
MHA Remake

MHA story with a character I made up in it it's my first time righting a full on story so please be nice the story includes action love and a bunch of other shit cause why not I'm writing this story with two friends so yeah might get chaotic and if you have tips let me know

VixofTheVoid · Action
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37 Chs

Chapter 14:Undying Traits

Bryce was walking down the road from Max's house until he thought of something. "What if I tone down every attribute besides determination?' Bryce thought as he stopped and his irises turned red and his sclera turned black as hes turned bright red with D.T blades showed up in his hands "i wonder if this even does anything." Bryce said as he started to run. Bryce blitzed to speeds of 317 MPH. "I need to slow down." Bryce said as he jumped into the air and used a bravery blast to slow himself down as he turned back to normal . Bryce landed in a tumble into grass. "That was AWESOME but really dangerous." Bryce said excitedly. Bryce got up and decided to head home. As soon as he got home he was greeted by his sister. Bryce ran straight to his room after saying hello and opened up a floorboard and pulled out a notebook. "Hey sis I'm heading to Izuku's place alright? "Alright you better eat something besides ramen tho." his sister said as Bryce put the floorboard back and went to Izuku's house. Bryce then proceeded to knock on the door and a short lady with green hair answered "hello miss midoriya." Bryce said. "Oh hello Bryce come on in and please call me Inko." Inko said as Bryce walked in. "is izuku in his room watching the All Might video?" Bryce asked "yeah he is.''Inko said as she led Bryce to Izuku's room. "Yo dude guess who's getting a new aspect soon." Bryce said as he walked in "Your quirk is already awakening again?!" Izuku asked, looking shocked. "Well actually it wasn't supposed to..." Bryce said as he looked away avoiding eye contact. "What did you do?" Izuku asked. "I may have experimented with souls from Max hehe." Bryce replied. "Just don't die." Izuku said. "Yeah yeah since when were you my dad." Bryce said as he said goodbye to Izuku and went outside. "Wait a goddamn minute, what if I try it with my other attributes?" Bryce said as he ran to a place where he couldn't hurt anyone. "I do need a name for this hmm what about undying then whatever aspect im using." Bryce said as he concentrated "UNDYING BRAVERY!" Bryce yelled as his iris turned a bright orange as his sclera turned black and his whole body begane to turn Bright orange two orange gauntlets showed up on his hands as a orange aura enveloped bryce "hmm i wonder if i-" Bryce said before a massive orange beam blasted out blowing up a nearby tree. "Holy shit!" Bryce said as he turned back to normal. "Oh fuck I need to go back home." Bryce said as he began to walk away and cough up blood. "Or on second thought a hospital." Bryce said as he started to use his bravery blast to fly over to the nearest hospital. A few hours later after getting patched up a doctor came in. "Listen Bryce, when you used that ability it started to slowly tear up your organs. You're lucky you stopped in time or the damage will be irreversible." the doctor said as bryce nodded "If you need that ability again then try using a lower percentage of it." the doctor said "not sure how to do that but alright." Bryce said as he got up payed the hospital and started to go home. Bryce then put his book under his loose floorboard, studied his quirk for a few hours and passed out at his desk.

yes this one is kinda short I know and I apologize

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