
MHA:Reborn As Deku, But...

MHA FanFic. Many things will be changed from cannon. (PS:Im bad at remembering shid so I cant do everything exactly as the cannon so there is no point in trying) *I DO NOT OWN SHID* *PS:ALL OPINIONS OF BOTH MC AND NARRATOR ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT MINE!* MC reincarnated as Midoriya Izuku, but he aint dumb like the OG deku. All Might his "favorite" Hero seems to be missing or something cuz he hasn't seen him and so on IDK im to lazy to write a synopsis rn.

Rotten_Sarcophagus · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Sports Festival P:2 [19]


Mic-"Izuku Midoriya has reached the final obstacle in one huge leap! he has come upon the Mine Field, lets see what type of trick he will use to cross the *deadly* mine field! Huh?! WAAAAAT! why is he slowing down!-"

Aiz-"I think, young Midoriya has thought of a plan to slow down his competitors even more, or he is giving them a chance to catch up-"

Mic-"Nope! look at the grin he is giving Katsuki who is catching up! he has something absolutely evil planned HAHA!!"

Aiz-"And finally Bakugo, Kamado and Todoroki have passed Midoriya, lets see what he had planned or is he going to let them win"

Mic-"WHHAAAAT Aizawa is it just me or are you excited to see what is going to happen!" Present Mic retorted whilst grinning, to the bright eyed Shota Aizawa.


Mic-"OMG! Heck YEEEAAH! Izuku Midoriya has given up on flying and gliding and insted is running through the minefield, not caring about all the pink explosions that are happening around him! And look at him easily catching up to the others- and Oh MY! he has taken first place once more whilst making those behind him slow down or even crash with the Mine field explosions, This kid is a total juggernaut!!

Aiz-"And now we have our first place winner: Midoriya Izuku;

Mic-"Second place: Kamado Tanjiro; Third: Bakugo Katsuki; Fourth: Todoroki Shoto ...-"


The Obstacle Race had finished and now the kids had to form teams for the Cavalry Battle, But Everyone was avoiding Izuku's invitation Because of the 10,000,000 point headband.

Izuku didn't care about the blatant betrayal and approached the two people who he knew how to get on his team.

The first one he approached was Tsuyu;

Izuku-"Tsu-chan! Before you accept other peoples' team up requests or deny mine, hear me out!" he half yelled whilst bowing towards Tsuyu Asui.

Tsu-"Kero? Izuku-kun! why are you bowing? I have not yet accepted any teams"

Izuku-"Ah! that's great, Tsu-chan hear me out, I want you in my team! no I need you in my team! You have to be the rider so you can easily steal the headbands with your tongue!" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

After telling Tsuyu about his plan, Izuku searched for the final member of his team, who he found was annoying others to get her to join their teams, even promising to give them some of her babies after.

Mei Hatsume, the other important asset to Izuku's simple plan.

With a quick introduction, Izuku invited Hatsume to his team and told her about his plan, even told her that she can show off her babies as much as she wanted.


The Cavalry Battles were about to start, every team was getting ready.

Izuku was with his team, Mei Hatsume was wearing her Levitating boots, whilst Tsuyu had put on a jetpack, in case they needed some breathing room.

Their three man team consisted of Tsuyu Asui as the rider, Mei Hatsume at the front to use her quirk to spot incoming enemies and Izuku at the back to provide movement speed, rear support and block anyone who was chasing from behind...

There was a slight problem... the rear support was having a hard time focusing,

Izuku-'Don'tlookdon'tlookdon'tlookdon'tlookdon'tlook, Don't Look! Damn that's one fine a- don't look!! FOCUS! NO NOT ON THE A**!! don'tlook-!'

The rear support was having a hard time supporting the rear...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The battle has started and almost everyone rushed at team Izuku, who inturn turned around and and ran away at full speed.

Izuku's team had no problems with these types of speeds, Tsuyu could go pretty fast herself, whilst Mei had pilot goggles on her head and used the boots to not slow down Izuku's rush.

Whilst team Izuku was gliding around the other teams at extreme speeds, Izuku had left a trail of burnt sand and dirt in their track to slow down anyone who thought of chasing them.

Hatsume was constantly giving her team information and kept barking out orders for Izuku to follow.


Whilst Izuku was cosplaying Initial D, class 1-A members were having an all out battle.

Team Kamado, who surprisingly had Katsuki in his team, was Ignoring Izuku at all costs and instead going for those that were being knocked around by them.

Katsuki was providing support by blasting sand and dirt around with his explosions and also was commanding others in the team, right infront of him was Eijiro who was tanking any and all friendly fire, so they will not be slowed down.


Sero had the same Idea as Izuku, He was the rider, whilst Mina and Iida were moving him around at high speeds.

Sero was slowing down other teams and even grabbing headbands whenever he had a chance with his tapes, whilst Mina kept the team gliding, letting Iida run without the extra weight bothering him.


Shoto Todoroki was with Momo Yaoyorozu, Fumikage Tokoyami and Hitoshi Shinso.

With Shinso as the rider, Shoto and Momo at the front and Tokoyami at the back.

Shoto was freezing other teams in place, Momo was dispensing smoke grenades and Flashbangs, whilst Shinso was getting into his enemies heads and Tokoyami was stealing headbands with his Dark Shadow.


The cavalry battle ended quickly without many setbacks, only event of importance was when the big teams: Kamado, Sero, Shinso and others attacked Tsuyu at the same time. but they were a bit too late, Tsuyu activated the Jetpack on her back and flew up in the sky just in time for all the attacking teams to miss their chance and then came back right before the battle ended.


The Cavalry Battle first place winner was of course Team Tsuyu, with team Kamado and team Shinso coming second and third.



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