chapters a week I guess, what do you guys think? It's okay right? I'm not a professional writer or anything.. but I will definitely post whenever I can. I'm writing this for fun :) Thanks for checking out my fanfic :)

DaniFx · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs



[Next Day]


The day started with the same routine as usual for Kurayami. But today, just when he was about to walk into the school, he noticed a group of reporters and their cameraman camping right outside the school front gate. They seems to be waiting for students to come over, probably wants to fish out some juicy gossips regarding All Might's sudden appearance as a teacher in U.A.

'What a drag...' Kurayami thought as he walked towards the front gate calmly. And as expected, just like bunch of hyenas, they immediately pounce on him trying to get any kind of information out of him.

"You are a first year right? What does All Might lik-" a female reporter was about to asked him but her words and body movements suddenly stopped. The other reporters that was about to asked him question also experiencing the same thing as her.

Yep, without any hesitation whatsoever on his part, Kurayami used his quirk and restricted their movements. He then [Flash Step] and appeared behind the reporters and entered the school gate casually.

After he entered the school, he released his quirk and all the reporters instantly went nuts as they realized what just happened. They started chasing him into the school angrily, shouting profanities and stuffs, and because of that, the U.A Barrier placed by the school instantly triggered, successfully blocking them out from entering the school grounds.

"What a waste of my time..." Kurayami muttered to himself.

Kurayami's moves were so smooth and casual, even Aizawa who's guarding the front gate also become speechless for a moment.

"...Good morning, sensei." he greets his homeroom teacher with a straight face like nothing ever happens.



"....Mornin'." Aizawa replied after staring down at him for a moment.

"Go to your classroom..." He continued before left. Probably went to get his sleeping bag or something.

"Yes, sensei." he replied back before he walked to the classroom.

'My [Flash Step] is almost ready for battles. Just need a little bit of adjustment and I'm good to go. USJ Incident is almost here so...' he thought as he walked towards his classroom.


"So today... you're going to choose class rep and deputy class rep." Aizawa said tiredly as he stand in front of Class 1-A students. Looks like he got no sleep at all last night, he almost looks like a panda now.

Instantly, almost everyone raise up their hand, they quickly express their willingness to be the class president.

"Pick me!"

"I want to do it!"

"Let me do it!"

After a few minutes of chaos, Ida finally proposed the idea to vote. And they all agreed to it after a short discussion.

'Sigh, class rep huh...' Kurayami thought as he silently watching all these happened. He doesn't particularly care who's going to be the class president but if he's going to choose one...

'I guess I'll just vote for her then...' He thought as he glance at Momo briefly.


(5 minutes later)

And... yeah, after counting all the votes and stuffs.

'...How and why?' Kurayami thought as his face keep twitching once in a while.

"..." Momo.

"Alright then, Kaito will be the class rep and Yaoyorozu will be the deputy class rep." Aizawa said lazily as he lays down in his sleeping bag on the ground casually.

Bakugo wanted to protest but a single sharp glance from Aizawa immediately make him quiet again. Everyone else seems okay with the arrangements though.

'Sigh... Class rep again...' Kurayami thought to himself.

(Note: You guys can create your own scenario for how the voting event went, just imagine that at the end, Kurayami is the class rep and Momo the deputy class rep, I'm too lazy to write it.🥸)




Kurayami and the others gathered around in one table chatting with each other about mundane stuffs while eating their lunch. Well, more like the others done the chatting while Kurayami replied with a nod and simple answer every now and then.

"I voted you, Yami! You're the class rep during our third year! I thought you are good at it!" Mina admitted.

"I voted you, kero." Tsuyu said simply.

"..." Tokoyami.

"Ehem, I thought you are strong, so I voted you." Kaminari said.

"..." Kurayami was speechless for a moment. The others seems legit enough, but then he looked at Tokoyami who's silently eating his food beside him.

"So, Tokoyami right?... Why you voted me again?" Kurayami asked Tokoyami.

"I supposed it is right for me to support you who has superior control over shadows." He said in his 'mysterious' tone while looking at Kurayami.

"...Okay, thank you, I guess." Kurayami said after a moment of silence. This guy really got some serious chuuni issues.


"Say... I'm curious, is there anything going on with you two?" Kaminari suddenly asked as he looks at how close Mina and Kurayami is. The others went quite as they also were curious about it, waiting for their answers.

"No!" Mina said in panic as she blushed, probably remembered what she did yesterday.

"Ye-" just as Kurayami was about to tease Mina, he abruptly stand up and turned his head towards the direction of the school front gate.

'That guy is using Shadow Realm. So that's how he opened up those portals! But this guy's transportation method i-' He thought as he narrowed his eyes slightly. Before he can continue on his theorizing, he felt someone tugging his clothes.

(Note: Kurogiri xD)

"What's wrong?" Mina asked him. The others also look at him questioningly, they were quite startled seeing him suddenly standing up like that.

"Just stay here, don't go anywhere no matter what." Kurayami said seriously to the others.

"Wha-" Just as Kaminari was about to asked him.

[There has been a Level 3 security breach. All students, please evacuate outdoors immediately. I repeat...] The school's siren suddenly went off sending the students in panic mode, they all immediately run to the emergency exit as they were told.

"W-wha-what does that mean!? Intruders?!" Kaminari asked, clearly in panic mode as well.

"No, it's just the media. They got in, somehow..." Kurayami said while gazing at outside through the window. He can see that Aizawa and Present Mic are trying their best to block the media from entering school main building.

"Just stay here, don't move. Look over there..." He continued as he point out at the big crowd of students at the emergency exit area.

The others also seemed to notice this so they quickly calmed down and sat down. But they couldn't help but worry seeing the crowd as they pushed each other. Some of them even fell and got hurt because of it.

"This... shouldn't we do something about this?" Momo said hesitantly.

"...Use your quirk to create a megaphone and tell them to calm down, I will stop them from moving around recklessly." Kurayami thought for a moment before said to Momo.

He then create a shadow curtain around Momo so she can create a megaphone without exposing her body to others.

Momo nodded grateful at his gesture and begin to create the megaphone.

Seeing that she's already started her job, Kurayami unleashed his quirk all out since there's so many people in the crowd, it takes more effort to stop their movements completely.


(Note: Every time, I write 'stop people movements with his quirk' just imagine the technique from Naruto that Nara Clan use. You know, the [Shadow Possession Jutsu] except that my guy here can stop people from talking completely (depends on the strength of the opponents) and he doesn't use it like the Nara people used. Ya know, the part where the preys of the jutsu will always mimic the way Nara people moves.)


His eyes glow dark purple as his body covered up with shadows, he then quickly spread his shadows across the floor under the students near the emergency exit. After that, he immobilized all the students and silence them instantly. The once noisy and rowdy crowd immediately become quiet.

"...." The others around Kurayami can only stare at him in awe as he take control over the situation swiftly.

"Momo." Kurayami said to Momo and she quickly snapped back to reality before turned on the megaphone and said.

"Everyone! Please calm down, it's just the media. There's nothing to worry about. Everything is fine! There's All Might here..." she then continues repeat the same sentence few more times.

After seeing the crowd have calm down, Kurayami retract back all his shadows and quietly slipped into the shadow.

"Momo, gather the others and return to the classroom, I'll go check out the situation outside. You guys help her." He said to Momo and the others before completely disappear.

"Yes, Kaito-san." Momo nodded.

"Damn it, he's so cool!" Kaminari excitedly exclaimed.

"As expected of the class rep I chosen..." Tokoyami nodded agreed with Kaminari statement.

"Let's go, kero. The teachers are already here, we should go get the others." Tsuyu said.



The police finally arrived and quickly take away the media. Aizawa and Present Mic are very grateful for that, they can't actually use force since they're heroes and the reporters are just regular citizens. And if they did use force, the media will write bad stuffs about them and ruin their careers for years.

"Sensei..." Kurayami called out Aizawa as he appeared from the shadows near the duo.

"Kaito... what are you doing here?" he questioned his student.

"Just now... I felt someone using shadow outside the school area before this happened..." Kurayami replied as he point his finger at the media as they being taken away by the police.

"You mean?..." Aizawa said as his face turned serious.

So Kurayami told them about the basic of Shadow Realm and how he travels through it.

"Shadow Realm is a place where EVERY shadows connected to one another. That place is just like "this" world but it's entirely made out of shadows. That's actually how I travel through the shadows." Kurayami said to the Aizawa.

"And... what's the connection that shadow place have with all of this?" Present Mic curiously looking at Kurayami.

"I always maintains a connection between my own shadow with the Shadow Realm to practice my control and enhance my shadow. But during the lunch just now, I sense an abnormal activity in the Shadow Realm near me. There's someone... tearing up a small space in there, exactly where the gate is located." Kurayami said as he looks at accumulated dust near the gate.

'That's probably Shigaraki's... As expected of antagonist of this world, that kind of power is really unfair.' Kurayami thought as he remembered how Shigaraki's quirk works. Five fingers on you, and you die instantly, just like that. Unless you have Aizawa around, you are absolutely fucked up.

Aizawa and Present Mic exchange a glance with each other nodded silently. Aizawa then said "Thank you for the information, Kaito. Return to the classroom and notifies the others, I will return after a moment."

"Hey, hey thanks for that little listener! The info you give us is really helpful." Present Mic cheerfully said as he give Kurayami a thumbs up.

"...." Kurayami just deadpan at him and silently slipped into the shadow and return to the classroom.

"You got a good student right there, Eraser!" Present Mic turned his head towards Aizawa to praise him but then he noticed that his best friend also have disappear, leaving him alone in front of the main building.

"...." Present Mic.

"Sigh...just like the teacher, his student is also the same..." Present Mic said as he sadly walk to the Principal Nezu's office to report, alone.


[Classroom 1-A]

Kurayami appeared near the classroom's door and entered the classroom. He immediately bombarded by various questions about what he did and etc.

He offered nothing as the answers and told them to wait for Aizawa to come back.

Then, after a few minutes waiting, Aizawa finally came back and he explain the short version of what happened, of course he doesn't say anything about what Kurayami told him. He just said that somehow the media get into the school and thus triggered the alarm.

Everyone else seems relieved hearing that, even though they know Aizawa doesn't explain exactly what happened, at least there's nothing dangerous happened in the school.

And just like that the class continued and they all return home just like usual after that.


Well, that's a very fast ending for the chapter lol.

Ehem, I want to clarify something about Shadow Realm here.

I imagine the Shadow Realm here is like Mirror Dimension(Marvel), you know the way they enter that place and all. And how there's no people in the Mirror Dimension.

But in the Shadow Realm here, EVERYTHING are all made up of shadows. So everything in the Shadow Realm is just the same as the real world(MHA) but it's just made out of shadows completely.

Kurayami can enter the Shadow Realm through any shadows he saw in real world and exit the same way.


And for the Kurogiri's quirk; I did read about his quirk. It's basically a bunch of unknown quirks mixed up together and the Cloud quirk as it's base.

So I changed the "Warp Gate"(Kurogiri's quirk) like this:

Kurogiri can create shadow fog/cloud and access to the Shadow Realm but instead of entering Shadow Realm directly, he can only tear up spaces inside the Shadow Realm to shortened up the distance between point A and point B. He technically teleports/warp through the Shadow Realm but he can't really enter the Shadow Realm. Of course, he needs to know the coordinates and all just like usual.

Just bare with me for this.


I know it's sounds stupid but I want to make the Shadow Realm in this story as a place that's not really an exclusive stuff for mc. Some other people can access it, but not all of them can enter it freely like him.

Have a nice day, everyone!🥸👍