
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Bullet gets a new friend!

Bullet took off his mask and picked up Momo in a princess carry, walking off the stage.

Midnight swallowed, kids were so fierce nowadays?! She still announced "Bullet is the Winner!"

Knuckleduster fist pumped and Tamao covered her head, pretending not to know this guy.

Bullet walked into the stadium halls, bringing Momo to the nurse but quickly getting lost.

He looked troubled and walked around aimlessly before bumping into a big guy! Bullet looked up and the man looked down, covered in flames!

Bullet was stunned and said "Endeavor! Wow! Very hot, burn!" Endeavor looked at him and said "What rat hole did you come out of?!" Bullet didn't understand, asking in confusion "Rat?" before shaking his head, pointing at himself while holding Momo, "Human!" Endeavor's flames blazed erratically and he said with anger "I know that! You little freak! You're the Quirkless one, right?"

Bullet looked troubled and held Momo with one hand, patting his clothes before pulling out a card! He handed it to Endeavor, who blinked and read it before burning it to ashes, shouting "DAMN KID! Get out of my way!"

As he shoved Bullet into a wall, walking away.

Bullet was stunned and sad, looking at the ashes of his card with a pout, his eyes watering up. He sniffed and wiped his eyes, cleaning up the ashes before continuing along, why was he so mean?

Bullet didn't understand. He just wanted Endeavor to know that he didn't understand… why did he seem to hate him so much? Bullet held Momo in his arms and tears dripped from his eyes as he walked down the hallway, finding Recovery Girl's temporary office.

He knocked with his foot and she opened the door, smiling "Oh good, you found your way here. Come in, little one." Bullet walked in and laid Momo down gently, sitting on a chair next to her bed.

He wiped his eyes and Recovery Girl smiled, "It's nothing to cry about, these injuries happen all the time." Bullet shook his head and continued crying as she asked "What happen?" Bullet sniffed and explained "Card. Aizawa give. Present! Explain, Bullet. No talk! Endeavor burn! Ashes… Present gone."

He wiped his eyes again and cried, adding "Hate Bullet. Why? Bullet only try explain! So mean, no reason… Feel bad." Recovery Girl sighed and her lips stretched out, kissing his arm and speeding up his recovery as she said "Some people. Just not nice. Not Bullet fault."

Bullet looked down in general, saying "Card gone. Present ashes. What do?" Recovery Girl treated Momo and smiled, "Aizawa have more? Maybe? Ask." Bullet shook his head and teared up, "Make problems. Aizawa mad. Fight Endeavor. No good. Shoto friend. Aizawa teacher, no like Endeavor. Then no like Shoto. Bullet reason. Bad. Bad."

Recovery Girl smiled kindly, rubbing his hands, saying "Bullet very kind." Bullet didn't answer and Recovery Girl gave him some gummy chili peppers. He ate them sadly.

A few minutes later

Momo woke up to see Bullet resting in a chair with his fingers locked, she sat up and Recovery Girl smiled "You're awake, good." Momo pointed her thumb at Bullet and Recovery Girl waved, "He brought you here and decided to rest for a bit. Though the other matches should be going on, you two should go watch."

Momo sighed and sat in the bed, tearing up, "Am I so useless? I can never win!" Bullet opened his eyes and looked at her, seeing her tears. He reached out and wiped them away as she looked at him. He smiled kindly, "No sad. Momo very strong!"

Momo cried bitterly "But no win." Bullet smiled and wiped her tears again, saying gently "Life different. Momo very determined. We used to deathmatch. Momo not. In real fight to death, Momo win! Bullet and Mask sure!"

Momo pouted and Bullet nodded happily, "Momo no want kill Bullet. Bullet happy. Mask upset but also happy." he seemed to struggle for words before saying "Mask want Momo strong because Momo Quirk so good! Mask no care lose limb or die to inspire friend! Bullet happy Momo good because we friend!"

Momo burst into tears and hugged Bullet tight, crying loudly.

Bullet smiled kindly, rubbing her back gently.

Mei kicked in the door and shouted "HAHAHAH! Eh? GET OFF MY DOG, YOU VIXEN!" Momo let go of Bullet and sniffed, wiping her eyes. Mei lunged at Bullet and tackled him to the ground, shaking him from his collar, "You ran off with another woman?! I'm devastated!"

Bullet blinked at her blankly and she laughed at the ceiling, "THAT LOOK! COMPLETELY EMPTY! HAHAHAHAH!" Before looking back at him, pulling him close to her face, saying seriously "I know you and Momo have nothing going on, but if you get a woman behind my back, I WILL KILL YOU! Understand?!"

Momo was dumbfounded and Recovery Girl laughed softly, Bullet didn't understand but nodded anyway. Mei laughed wildly, "I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF THAT GOD DAMN LOOK! AHAHAH! I LOVE IT!" before turning back and smiling very happily, different from the madness, this one was very happy and full of affection, "You win! Mei Happy."

Bullet blushed shyly, smiling happily "Bullet happy Mei happy." Mei nuzzled him before saying "Bullet only need Mei. More girl, Mei kill Bullet, okay?" Bullet was dumbfounded and said "More girl?" then he scratched his head in confusion, "Bullet only like Mei. Where more girl?"

Mei shivered and laughed wildly at the ceiling "PERFECT! BE A GOOD DOG AND STAY WITH ME FOREVER! AHAHAHAHA! WHEN YOU DIE, I'LL MAKE A STATUE! GAHAHAHAHAH!" Before pressing her face on his, adding seriously "Of course, at that time, I'll be 102! Then I'll only need to lie down in a hole under the statue and sleep for 1000 years until I can create a time machine and bring you back before you die, creating a new body for you that's immortal so you can be my dog forever! You got it?!"

Bullet snorted smoke from his nose and closed his eyes, nodding smugly "Bullet gets." Mei spat out flames, "HAHAHA! YOU'RE TOO CUTE! I'M GONNA EXPLODE! YOU GOT NOTHING! AHHAHAHA!" before chopping his neck and dragging him away, humming to herself with a cute smile on her face.

Momo and Recovery Girl were speechless as Mei dragged Bullet by his collar, the rest of his body dragging on the floor, limp. She left the room and Momo said "Well… That was… So bold! I wonder when I can confess like this!" before sighing.

She really liked Bullet, he was really nice and kind, but she like liked someone else. Momo smiled warmly, thinking about Bullet's words, holding her hands together and nodding.

Yeah… They were friends!

Bullet got a new friend that day.