
MHA: SCP [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: I do not own anything other than my OC. The power Anomaly is primarily used for evil and sometimes good. More or less he is a neutral character most of the time. This is the story of a normal nerdy teenager who loves anime and SCP Foundation. Follow him as he explores his footing and life in MHA.

Jin_K8po · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Thrashed and Perfectly Legal

[First Person POV]

"Detroit Smash!"

The blow took me flying through the streets, hitting and piercing through houses. I was barely able to block in time. My hands now bloody broken and beaten wanted revenge. My eyes glow more red and the markings became more pronounced. My hand caressed the black greatsword and flew off to the man.

"Do not fear, All Might is here!" The bunny man exclaimed.

I knew who he was, his name was plastered all over the media and glorified the word hero around the world. All Might, the Pro. Hero Rank No. 1. Representing the best of the best in the world.

'My rage won't be defeated by mere heroism.' I thought to myself, gearing up to fight another round. As I faced All Might I felt my body lose its power. Weakening bit by bit until my quirk ceased.

It was then that cement glossed and drowned me. Chains wrapped my body tightly. More tightly than I could've ever imagined. A disheveled man with strong tape like cloth stood beside All Might. His eyes through the goggle growing red, and irritated.

"You got him?" The man asked in a gruff voice.

"Yes, I did thanks Aizawa, or should I say Eraserhead?" All Might exclaimed.

Eraserhead just turned away and willed his cloth towards his body. He scrutinized my tiny stature. I looked away to All Might's fist bruised and hurt.

'Did I just turn into Abel?' I thought to myself. SCP-076 Abel, a powerful anomaly born to kill for war. He can die, he would just resurrect some time. 'So, my quirk is connected to the SCP world.' I knew that I could possibly manifest the first one that popped up, however that would be a disaster.

I was taken into a dull room with a one-way mirror. 'Interrogation, huh?' The room was grey, indifferent to the others that have been inside it. Two cops opened the door with a huff.

"Is Ragdoll ok?" I asked.

"She's fine, be worried about yourself." One of them said.

The one who spoke was a fat man. Middle aged, with holes covering his arms. The other one looked plain, a tool in the real world.

"Whatever, do you mean officer? My actions were perfectly legal, just ask my lawyer." I said bluffing my ass out of there. It wasn't until a man with an impeccable style for suits showed up. A businessman? Neigh, worse, a lawyer. His shoes clipped and clopped until he was standing in front of the room. His hands reached and opened the door with confidence.

"Let's go, you will be releasing him, without asking questions." He said.

"Wait, you can't do that!" The fat one exclaimed.

"Yes, I perfectly can, there is a law that was passed that when 8 year old and under have experienced a traumatic event, when and when they have used their quirk as a reaction, they shall not be held accountable." The lawyer said, without pausing a beat.

I however was shocked. 'How in the hell?' I thought I could just pull some shit out of my ass....

This shit is getting too complicated.

[Meanwhile in the heart of the USA]

A store with a large sign manifested. The size rivaled the Walmart and Trader Joe's of its surroundings. Rumors started to swirl as this store came out of nowhere. Its friendly aura dealt with the onlookers anxiousness. With happy steps, new customers strolled in only for the store to vanish hours later.