
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
162 Chs

Losing control completely!

The next day

Bullet was laying in a hospital bed with bandages all over him. He moved his arms only to find that he was handcuffed to the hospital bed. He looked around for his mask, finding nothing, only himself handcuffed in a room with a single other bed.

Bullet was panicking, not because of the handcuffs but because he didn't have his mask.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, "Relax." Bullet looked over at the other bed, seeing Stendhal wrapped in special chains, unable to move at all, covered in bandages. Bullet said quickly "Arrested?! What do?"

Stendhal stared at the ceiling, sighing "Native ratted you to the police." Bullet laid on the bed and pulled on the handcuffs while crying. The voice in his head was getting louder!

It hurts!

Stendhal continued "You see? Fake Hero… Big joke." Bullet squirmed in the bed and grit his teeth as his mouth curled into a frenzied grin, he pulled on the handcuffs and the hospital bed started creaking.

Stendhal looked at him in silence before realizing, this wasn't Bullet, it was someone else.

Bullet chuckled and cracked his neck, ripping the side bars of the hospital bed right off!

This wasn't Bullet nor Mask, fully.

It was a mixture without the Mask.

Bullet flipped to the ground and chuckled, holding the metal bed posts like giant swords.

He slowly straightened out and grinned crazily, crying at the same time. Bullet laughed and kicked the door down, sending it flying across the hall, stabbing into the wall!

The police were shocked and Bullet laughed wildly, swinging the posts and smashing them into the walls. Blood dripped from the posts as he ran through the hallways. He jumped and stomped a policeman face first into the ground, swinging out the metal posts, smashing hospital equipment as he squatted on the policeman cackling "We love the chase~"

He raised the posts and jumped back, stabbing the posts into the wall, looking down at the heroes in the hallway along with the police. He cackled and cried, "Fake hero, blood… Should be black? HAHAHAHA!"

He exploded off the wall and tanked a water gun shot to the chest, not even stepping back as he swung the posts, smashing the heroes out of the way, laughing "FAKE FAKE FAKE AHAHAHAHAHA!"

He tilted his head back and grinned, licking his lips as he looked at Native, cackling "Rat!" before charging at him, smashing the heroes out of the way, sending them to the ground injured!

The posts deformed and he slashed down with one on Native's head! Native jumped out of the way in fear as Maskless slashed down with the other one, missing on purpose but breaking the floor as he laughed sadistically "Run! Run! Hahaha! Run fast!" he continued smashing down with the posts, barely skimming Native every time!

Native was shivering in fear as he really did run! Maskless chased him, ignoring everyone else, "HAHAHA! RUN FAST, RAT! RUN RUN RUN! AHAHA! UNGRATEFUL TO US! SAVE YOUR WORTHLESS LIFE! BAD CHOICE! LOSE CONTROL, MASKLESS OUT NOW! AHAHAHAH! YOU DIE! HEHEHEHE~!"

He slammed the posts down and cackled before swiping one, sending Native smashing into a wall! He tilted his head and licked his lips, his eyes completely dull as he smashed the post into Native's leg, snapping it!

Maskless laughed and raised the posts over his head, laughing "COME! SEE IF YOU HAVE BRAIN! AHAHHAHA!" He smashed them down but a spike of ice blocked it. The posts still destroyed the ice and Maskless turned to Shoto, Izuku, and Ida, grinning "Ahh… The Hero babies~" while licking his lips.

Shoto was shocked and scared, saying "He's… Not Bullet or Mask. This is bad!" Izuku grabbed Ida, saying quickly "Ida! Find his mask! Quickly! We'll try and hold him off!" Ida was startled and Izuku shouted seriously "Things will only get worse for Bullet if this keeps up! Hurry!" Ida nodded and ran off.

Izuku and Shoto stood across from Maskless in hospital gowns.

Shoto exploded into ice and flames, saying "Midoriya, I don't like our odds…" Izuku clenched his fists, "We have no choice. Bullet's sick, that Native guy caused all of this." Shoto grit his teeth, "Bastard… We won't be a hero after I'm finished with him!"

They charged at Maskless, who slammed the posts together, laughing as the ringing sound resembled a lunchbell, "Time to Feed! AHAHAHAH!" he charged at Shoto and Izuku, swinging out the posts, cutting through the air as Shoto swiped a pillar of Ice and Izuku bounced off the wall, punching at Maskless.

But Maskless took both hits, grinning crazily. His grin was covered in blood from their attacks, but he didn't seem to care at all! Not even moving! He swung out the posts and smashed Izuku into the wall, breaking the ice before charging at Shoto and smashing his head into his face, knocking him back!

Maskless cackled and jumped at Shoto, swinging down the posts with both hands. If this hit Shoto, he would die for sure.

Shoto put his hands together and grinned, "Bullet sends his regards." a twister of ice and fire exploded from his palms, smashing Maskless into the wall, blowing a hole through it.

Maskless flipped and slammed the posts into the ground, sliding back as he coughed up blood, grinning "Hehe~ Fun when you struggle." The posts were ripped from the ground, resembling scythes now.

Izuku shot through the hole and smirked, he punched with 100% of his power, but right before fully extending he returned to 5%. This is what he got from Bullet's Advice. A way to use his strength more efficiently for momentum and catching his enemies by surprise.

Maskless swung a makeshift scythe at him but it was turned into scrap iron as Maskless was sent flying through the wall once more!

Maskless growled and licked the blood off his lips, charging through the wall, swinging the makeshift scythe with all his strength! A cutting sound pierced the air and Izuku was pulled back by a piece of ice, landing next to Shoto.

Izuku was stunned, his arm feeling strained a bit, "Is this guy immortal?!" Shoto said with a frown, "I don't know." Suddenly a new voice said "He's blocked off the feeling of pain." The duo turned to see Stain standing behind him with a frown, "Set me free. This is the only way."

Izuku was stunned and said "No, what?! Are you crazy?!" but Shoto froze the chains, burning them to dust as he said "I hope you stick to your ideals." Stain chuckled and licked his lips, "Don't worry, for a real hero… I never waver." as he charged at Maskless.