
Chapter 7

Izuku 12 years old

Location Middle school classroom.

Around 1 year ago Izuku released new manga and comics. reason for their release was the fame that OPM vs God created. The mangas he released were: The God Of High School, Re:Zero, SAO and Black Clover. with them were released comics of The Amazing Spider-Man, The Flash: Fastest Man Alive and Man Of Steel.

In that single year the mangas and comics blew up, even being offered contracts to make movies out of them, to which Izuku agreed ... why wouldn't he, the Fame he would earn from all of this would be enhanced when he becomes a hero.

But now, he had to deal with 12 year old gremlins speak nonsense about *his creations*(stolen), and make up random theories that could make the biggest Fan-Fic writers from his previous life a run for their money.

Throughout the middle school years Izuku hadn't made many friends other than Katsuki, but that didn't mean he was antisocial. He just didn't want to be associated with side characters... who most likely will become Low Grade Nomu materials... only those with quirks of course.

These years Izuku was mostly focused on his business(comics and manga) than training, but it was not forgotten. he still kept training but it was mostly to not get rusty.


Izuku-'finally classes ended'

Right after walking out of the school gates, Izuku and Katsuki went to a nearby mall to check out any new game that came out, or if they couldn't find anything they'd just chill out.

After a 30 minute walk to the nearest mall, the two started wandering around like headless chickens, until finally they found a decent store with comics, games and tech.

looking around the store, they split up and decided to make a pincer maneuver to not give any game a chance to escape their sights.

walking towards the left side of the store, Izuku couldn't help but grin at the site of his comics and mangas being displayed like national treasures, but then the grin grew even wider when he noticed two people who looked very familiar.

A boy with black spiky hair was being very animated whist reading the latest issue of Spider-Man, Eijiro Kirishima, and next to him was a girl with pink hair and two small antennas, Mina Ashido, who was acting even more animated if that is somehow possible.

Izuku's grin grew wide as he glanced what part they were reading, then walked away from them... what? he has a job to do, and that finding a good game, there was no need to speed up the plot.

That was until a scream was heard and the mall's alarms went on, the stores security went to work and the shutter started closing, letting the costumers, employees and most importantly the merchandise stay safe.

Izuku-'it seems Fate has it's own ideas' Kacchan you in!" he yelled to his friend who was on the other side of the store.

Katsuki-"Fuc* Yea Im In what else am I supposed to do! you collect the people and keep them safe, I'll guard the door!" his friend yelled back.

Izuku-"The Fuc* you mean keep them safe, I want to fi-!"

Katsuki-"I don't care you sh*thead! do what I told you!" before he could even finish Katsuki yelled back at him.

Feeling betrayed, Izuku went around the store and told everyone to stay back and away from the doors. as he was informing others, the two energetic kids Eijiro and Mina came up to Izuku.

Mina-"Hey hello, do you know what is going one? and can we help you in any way?-" Mina's usually cheery and carefree face was a bit strained

Eijiro-"Yea, you guys seem to be the same age as us, and we both want to become heroes so tell us if we can help in any way" Eijiro cut in, finishing his friends thoughts.

Izuku-"The names Izuku Midoriya and my explosive friend over there is Katsuki Bakugo, also any Help would be appreciated"

Mina-"Names Mina Ashido, and I can create acid-"

Eijiro-"Eijiro Kirishima, quirk: Harden"

Izuku-"cool, both of you stay with the others and guard them, also make sure to stay safe and don't do anything stupid. now I'll go to the front and help my friend out"

Both of them nodded and stood in front of the crowd of customers and workers.

Izuku rushed to the front of the store, when he heard the sound of the metal shutters being crushed, next came voices of multiple people, prominent of the voices was a woman who shouted: "Everybody get on the ground, don't do anything stupid or you'll get shot, and get your dam* wallets out!"

first fight scene????????? wink wink ;)

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