
MHA: Reborn as Bakugo

Getting no wishes as someone reborn, imagine my displeasure. But being able to be in a world of where superheroes are a regular and reborn with one of the most versatile and strong abilities, maybe it's not all that bad? An with "perks" I may be able to become the top. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so, I don't own anything and I just making this for self pleasure, just think of this as a little side project for self satisfaction.

Bored_Anime_Lover · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Victim of Society

(P.O.V MC, 1 Year Later) {Btw I won't do much P.O.V changes, it'll just be for important parts like Night Eye's. Also I changed Izuku's name to Midori since Izuku is a boy name and also changed the way he calls his mom and dad for the narrator's part from Japanese style to American but when actually speaking it will be Japanese since they're in a Japanese culture. Also I got his quirk wrong my fault but fixed it already.}

It's been a year since the fight between A.F.O and All Might and ever since him along with Gran Torino and Night Eye started to train me for what I assume to be All Might's successor even though they give the excuse of being in my debt. One Month after the fight All Might was able to continue Hero work while I covered him and used nano drones to imposter him and take down villains occasionally so people don't think that the Symbol of Peace is gone. All Might wasn't a skeleton but wasn't super buff either like his One For All form, he was in the middle while there was a scar of A.F.O's fist indented in his side but not as bad as it would be in cannon. He could also keep up Hero work for 18 hours before he runs out of gas completely since even though in theory from the fabrication he could keep it up indefinitely he doesn't have the stamina for it. Right now All Might called me to his house to talk about something important which I assume is me being his successor and while walking I see two thugs drag a girl into an alleyway which made me sigh in annoyance and walked in behind them.

[Looks like we got a good catch today, huh.]One guy said.

[Yeah, she'll catch a pretty penny.]The other one said.

[Ahem.]I cleared my throat loudly getting their attention spooking them but when they see me they visibly relax.

[Oh, it's just some brat.]They say dismissively and continue to walk away which annoys me seeing them annoy me.

[Ahem! Let her go or regret it, your choice but I got somewhere to be so choose fast.]I said and they start laughing at me.

[What do you think you're going to do bra-Ugh!]One of them said but got interrupted by me blasting him in the chest with a repulser beam knocking him out.

[What a weakling.]I say to myself.

[Bastard!]The other yelled at me and ran at me with his fist pulled back and I just trip him when he gets close enough and kick him in his head knocking him out. I guess they had strengthening quirks but it was to weak.

[Hey you okay.]I said to the girl but she seems familiar for some reason but ignore it and give her my hand.

[Yeah, thank you.]She said and took my hand.

[What's your name?]I asked her.

[Momo Yaoyorozu, what's yours?]She said which made me recognize her.

[Mine's is Katsuki Bakugo.]I said with a friendly smile.

[Thank you for saving me while I was helpless.]She said in a self deprecating voice and wry smile.

[C'mon don't talk like that, what's your quirk?]I asked even though I already know that would be weird.

[It's creation where it allows me to create anything I can think off from my lipids as long as I as long I can understand the necessary parts then assembling it together and finally the coating and the bigger the thing I'm making is the more I need to show my skin. I know, it sucks.]She said.{This is straight from fandom so don't fight me about the details.}

[What'd you mean it sucks! The only downside I see is the need of fat cells, your knowledge that's needed and your need to expose your skin but you could just keep tons of high fat food on you when you need it and study and as for the skin problem I can't say much.]I say encouragingly since if I had that quirk I could make all my things easily but I'd prefer Bakugo's quirk since it's more combat oriented and it'd be cool the fights I would get in.

[Thanks, that means a lot.]She said in a low voice with a smile but I could still hear her.

[Well I have to go meet someone.]I said and got up and we said our farewells and I continued my way to All Might's house but hear her say something about the prodigy so I guess she realized who I am.

[Where were you Bakugo-shounen?]All Might asked me as soon as I walked in since dealing with the kidnapping problem and Momo took like 5 minutes and I'm usually punctual so I told him what happened.

[hahaha! Just what I expect from a young aspiring Hero.]He said with his normal laugh in his O.F.A form.{One For All}

[Now, Bakugo, I wanted to know if you wou-]

[Sure.]I said cutting him off since I know what he was going to say.

[*sigh*How did you even know what I want to say?]He asked me like it's not the most obvious thing in the world.

[The fact that you explained O.F.A to me along with your training and I knew you wanted to find a successor soon.]I explained and he just nodded.

Well with your prior training and training from me along with Gran Torino and Night Eye you are more than worthy to become my successor. So, eat this!]He exclaimed at the end while showing a strand of hair to me to which I just turned off the taste and feeling in my mouth and ate it and controlled my body to immediately digest it. I then turn on Full Cowling surprising him.

[How were you able to do that? The hair shouldn't have been digested that quickly.]All Might said in disbelief.

[Oh, I guess I never did tell you but I have full control my body so I controlled it to digest it. But I'm surprised I'm able to use 10% of this power.]I said which surprised him more since even if I do train there are limits to the body, especially a child's body, and while this is true, because I reinforced my body as a whole from minerals it allows me to surpass those limits.

[*sigh*Just what I should expect from my successor.]He said with his normal smile since he's still in his O.F.A form.

[So, while I believe it isn't my place to meddle in my successors personal life, when are you going to make those two girls yours?]He asked me which made me embarrassed.

[Shut up, you damn old man!]I yelled at him and tried to blow him up which he just dodged. The reason why he knows 'bout Mi-chan and Nejire is that he introduced himself to my family while Mi-chan and Nejire was there and told them about how I helped heal him from a injury but didn't specify anything so he occasionally drops by and Mi-cham's mood always brightens up since she's still a hardcore All Might fan just like in cannon, but she obviously likes me more, I think, hope.

(2 Year's Later)

It's been 2 Year's since I became All Might's successor and I started opening my own hospital's with healing tech I made such as the skin fabrication tech so people with missing organs and such can get new ones and I made sure it went to people who really needed it all over the world and whoever requested it would get a thorough background check from Jarvis along with all the employees since the government wanted it exclusively but I denied so they tried to send undercover workers but got kicked out immediately. But for the first one I let them steal one to reverse engineer it to show them that if it goes out the hospital without my permission it will overheat and start melting itself away. Even though they knew this they still sent agents until a year ago they stopped after seeing all their operatives get kicked out. I'm now able to use 15% percent of O.F.A and it feels amazing from the rush it gives. There have also been a lot of kidnapping attempts on friends and family from the government, competitors and villains but I don't know if they're just unlucky or what cause All Might would always be there and whenever they tried stuff from political stand points I just showed some dark secrets and that ended with companies shutting down and government getting pressured from civilians. What confused people is why I stood in Japan after all that and I would say because it's home, but it's really because of the plot and not wanting to leave my friends behind since my family will most probably go with me and that would leave everyone else who matters to me unprotected and All Might lives in Japan to and as his successor I can't just up and leave.

But right now my focus is on Himiko Toga who I can tell is almost over the edge and this should be around the time she breaks. I see her coming toward my direction and I hide myself around the corner of a building and willed my body to have cuts and bruises on it which isn't comfortable to say the least, my objective is to make her "fall in love with me" like she would for the boy in her school after seeing him all beat up after a fight and in the end kill him and drink his blood. What I want is to make her hooked on me so she would stay hooked on me since I would never let her kill me and in the end not kill anyone and not go all villain and befriend her while making a deal with her to let her drink my blood and she won't kill. I see her come around the corner at this point and I made my clothes ragged to make it seem more believable and when she looks at me I could see something break in her since I also made my blood stain my clothes. She then abruptly jumps at me but I dodged to the side and see her have a crazy looking smile with slit pupils resembling a cat and a huge blush on her face.

[I think I love you.]She says which startles me a bit but remember her definition of love so it calms me down.

[Are you okay? And what do you mean you think you love me, we just met.]I said with a confused look but it's just an act.

[I think I love you. I think I found my preference in men, one who's tattered and reeking of blood, let me drain it.]She says and lunges at me again but I just dodge and she keeps on trying to jump on me but I keep dodging waiting for her to tire out and once she does I speak.

[You know you could just ask for the blood, right? And I don't think you understand the definition of love so I'll just leave now since I need to rest and heal, bye.]I said and notice her still seeming love sickened look on her face so I could tell I got her in my trap and then notice her following me trying to hide in the shadows and doing a decent job but not nearly good enough showing her inexperience. I then arrive at my warehouse and walk in and she follows behind and tries to jump on me again. Even though this normally wouldn't be possible, Jarvis knows of my plan since he can't betray me so he allowed her in. I dodge her and she lands on the couch upside down.

[Mou, why won't you let me drink your blood?]She asked with a pout which made her look cute if you forget how she was on the street.

[Because you want to see me bleed out, why can't you just drink blood without having to see me bleed out, like a normal person with a blood related quirk, well as normal as one can get.]I said the last part to myself and notice a look of surprise from her.

[You think, I'm normal?]She asked with a bit of a shaky voice and realized it's because of how her parents would treat her.

[I mean, yeah, sure. Everyone has their own circumstances and from what Jarvis told me you have a blood related quirk but you seemed to have suppress for so long once you saw me like this your quirks instincts broke through it's cage. So acting the way you would is pretty normal for me.]I said honestly since like Asui saying ribbit from her frog quirk from instinct her quirks instinct to drink blood was suppressed for so long when she would've seen the school guy bloodied, her quirk would break from it's seeming cage and not being able to control it she did whatever her instinct told her to.{This is my take on it so don't start pointless arguments in comments since I won't respond and everyone has an opinion and that includes me.}She then did something that surprised me, she hugged me.

[You're the first person*sniff*to call me normal.]She said and I can fell my shirt become wet, I guess always being called a monster by her own family, when someone finally accepted her as who she was she broke down. After a while I could hear her breathing in a steady pace not moving which made me realized she's asleep so I went and laid her on the couch but it took a while since she didn't want to let go and I didn't want to wake her up.


So, what you guys think of the chapter? Good? Bad? Middle? Let me know and leave your idea's of how I could improve the story so you guys can find the story satisfying and correct any mistakes in my writing on the grammar side since I know it sucks. All right that's my piece! See you guys next chapter! From one Bored_Anime_Lover to another.