
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Dorm Life~

After Mei was done, her parents came. Mio hugged him and cried, telling him how worried she was while Kei smiled and nodded, patting his shoulder, saying that he did a good job.

Bullet smiled happily and thanked them, he didn't know what else to say.

Mei told him that she was moving into the dorms too and that they would be close! Bullet was happy and she left with her parents as Aizawa came back.

He looked at Bullet's metal arm and blinked before forgetting about it. This had Mei's handwriting all over it! Didn't suit him at all but it was a good thing he had an arm now!

Although, he wasn't too sure of the strength…

Bullet moved his arm around a bit and it was a tad bit clunky but it slowly got better.

Aizawa brought him home and told him to pack up everything he wanted to bring with him because they were moving into the dormitory on campus. Aizawa didn't know why they were trying to capture Katsuki but they might try again, so everyone was safer at school.

Aizawa brought Bullet to the school early and brought him to his room. He was next to Momo and across from Shoto with Izuku after Momo's room.

Aizawa fudged the arrangements and put Bullet next to his friends. He was the teacher, who was going to stop him? As a result, he had to put everyone else with their friends as well… Of course, none of them knew at the moment…

Bullet set up his room and Aizawa looked at it, his lips twitching.

There were weapons everywhere, it looked more like an armory…

On a pedestal was Knuckleduster's… knuckleduster!

It was like a piece of art or something…

Aizawa turned and froze, seeing a picture of himself and Bullet on Bullet's desk. He looked at the picture, this was when he got into UA!

Aizawa turned around and left.

Bullet sat in his room putting up the last few pieces of decoration…

There was a huge poster of Knuckleduster and…

A poster of his second favorite hero.

Eraser Head.

Bullet looked at his room and smiled happily, swinging his arm around, hearing whirring sounds.

This arm was a bit tough to get used to… he needed some training for sure!

But now… He took off his shirt and left his pajama pants with knives on them, slipped into some slippers and walked down to the lounge area topless.

He stretched his arms and scratched his stomach, scars all over him.

He smiled happily and went to the kitchen area, getting some popcorn before running to the couch and laying down, turning on a drama on the TV!

Time to relax!

The next day

Bullet yawned as he woke up, making a coffee and toast before going back to the TV and pressing play on the Drama.

This one was so crazy, he couldn't believe it!

He even forgot that everyone was coming back today!

Time passed as Bullet was watching…

The doors suddenly opened and Aizawa said "One class to each building. The first floor is the common area… Your dining hal-" Bullet looked up and the Class saw him, they all bubbled up and ignored Aizawa, rushing over and lunging at Bullet, cheering and crying, "YOU'RE BACK! WUWUWUWU~!"

Bullet was shocked and dog piled in an instant.

Aizawa's lips twitched but he smiled slightly, unknowingly Bullet became the spiritual pillar of the class… They looked so down outside the doors… but now they were back to their perky selves.

Izuku said "Alright guys, let's give him some spac- IS THAT A ROBOT ARM?!" Everyone got off before looking at Bullet's arm in awe. Bullet quickly paused the Drama, scratching his cheek in embarrassment, nodding as the arm whirred.

Izuku's face was excited and he headbanged, "COOL! COOL! COOL! AHAHAH!" He was more excited than anyone!

Eijiro turned to stone saying "Go ahead! Test it!" Bullet blinked and punched him, Eijiro went flying out the doors and landed outside!

Denki shouted at the top of his lungs, "AWESOOOOOOOOOOOOOME~!" Yuga asked quickly "Can it fire lasers?!" Bullet shook his head, saying "No. But maybe next one yes!" All the boys' eyes sparkled!

Eijiro came running back and laughed out loud, "AWESOME! AHAHAHA! HIT ME AGAIN!" Mina was speechless, "Did you develop a bad habit?" Eijiro waved, "What do you know, cutie!? This is a man's romance!" before he froze, realizing he misspoke.

Mina was stunned and turned even more pink, Eijiro blushed and scratched his head, clearing his throat. Mina spoke in a small voice, "Wanna help me set up my room…?" Eijiro whispered, "Mhm… Sure…"

Aizawa shooed everyone away, saying "Let me show you your rooms, then you can set them up, and THEN you can ask about the arm…" everyone hurried him and he explained the building slowly on purpose, making them antsy.

Bullet watched them go and turned the drama back on, the princess just killed the 71st prince! He couldn't believe it!