
MHA:Reborn As Deku, But...

MHA FanFic. Many things will be changed from cannon. (PS:Im bad at remembering shid so I cant do everything exactly as the cannon so there is no point in trying) *I DO NOT OWN SHID* *PS:ALL OPINIONS OF BOTH MC AND NARRATOR ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT MINE!* MC reincarnated as Midoriya Izuku, but he aint dumb like the OG deku. All Might his "favorite" Hero seems to be missing or something cuz he hasn't seen him and so on IDK im to lazy to write a synopsis rn.

Rotten_Sarcophagus · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 15

[As the majority of votes went to our girl Tsu, The partner of our MC will thus be Tsuyu Asui]


days passed, Izuku apologized for scaring the cr*p out of Shoto, but he was not really sorry, he did it to prepare the class 1-A for what was about to come.

Izuku got closer to the kids, he got popular quickly because of his show during the team battles.

but Izuku at the moment didn't have much free time, he was training and getting his monologue ready for when sh*t was going to hit the fan. [U.S.J]


at the start of classes Aizawa informed the class about the rescue training.

He told them to get ready and then they would go by bus.

Izuku was excited, he had his secret move ready as well as what he thought as a worthy protagonist line ready.


The bus ride was pretty fast, the kids had fun during the ride and Aizawa was extremely annoyed through out the whole thing.

they arrived at a dome like building,the so called U.S.J. , where Hero 13 and Toshinori Yagi were waiting for them.

Thirteen explained what they were going to do today and said the all powerful line:

13-"Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope that you leave here today with the understanding that you're meant to help people."

through out all this Ochako was bobbing up and down like a balloon on a string.

Then Toshinori explained how as a Quirk analysis teacher, he would help the kids make the best use of their quirks for rescuing people, and expand their understanding of what *our own* quirks could do. (our as in the kid's)


Weirdly nothing happened, the lessons went on normally, the kids learnt very important stuff about how to save people in the most efficient and quick way without bringing harm to them.

everyone was enjoying the exercises, they were having fun, even Izuku almost forgot about what was supposed to happen... almost-

suddenly the teachers all felt an evil aura wash over them, and behind the students appeared a swirling vortex of purple smoke.

From within the smoke stepped out a middle aged man, with hands attached all over his body, then after him exited a man made of a similar purple smoke as the vortex, wearing a smart suit and a metal neck brace.

behind them exited 8 different type of creatures, all of them were missing parts of their skull covering the brain, thus exposing their weird and goopy brains.

???1-"All Might, you thought you could hide from us." said the man with arms all over his body

???2-"You thought you could get away after what you did to our master" said the man made from purple smoke.

???1-"well, you can't. we found you and now we are going to finally kill you and all your students."

The teachers got in a defensive position in front of the kids, whilst the students were whispering among themselves about who the men were and why were they talking about All Might.

Only 3 kids were not speaking.

One was Tanjiro who was seething with barely held back rage, second was Katsuki who was ready for battle and grinning like a crazed maniac...

After the villains were done with their speech, one of the nomus with blue skin and hair with burn scars all over its body stepped forward and gathered blue fire, getting ready to fire at the kids.

Toshinori's body started steaming, he looked at Tanjiro with an apologetic face,who then rushed towards Toshinori, wanting to stop him.

The blue nomu fired the extremely hot blue flames, exactly when Toshinori took his muscle form...

But then the Third kid who was not bothering to panic, jumped over the kids and teachers, immediately getting in the middle of the blue cone of fire.

Everyone watched wide eyed as the kidgot covered with smoke and dust.

none could see through the smoke, but the teachers were about to jump in when they heard the kid, Izuku Midoriya speak to them through the smoke.

Izuku-"Fools, you dare use fire against the Emperor Of Flames!"

Then crackling sounds were heard from within the flames, the wide cone shaped blue fire started gathering at one point, towards where the kid was.

The villains couldn't see what was happening due to the flames and smoke, but suddenly all of them, even the mindless nomu felt something...

the crackling got louder and louder,

Shigaraki ordered the nomu to stop with the attack to see what happened, when the feeling they had before intensified, even the teachers and students felt it now,

and it was suffocating...

from behind the smoke started to dissipate, and what was left behind was a kid, Izuku midoryia with a hole burned through his costume's chest, from the hole escaped a blinding blue light, and the crackling sounds came from the sparks and lightning that came from that light.

His spine was glowing blue with flames, to reinforce his back for what was about to come. his eyes closed as his cheeks were puffed with all the air he had sucked up.

Then... he opened his eyes, burning with fire.

Everyone felt it...

Kurogiri instantly warped Shigaraki away, not even waiting for what was about to happen because he felt it, just like everyone else.

the feeling of death, and the knowledge that you could do nothing to stop it...

They all felt-


Izuku opened his mouth and-


A blinding pillar of plasma and lightning came forth, turning everything in its path to dust. all the nomus that stood before him turned to ash in a matter of nanoseconds.

and then it disappeared as fast as it appeared, only evidence of it's existence that it left behind was the giant line of molten slag and magma that went on for a few hundred metres.

And the kid responsible for all this destruction was standing with a smug look on his face...

Izuku-"Hehe,run away for that was not even my final form-" *plop*

Izuku Midoriya has fainted.

Only reason he was able to accomplish an attack of that magnitude was because he absorbed all the heat energy from the blue nomu's attack. thus emptying all his energy reserves as well as the absorbed energy. and now he was lying face down on the ground, with a sh*t eating grin.


In a faraway bar moments after the attack, a warpgate appeared and two people dropped out from it onto the floor. both were gasping for air as if they had spent an hour under water.

Shigaraki-"What The Fu*k was that KID!!"

Kurogiri-"Thankfully we left before anything happened. I think Master will be happy to know that we found an extremely powerful quirk for him"



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