
MHA: Reality Of Those With Nothing

A young child named Ricolo is born into a cruel world, but is gifted a powerful quirk, that could easily make him a feared villain. But before he could walked down that path, he is suddenly stopped by All Might.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 8: A Non-Hero Job.

" A hide and seek, huh? How childish. " Said Ricolo, talking to himself, as he kept staring at the gravestone, Mina was long gone, and night had taken over the sky. Even in the pitch dark, Ricolo could still see his sister's gravestone. The gravestone, he carved himself, out of a pile of rocks, using a dull knife. 

It was Ricolo's masterpiece, his prize, in his miserable life. The single thing, he was proud of. The twisted reality, that his sister's death, led to the thing, he loved most. A strong breeze blew Ricolo's blue hair, making it flow wildly in the wind. As his mind raced...

It must be around 10 PM, right? Meaning, its time for me to start my job, what a shame, this graveyard was quite peaceful for once, I quickly slid my hands into my pockets, before I began to walk, walking past my sister's grave and several others. I walked for minutes, until those minutes turned into hours, and finally, I stopped and stared at a creaky wooden shed, hidden in dense brush. 

I'm surprised this hut is still standing, the wooden walls are rotten to its core, I quickly head towards the hut in pitch black, stopping next to the door leading into the hut before gently knocking on the door. Until a ruff voice yelled out. 

" Come in, Ricolo! " 

Ah, what a shame. Her voice hasn't recovered in the slightest. I cautiously opened the door, revealing an elderly woman with wispy white hair and wrinkled skin, dressed in a black kimono.

Lori, an elderly woman, that took me in, when my parents were killed. She practically became my mother. I politely grin at her before she slams her fist on the wood table in front of her, moving the oil lantern illuminating the room, slightly. 

" You know, you can come visit me sometime, Ricolo. " Lori says, in a rough voice. She isn't wrong, I haven't visited her in several months, truthfully, I didn't know she was alive. But, she is here. I walked towards the table, she was behind before I spoke to her. 

" I'm sorry, I should visit you more, but it is time, isn't it mother? " I see a grin creep on her face before she starts to cough rapidly. Every time I call her mother, she becomes giddy, like a child. So, if she is mad at me, I call her mother and usually, she lets me off the hook. I listen to her cough until she clears her throat and speaks. 

" Indeed, your job is kill to a man in a skyscraper in Tokyo. "

Tokyo, that's quite far away, while I ponder about, how I'm going to reach Tokyo, Lori abruptly leans on the wooden table separating us and speaks. 

" I heard that you joined U.A. I'm quite proud of you son, but I wonder, how the president of that school would react, if he learned that you are a trained assassin, for hire. " Yeah, Nezu, or whatever his name, would probably get me jailed if he found out my true profession. I just shrug my shoulder at Lori, before she scoffs and leans back. 

" You need to think things out son, what if he checked your background- " 

" I thought about that, and I almost didn't accept the offer, but one of the teachers named Eraser Head said that he was looking for me and couldn't find me. And I figured that the school didn't have any information about me. If they couldn't find me. " 

I usually spend all my time at that bar, and people notice that. They started to report a homeless child near the bar, but it looked like the heroes didn't care about it. If they didn't put it in their system. Lori stared, taken aback before she spoke tapping the wooden table.

" Well done, Looks like you matured nicely. So. as a reward take this gift, after all, it's your birthday today. "

It's my birthday? Since when? I watched as Lori reached down under the table pulling out two boxes, one was a lot larger, and the other was quite smaller both in white containers. One of the boxes, I recognized instantly.

It's the box Lori puts my cloak and knives in. She stores them away until the next job I do. But the other box, I don't know anything about. I reach out to the box, which I'm familiar with grabbing onto it, I open the box, seeing several knives on top of a nicely folded black cloak, I stare at the shiny blades before Lori speaks while grabbing the other box, opening it 

" So, here is your new gift. "...