
MHA: Rizzuku Himdoriya

An alternative universe where Izuku Midoriya is the greatest savage in his verse!

SOL666 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chain of Events

(Somewhere undisclosed)

"How can we be certain that these Nomu you speak of can truly live up to their reputation"

"Well sir I knew you would say that so I prepared a test subject before hand. It had 3 Quirks: Power, Super Regen and Wings" A doctor said pressing his remote which revealed a super tall and thin creature with it's brain exposed and had wings.

"Good, Show me now"

"Yes sir, luckily I happen to know where the symbol of peace is himself. Such a PERFECT SUBJECT!" The doctor said maniacally as both the men laughed.

"Nomu...get him!" The doctor said and with one order the Nomu broke from the glass and flew out the lab at high speeds.


The ambulance had made it so Izuku but his injuries were so serious that he had to be treated right then and there or he would die on the way to the hospital. All might paced back and forth still worried about the boy and hoping he didn't take too long to save the child.

Suddenly, in front of everybody a strong and scary looking beast dropped down and started flapping it's wings intensely causing a powerful shockwave through the tunnel and making rocks and rubble fly everywhere at dangerous speeds.

"STOP YOU VILLAIN!" All Might yelled first protecting everyone from being hit by anything and then going to punch it with all his strength but the thing attack back causing a clash even more powerful than that gust of wind.

"Just...what are you" All might said terrified as the thing punched him with immense strength which he block but steam came from his arms showing how powerful it was. All might immediately put his hand to the people behind out, "Get away NOW! This is extremely dangerous and call more pros" All might ordered as he the thing attacked him yet again but All might blocked it.

That blow pushed him back all the way to the ambulance that immediately drove off but to All mights disappointment, he still saw the stretcher which Izuku was on.

'Those damn cowards...I told them to get out of herw but to go as far as to leave the child, FUCK' he yelled in his head as this time he clashed with the Nomu again and again endlessly while smoke started coming from his body.

(Somewhere far from the battle)

"This is perfect I can clearly see his time is almost up, I should take this opportunity to kill the Symbol of Peace once and for all!" A man who calls himself All For One said while smiling viciously at the Nomu performance.

(Back to the battle)

While All Might was ferociously clashing blows at none stop, he could feel the Nomu draining in power and even get slower but the same was happening for him. His bulk form had went down 2 feet as he was still trying to maintain it during the fight.

He even looked up at Izuku, who had been up for a couple of seconds now but was too stunned to even say anything. He had a face of horror as right now he was watching his favorite Hero face off with a villain who was strong enough to match All might!?

The Nomu looked at Izuku as well and faked a punch to All might gut which he quickly tried to block knowing his weak spot was there and that was game over, but instead the Nomu flew to Izuku with his hands reached out. Izuku eyes became even bigger than already were and he closed them right as it was there but then he heard a big thump.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw the back of All might, who was still somehow fast enough to make it there in time and protect the child. This time the Nomu relentlessly punched All Might which he only stood there and blocked to protect Izuku while more and more smoke came off his body.

"Boy I will have to keep it frank with you...I don't have much time left, actually if I lose concentration right now, I'll explain later...Do you want to be a hero young man?" All might said in a pained struggle voice.

"YES ALL MIGHT! YOU CAN DO IT" He shouted trying to boost the confidence of his Hero. His form grew weaker and weaker with each hit and his muscles weren't even half the size they were anymore.


He knew his actions would be shameful to the entire generations of One For All. But this moment may be his last and All For One was still alive, he knew he couldn't let things end like this.

Izuku let out a tear for the first time in years as he saw his Hero sacrificing himself to save him. He plucked a piece of All might hair and digested it with no hesitation.

As soon as he did this, the Nomu landed the final punch that sent All Might flying away past Izuku and knocked him into his skeleton form. All might laid on the ground as he spat blood. The Nomu walked up to him but then stopped.

Suddenly a man with a black suit and a strange mask appeared flying Infront of the Nomu with his hands behind his back.

"Such a pitiful sight, the Symbol of Peace reduced to nothing and now you even have your quirk away to a scared little boy...One For All is mine" The man known as All For One said as he shot red tendrils from his hand which finished All Might.

-And when that moment happened, Something in Izuku's head clicked-