
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
162 Chs

Not crazy! Exciteable.

The day continued

Bullet went to lunch and got some spicy ramen and another special order for Mei. Lunchrush handed him the food, packaging them to go as he said "Goodluck, Bullet. I hope you can do it!"

Bullet held the food and his eyes sparkled, "Thank! Bullet do!" he smiled happily and clenched a fist, firing out a thumb, the signature star twinkling "Empress Dowager!" Lunchrush laughed and shook his head, saying "You need to work on that."

Bullet turned around and was surrounded by students. He blinked and smiled "Hello!" The bully sneered and said "Well, well… Looks like the freak will be gone soon! Hahaha!" Bullet shook his head and gave them a thumbs up, smiling kindly "Thanks… F-For Support!" before going to walk away, humming to himself, so happy that so many people came to support him!

The bully was stunned and shivered in rage, grabbing at Bullet's shoulder, shouting "Hold it, freak!" Bullet looked over in confusion, holding up the food, asking "Hold food already."

The bully grinned and punched Bullet in the face, saying "Come on! It won't be long before you're gone, we need to enjoy it while it lasts!" Bullet covered the food and protected it while letting them beat him up.

Lunchrush rushed out and stopped them, saying angrily "How many times do I have to tell you!? Report yourselves to Principal Nezu, you can kiss your participation in the Sports Festival goodbye!"

The bullies were shocked but Bullet stood up, his face covered in blood and bruises, smiling kindly, "Okay. No punish. Everyone friend." Lunchrush looked at him and Bullet gave a thumbs up, smiling widely, "No punish! Bullet okay!"

Lunchrush sighed and said to them, "You're lucky. If I catch you again, forget about punishment… You can stay home for the rest of your lives! Now get out of my cafeteria! We're closed for you!" The bullies glared at Bullet, saying "Don't expect a Thanks, you freak!"

Bullet gave them the signature pose, "Don't Thanks Me!" they were only angrier and walked off.

Lunchrush patted Bullet's shoulders and said "That was a very kind thing you did." Bullet smiled and replied "Festival Future. Student no miss. Or…" he seemed to be struggling before adding "No miss or dreams crushed! Very bad."

Lunchrush let out a breath and smiled, giving him an extra serving of everything. Bullet was happy and said excitedly "Thanks! Lunchrush Hero!" Lunchrush laughed and shook his head, walking away.

Bullet walked out of the cafeteria with a bleeding and bruised face as everyone watched him go in silence.

Ochako was shocked and said "He…" Ida pushed up his glasses and hummed. Eijiro laughed and said "I told you he was a good guy!" as he slapped the table, adding "Those bastards! I would've beat 'em to death!"

Jiro looked at him, saying "You know… Since yesterday, you've been getting more violent." Eijiro crossed his chest with his thumb, grinning, "Heh. I've bloodlusted like a man!"

Momo ignored them, shaking her head, saying "We need to do our best." all of Class-1A, minus Izuku, nodded deeply.

Not everyone wanted Bullet to stay, however, some were planning to take him out because they were scared of him!

They were just kids after all, they didn't think about the aftermath of things.

Bullet walked down the hall and quickly got lost.

He walked into a room and there were a bunch of naked girls. They screamed and Bullet bowed a hundred times, "Sorry! Sorry! Lost! Sorry!" before running away.

He ran down the hall and found someone, asking "Hello! Support where?" the guy blinked and pointed down the hall, saying "2 lefts." Bullet smiled kindly, "Thanks!" before walking away happily.

The boy had purple spiky hair and dark circles around his eyes, he rubbed his neck and sighed "Hey… He doesn't seem so bad…"

Bullet made two lefts and looked troubled, there were so many doors! Damn!


Suddenly, a door exploded off its hinges!

Bullet was excited! He found her!

He trotted over happily and peeked inside saying "Ah!" Mei was covered in soot, shouting "AHAHHA! IT BLEW UP! AWESOME!" a short man with construction gear sighed and shook his head, "Over and over, again and again… When is it not going to!" Mei smacked his head, laughing "Don't worry, Power Loader-sensei! When it doesn't explode, I'll be dead! AHAHAHAH!" Bullet walked inside and picked up a dazed support student covered in soot. Bullet set him straight and dusted him off, smiling "Alive!"

Mei turned around and shouted "AHAHHA! DELIVERY!" she rushed over and grabbed the food, smiling happily "Hey, Eyeballs!" Power Loader muttered "Eyeballs?" Mei waved at him, looking at Bullet happily "And!? You have to win?! What are you gonna do?!"

Bullet was overwhelmed and didn't even know what she was saying! He licked his lips worriedly, saying "What?" Mei slapped her forehead and said quickly "You win, what do?!"

Bullet sighed and shrugged, "Don't know! Just win!" Mei nodded and took a big bite out of a chocolate cake, saying "Mhm!" Bullet added, "No win, no food for Mei." Mei froze and looked at him before laughing, "THAT'S RIGHT! I'LL MISS LUNCH AGAIN! INTOLERABLE!"

She grabbed Power Loader and shook him, shouting "ARE SUPPORT ITEMS ALLOWED?!" Power Loader sighed while getting shaken, "Why are you screaming? I'm right here… No. Hero course students are not allowed Support Gear unless agreed by all parties involved. For example, during a duel if both parties agree, then naturally you can. Also, should you team up with a support student then you can use their support gear. However, Hero Course Students cannot use Support gear on their own."

Bullet put down his ramen before punching his palm and nodding, "Ah." Power Loader groaned, "You didn't understand any of that, did ya…" Mei laughed at the sky, "OF COURSE NOT!" before letting go of her 'teacher', rubbing her chin, "This is a conundrum. Bullet can't use any support gear during most of the Festival. But if he loses, he'll be expelled. Then I naturally won't get to eat lunch every day, not to mention wasting time walking to the cafeteria."

She looked at Bullet, who was smiling at her, slurping noodles happily, "Plus, how could I lose my #1 Hero in the making? Impossible. He will make my babies shine! Until he dies! Or I die! But we won't ever die! HAHAHA!"

Power Loader patted Bullet's arm, saying "Sorry about this, Bullet." Bullet looked at him in confusion, Power Loader added, "Punishment. Harsh." obviously, he didn't believe that Bullet was going to make it.

Bullet gave him a thumbs up, smiling with a star twinkling, "No fear! Bullet win!" he kicked his brain into overdrive and added, "Because no choice! Bullet win or Bullet arrested! Haha!"

Mei slapped him into his ramen, shouting "THERE'S NO TIME TO BE EATING RAMEN!" she shooed off Power Loader, saying "Sensei, out with you, my genius is too much for you to handle. Go! OFF WITH YOU I SAY!" Power Loader left and waved over his shoulder, "Goodluck."

Mei kicked the others out, shouting "GET OUT OF MY WORKSHOP, YOU HALF-BAKED TRASH! WHAT ARE YOU COMPARED TO ME!?" The others sighed, "Trash, ma'am…" before leaving with a sulk.

Mei gripped the air, laughing "THAT'S RIGHT! I'M UNMATCHED!" before turning to Bullet, getting up close and personal, nearly climbing onto his lap as she stretched a finger in between their lips.

Bullet blushed and Mei looked at him closely, "Listen, Bullet! You cannot get expelled! There's too many cons and not even pros! Not to mention, I've taken a liking to your stupid face and head full of nothing. It's very fun to watch you nod along and not understand anything! So, I can't let you lose!"

Bullet stared at her in a daze and didn't understand but nodded. Mei grabbed his cheeks and laughed "YES! THAT'S IT!" before pulling his cheeks apart and looking away with a toothy frown, "Now, how are we going to pull this off? How strong ar- YOU, STRONG, HOW MUCH?"

Bullet flexed and Mei felt him up, asking "Only this? PATHETIC!" Bullet lifted her by the shirt with one finger, holding her high up as she said in shock "I WAS THE CLOWN THE WHOLE TIME!" she jumped off and pressed her hands against his body, muttering "Hmm... I see… Slim… Like steel… very compact… Hidden strength…"

She turned around and jumped into a pile of random support items she made.

Bullet watched as she tossed out several things.

One of them was a rectangular hammer with runes on it.

Another was a golden gauntlet with sockets.

A bat costume…

A half red half white ball.

A giant triangular pointed tip sword…

A very high tech looking gun that said "Crime Coefficient- Inconclusive"

Finally, Mei tossed aside a glowing blue cube, holding out some metal gauntlets, saying "Try this!" Bullet looked at the gauntlets and put them on his hands, Mei dragged him to a wall, saying "Punch! All Strength!"

Bullet looked at the wall with suspicion, Mei smacked him, "DO IT!" Bullet didn't see a reason not to and Mei bit on a piece of chocolate cake, staring at him.

He punched the wall and the gauntlet exploded!

But the wall cracked and collapsed!

A couple was making out on the side and were spooked before running away.

Mei looked at the wall and laughed, "HAHAH! NOW THEY'LL HAVE TO EXPAND MY WORKSHOP! THEY DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!" before turning to Bullet, saying seriously, "You broke my baby, now you owe me big time. Anyway, give me the other one."

Bullet was stunned by Mei's momentum, but she was really cute with chocolate at the corner of her mouth. He held out his hand and Mei took the gauntlet from him, the gauntlets were connected so she can get an analysis of what happened to the other one through this one!

Bullet licked his thumb and wiped the chocolate from her mouth. She paused and stared at him, he smiled kindly "Clean!" Mei shivered and kissed her hand before slapping him, saying "THANKS! YOU CUTE LOSER!" before jumping into her work.

She turned around and ran over, pulling his collar down, pressing her face on his, saying seriously "You have to win! I even made you something when I heard the news! I only remembered it just now!"

Bullet nodded with closed eyes and a smile, crossing his arms. Mei bubbled up with manic laughter, "YES! I LOVE THAT EMPTY HEADED NOD! YOU'RE SO STUPID, I CAN'T STAY AWAY!" She handed him a very heavy box.

Bullet's arms sank and he held it with difficulty, "What?!" Mei pulled him close and looked around before saying "You win for me, okay? Otherwise, I'LL STARVE!" before getting serious again, "These are compression weights. Weights." she tapped on his wrists and kicked his ankles, before pointing at the box, "Same! But more! YEAH?!"

Bullet was shocked and smiled kindly, "Thank you. Mei." Mei headbutted him, laughing "Of course! You love me, what's there to say?! You said it yourself! Plus you bring me food! And now I'm used to it."

She sifted through her inventions, handing him a little red wagon. Bullet looked at the thing and got on suspiciously, the wagon slipped and Bullet crashed into the ground.

Mei pointed at his nose and burst out laughing.

Bullet was stunned and said in shock "What is?!" Mei showed him as she put things on the wagon before dragging it along, then she laughed at him again, "Idiot! God! I watched you step on it and I thought, 'There's no way, that'd be too cute!' THEN YOU DID IT! AHAHHAHAHA!"

Bullet looked embarrassed and blushed, looking away, Mei grabbed his cheeks and said "Don't be embarrassed! You're great! Just dumb! It's okay!" he put the box on the wagon and asked "Food?" Mei looked at the download bar before grinning "Yes! Food! Eat!" before dragging him on the ground to the food and sitting on him.

Bullet was stunned and laid on the ground, looking up at the ceiling. Mei's face appeared in his vision, smiling cutely "Say 'Ah'!" Bullet said "Ah-ACK!" Mei shoved noodles down his throat and laughed, "HAHAHA! I USED TO BABYSIT! THEN I GOT FIRED!"

Then she squeezed his cheek, "Not for mistreatment, but because I turned their car into a dinosaur and let the kids ride it!" she leaned over and scrunched her nose on his face, "I LITERALLY BROUGHT DINOSAURS TO LIFE! WHO IS BETTER THAN ME?! NOBODY! THAT'S WHO! AHAHAHA!"

Before leaning back and eating Bullet's ramen.

Bullet let out a breath and smiled, since coming here…

He didn't understand a single word!

How amazing!