
The bully debacle- Handled.

A little bit later

Bullet was sitting in Mei's workshop, nodding with his arms crossed, then making an 'X' with his arms. Mei held a mechanized suit and sighed, "You're too picky!" Bullet replied slowly "No costume. Just mask." Mei looked at the mask in Bullet's front pocket and jumped on him, touching the mask and asking "Poly-synthetic Hydragrade Nylon Fibers? Such trash material! I could make a better mask as a corpse!"

Bullet nodded and said "Trash. Right." before gesturing, saying "Guy! Sad, no vigilante! Toss Mask trash." Mei sniffed the mask, saying "Smells fine!" Bullet slapped his forehead, saying "Dumb! Not mask trash! Mask throw trash!" as he made a tossing motion.

Mei sat in front of him saying "He threw out the mask?" Bullet nodded and Mei said happily "Great! You throw it out too!" Bullet was horrified and held his mask warily. Mei rolled her eyes, saying "Mask, trash! Me Make Better!"

Bullet pouted "No want better. Just want Mask." Mei squeezed his cheeks "CUTE! Okay! Forget it! I'll work on a different set of support items!" Bullet tilted his head and she slapped him, "I LOVE IT!" Before raising a finger, saying "You and me, we're a team, okay? You have to win! No matter what!"

Bullet gave her a thumbs up, smiling with a star "O.K!" Mei touched the star and laughed "Alright! Now get out of here before you cripple my quadruple digit IQ!" Bullet got up and touched his lips, looking troubled before, smiling "Thanks you." Mei looked at him and smiled happily, calm as can be "Of course, silly."

Bullet nodded and turned to leave.

Mei chased him, shoving the wagon handle into his hand, saying "Don't forget! Idiot!" Bullet nodded, blushing in embarrassment. She giggled and kissed her fist before punching him, "Now get out there!" Bullet was dazed and walked away.

Half way back he remembered, he forgot to tell her that he was leaving for 2 weeks!

He rushed back and saw a guy walking in!

Bullet was stunned and rushed over to see a guy shoving Mei into a chair, saying "Where's my suit?!" Mei was troubled and waved her hands, "I didn't have time!" the guy raised a fist but Bullet stepped forward, glaring at the guy with clenched teeth, saying "Hey, asshole!"

The guy turned and Bullet shot his fist forward, smashing the guy in the chin and sending him flying through the wall!

Mei was shocked and stared at Bullet with her mouth wide open!

Bullet ignored her, walking to the broken wall before kicking the bricks right out, glaring at the guy on the ground.

He grabbed his collar and said "Hurt? Mei!? Die!" as he punched him in the face again, breaking his nose! The guy coughed up blood, spitting out teeth and Bullet raised his bloody fist but Mei jumped on his arm, swinging as she said "Bullet! Stop! Stop quickly!"

Bullet pulled her close and glared at the guy, holding Mei in his chest.

The guy laid on the ground and groaned, air escaping the gaps between his teeth. Bullet bubbled up with rage and kicked the guy across the hall into a bench and smashed the bench to pieces!

He snorted and brought Mei back into the workshop as she was dazed.

Bullet sat her down and looked at her worriedly, "Hurt?" Mei shook her head dumbly, "Huh? No, no…" before snapping back to reality and staring at Bullet, before hugging his face into her chest, laughing at the sky "HAHAHAHA! MY VERY OWN BODYGUARD! I'M A HOT COMMODITY FOR MY UNMATCHED SKILLS!"

Bullet was dazed and she let him go, shouting "YOU'RE BLEEDING?!" Bullet pointed at his nose and then her chest, before mimicking Denki "Woohoo… Yippie…" Mei bubbled up with laughter, grabbing his collar and slapping him a few times, "You're so stupid! I CAN'T GET ENOUGH!" Before lifting him by the collar as he was on his knees now.

She brought his face close, saying worriedly "But I don't think he's going to let it go… What are you going to do? He's going to bring his friends! He's come here before! He wanted me to make him a suit but I really don't have time or want to!"

Bullet nodded in a daze, "Yay…" Mei shook him, saying "This is serious!"

Speaking of which…

Power Loader walked in and pointed at the place where that guy was. Mei said "I beat him! It was me!" Bullet pulled her back, saying "Bullet, beat him." holding up a bloody fist.

Power Loader looked at the duo and sighed, "This was the guy who was bothering you, Mei?" Mei nodded, shouting "Yeah! That jerk! He gave me a slap! Nearly cut off a few neurons! He wants a Suit but I told him I don't have time! He didn't care!"

Then she patted Bullet's shoulder, saying "Then I took advantage of Bullet and manipulated him with fake tears to beat him up for me." turning to him and smiling "Right?" Bullet didn't understand and nodded with a smile.

Power Loader rolled his eyes, saying helplessly "If you were going to get in trouble, that excuse still implicates him!" Mei was shocked "WHAT!? IMPOSSIBLE!" Power Loader shook his head and said "We'll just say 'Experiment gone wrong'."

Mei laughed and ran over, hugging Power Loader by his neck, swinging him around, saying "Sensei! Where would you be without me?! Hahahah! Awesome!" Power Loader coughed, "It's.. the other way… around!"

Mei just laughed before dropping him as Bullet came over, saying "2 weeks, no school. Train only." Mei looked at him in shock "No lunch for 2 weeks?! No! No Bullet for 2 weeks?!" Bullet scratched his head and roughly understood, "No food for Mei. Sorry." Mei grabbed his shoulders and chuckled "Don't worry about it! I'll send Sensei for me!"

Power Loader wanted to cry, who was the teacher here?!

Mei looked at him and said "Okay! You no lose! Come back, win, surprise!" Bullet was startled, "Surprise?" Mei waved exaggeratedly "Big Surprise!" Bullet asked in shock "Big?!" Mei shouted "HUGE!" Bullet nodded and gave a thumbs up, a star twinkling "BELIEVE IT!"

Mei snatched the star and put it in her pocket, laughing "WRONG!" before saying "Okay, you go… Number?" Bullet tilted his head, "Number?" Mei shook a phone in his face, Bullet shook his head, "No phone!" Mei was shocked "In this day and age?! You poor thing! I make for you!"

Bullet pointed at her then himself, then he was shocked!

Mei smiled happily and hung off his neck, swinging side to side, "Yeah! Me! The best! GOD OF MACHINES! Consider yourself lucky! I don't make things for just anyone!" Power Loader sighed, "You don't make anything for anyone…" Mei glared at him, slamming his 'mouth' shut, "SHUSH, APPRENTICE!" Before turning back and smiling happily "Deal?"

Bullet nodded and Mei grabbed his hand, high fiving it. Bullet smiled cutely, walking away. Mei watched him go before shouting "THE WEIGHTS!" Bullet remembered and came back, grabbing the wagon and running off with a red face.

Mei watched him go and sighed to herself, extremely worried, "I hope he can do it… Otherwise we're gonna have some problems!" she was stepping on Power Loader, who sighed, he really doubted his own memory.

He should be the student, right?

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