
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Bullet's Morning Adventure

Today was the big day!

The entire school was boiling over!


Class-1A was in a locker room together…

Izuku tapped his fingers together, looking around. Katsuki was tapping his foot, Shoto looked around a few times, Eijiro was checking inside lockers…

Fumikage was stunned and everyone looked at each other, "Where's Bullet?" Katsuki's pals exploded with rage, "Probably chickened out! Damnit!" Shoto shook his head saying slowly "I don't think that's even possible… Bullet might be afraid… But Mask? Forget it…"

Izuku looked worried, asking "Is he late?! What's he doing? Oh boy!"


Bullet was walking around outside the arena, unable to find the entrance.

He was holding food and snacks with a dumbfounded look on his face. Mt. Lady dragged him around saying "Hmm… I think I'll have the chocolate dipped apple pie." before handing it to Bullet, adding "You hold this, okay?" while she paid and ate something else.

Bullet was stunned and speechless.

How did he get here?


Earlier, Bullet was walking to UA alone. He happened to pass by a grandma that needed help crossing the street, but it turned out that the street was 5 blocks to her house!

After that, he saw a girl crying that her cat was stuck in a tree, so he had to save the cat…

Then he met the Bossman from work and collected his payment for the demolition. The Bossman told him that he was very satisfied and would call him for another job! Bullet was speechless, mainly because he didn't have a phone!

He tried to tell the Boss, but the Boss laughed and shook his head, telling him that the job was in his heart, not his phone. Bullet was so confused he started crying and the Boss told him that there was no need to cry, this was a man's world.

Bullet just left and finally after kicking a robber in the face, he got to UA!

But as soon as he got there, the pretty reporter lady rushed in his face and hugged him! Bullet was stunned and she asked him a ton of questions that Bullet couldn't understand.

Finally, he pulled his trump card!

Bullet handed her his little card and she read it before crying, hugging Bullet as she said "You're so cute! I can't!" in the end, she let him go and gave him a kiss on the cheek, smiling "Goodluck!"

Bullet didn't know what to say, giving her a stiff thumbs up, saying "I love you!" The lady laughed and shooed him into UA.

But right after this!

Bullet bumped into Mt. Lady face to chest! She was shocked and lifted him up, shaking him angrily, Bullet was confused by her words and just nodded in a daze. She smirked and nodded, "Good!" before dragging him along, making him hold her things.

And so, Bullet was here.

Bullet thought Mt. Lady was nice, the Mask wasn't a fan though. The Mask was suffocating with rage at all times, barking in Bullet's mind about all these fake heroes everywhere.

Bullet didn't know what to say, he agreed for most of them, but look Mt. Lady just bought him some cotton candy… She can't be so bad, right? The Mask told him he was so hopelessly idiotic that he wished he had a real body to slap him.

Bullet just blushed shyly, telling the mask that he was sorry. The Mask was rampaging in his mind angrily as Bullet followed Mt. Lady around…

Mt. Lady held up a t-shirt and turned to Bullet, "Nice?" Bullet looked at the shirt before pointing with a crepe, "Shirt. Small. Boobs, too big!" Mt. Lady froze and shouted angrily, "You damn kid! Still thinking about my boobs?!"

Bullet looked at her innocently, saying "Bullet say truth. Why angry?" Mt. Lady pulled on his cheek, saying "You're not supposed to say the truth! Don't you know how to make a woman happy?"

Bullet nodded and replied "Mic say. Girl scream, very happy!" Mt. Lady's lips twitched and she looked at Bullet's kind smile before sighing. She stretched his face helplessly, "You're something else, who even are you?"

[Bullet, please report to Class-1A waiting room.]

Bullet pointed up, saying "Bullet." before pointing at himself with a chocolate dipped apple pie on a stick.

Mt. Lady froze and Kamui Woods looked at her, saying "You… Kidnapped a contestant?" Mt. Lady blushed in embarrassment, shouting at him "Shut up, Shinji! I didn't even know!" Bullet covered his mouth with all of Mt. Lady's things.

Kamui Woods sighed and shook his head, but Bullet said to them, "You. Like? Together?" Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods looked at him tilting their heads in confusion, Bullet gestured, waving the snacks around "You. You. Together? Happy! Like!"

Mt. Lady froze and her face turned red, Kamui Woods was stunned, saying "Wh-What!?" Bullet explained "TV Drama. Like this! Girl. Like! But no say! Only mean. Boy other girl! First girl, very sad. Suicide! Boy sad too, insane." before sighing and shaking his head.

Kamui Woods stared at Bullet in a daze, what the hell! He hadn't seen this Drama before!

Mt. Lady lifted Bullet by his collar, shaking him angrily "YOU! YOU! AHH! YOU BRAT! This isn't a Drama!" she shivered in rage, adding "And the first girl… WAS HIS SISTER! AHHH!"

Bullet was dumbfounded, shouting "WHAT?! SISTER?! IMPOSSIBLE! SAY LOVE YOU!" Mt. Lady shouted "She meant as a sister! It was a royal family; she was the daughter of a concubine! God!" Bullet was shocked, he didn't expect this, but still said "You, Kamui Woods. Together, nice. And! Sister no same mom, still love?"

Mt. Lady didn't even have the strength to shake him anymore, just sighing as the announcement rang again.

She let him go and stomped out a hole in the ground from shame.

Bullet looked at the hole before saying "She strong!" he smiled at Kamui Woods, "You like! Strong girl. Good! Hurt only cus love you!" Kamui Woods couldn't even speak, he didn't know what to say and Mt. Lady kicked at him angrily, "Shut up! I hate you!"

Bullet turned to the side, holding out the snacks, smiling happily "You food. Me go." Mt. Lady snorted smoke from her nose and Bullet hugged her suddenly, she froze and Bullet backed off, handing her the snacks, giving her a thumbs up with a big star twinkling at the corner, "You support Bullet, Bullet happy! Thanks you!"

He smiled with a wink and walked away happily, humming to himself.

Mt. Lady watched him go before sighing. Kamui sighed, "What a strange kid." she shoved the snack in his hands and muttered "Don't you feel like… You've seen him before?" Kamui Woods held the snacks and replied "Hm? Now that you mention it… That pose is familiar…"

They looked at each other and shouted. "The Masked guy! Damn! This kid was fooling me the whole time?!" Kamui shook his head and frowned, "No… I don't think so, Yu… He seemed very genuine, I think he has a problem." She rolled her eyes and snorted, "And you're the expert, Shinji?"

Kamui nodded and replied "Well, I can feel emotional states." Mt. Lady's face turned red and he coughed, not mentioning anything on that… She walked away quickly as he kept up with her, sighing "This woman… so difficult…"

Bullet wandered around before bumping into a huge guy! The huge guy turned around and Bullet looked up, stunned silly. Tears flowed down his eyes. The big man grinned, palming Bullet's head, "How you been, kid?!"

Bullet jumped up and hugged him tightly, laughing "Hero! Hero! Haha!" Knuckleduster chuckled and patted Bullet's back, putting him down, saying "You, secret, okay?" Bullet nodded and completely ignored the girl next to him, saying "Ah! Bullet strong! Kaina mom!"

Bullet gestured wildly and showed Knuckleduster the necklace before waving his hands, saying in shock "Go villain kill! But bad?! Bullet shocked! Now punish." Knuckleduster frowned and shook his head, "No 1, No school?"

Bullet nodded, adding, "No School, JAIL!" the girl on the side was stunned. She was wearing an eyepatch on her left eye and looked at Bullet's right eye, but she was more shocked that she couldn't understand a single word!

Knuckleduster rubbed his head, laughing "No jail! I take!" Bullet looked up at him, stars in his eyes, "Okay! I lose!" Knuckleduster punched him in the head, smashing him into the ground face first, laughing "You win! Damn! What are you saying you little moron!?"

Bullet got up and was a bit dizzy, he grabbed the girl's hand and shook it, "How do you do, madame?" Knuckleduster picked him up and shook his senses back, saying "Bullet. You win. Me watch!" Bullet blinked and smiled, nodding, "Okay!"

He landed back on the ground and looked at the girl suspiciously, sniffing around her, she shivered and punched him, "Stop it, creep!" Bullet tilted his head and rubbed his chin, "Knuckleduster smell! Hero apprentice?"

Knuckleduster rubbed her head, laughing "Daughter!" Bullet was shocked! The girl slapped at his hand, saying "Get off me! Ahh! You're embarrassing!" Knuckleduster laughed "Alright, alright, daddy's embarrassing…" as he continued, the girl screamed in anger and kicked his legs!

Bullet was shocked, "So violent!" forgetting that Mei borderline abused him. He tapped on the girl's shoulder, smiling "Me Bullet!" before gesturing to her. The girl turned back and crossed her arms angrily "Tamao!" Bullet grabbed her hand and made a thumbs up before one of his own, smiling happily "I love you!" Tamao and Knuckleduster spat out and Knuckleduster laughed while Tamao kicked at Bullet angrily, blushing. Bullet was confused before waving quickly, saying "Mean! Mean! Bullet mean say, No Fear!"

Tamao stomped at him, grinning evilly "No fear my cute ass!" as she kicked at his head like a ninja! Bullet was shocked and stepped back, waving "Bye, Hero! Need go!" Knuckleduster laughed and waved as Tamao snorted out smoke from her nose in rage.

Bullet smiled and gave a thumbs up, jumping and turning "Thanks for Support! Haha!" as he disappeared into the arena. Knuckleduster curled his lips and Tamao snorted "What a loser!" Knuckleduster nodded with a laugh, "Yeah! He's a loser… just like me." Tamao looked at him in shock, "He-?! AND HE GOES TO UA?!"

Knuckleduster chuckled and put her on his shoulders, saying "You probably won't believe a single word of where he comes from… Come on, that bastard took you over, daddy's gonna spend more time with you." Tamao crossed her arms and snorted, "You got rid of her, remember?"

Knuckleduster grinned, "I can't spend time with my little girl?" Tamao blushed and looked away, "Whatever…"

Bullet was running around looking for the locker room and he suddenly tripped, rolling into a room and landing on the ground. He looked up and saw several women. Bullet sighed and looked sad, "Why luck so bad? Bullet lost. Class-1A where?" the women smiled and gave him directions.

Bullet sighed and got up, waving "Thanks you." as he walked away, sighing again.

Finally, he came to the Class-1A locker room!