
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Bullet's Dream!

Ragdoll was shocked and said "You want to Work Study with the Wild Wild Pussy cats?" her tone was really soft and low. Bullet shook his head and patted Ragdoll's chest, saying seriously, "No. Ragdoll. Not Pussycats!"

Ragdoll turned away, saying "I'm not a hero anymore… Sorry." Bullet stuck his metal arm in the door and walked inside saying with a kind smile "No hero? Big joke!" Ragdoll shook her head and Bullet patted her shoulders, smiling "Listen! Bullet no Quirk! Bullet hero! Come Work Study Ragdoll, good!"

Ragdoll looked troubled and shook her head firmly, "You're wasting your time, Bullet. I'm telling you!" Bullet pinched her lips and smiled kindly "You look." He took off his short and showed her the metal arm, smiling "No arm, still Hero. No Quirk, still Hero. Waste time? Big joke! HAHA!"

He pushed Ragdoll onto a beanbag and stepped on it, pointing at her face with the metal arm, smiling kindly, "Ragdoll no Quirk, can't be hero?! Bullet hero for what reason!?" Ragdoll looked at him in a daze and Bullet flipped his palm, holding out his hand to her, shouting "You too, can be a hero! Work Study? Not Bullet! Work Study for Ragdoll!"

Ragdoll was dumbfounded and teared up, "Why…" Bullet smiled kindly, saying loudly "Because that what Hero do! Come on! Bullet teach!" as he curled his fingers over and over with a star twinkling at the corner of his lips.

Ragdoll wiped her tears and smiled slight, taking his hand.

Bullet pulled her up and laughed "Haha! Ragdoll super cute! But need to be fierce!" as he gestured like a cat clawing, "Get?! Like before! Meow!" Ragdoll mimicked him smiling gently, Bullet shouted loudly, "MEOW!" startling Ragdoll, who shouted in shock, "Meow?!"

Bullet laughed loudly, "LOUDER! WITH FEELING IN CHEST!" Ragdoll shouted "MEOW!" Bullet laughed and slapped her hands, nodding "GOOD! Never forget this! Ragdoll, super hero! No Quirk, no problem! Who need Quirk!? Useless! Bullet see guy, Quirk make trash move out of way! Ahahah! STILL SLIP ON BANANA! FOOL!"

Ragdoll was stunned and Bullet grabbed her hand, pulling her along as he marched out of her home, walking to a park, saying "Bullet tell you. You cute. Single? Aizawa single too! Maybe fight Pixie-Bob, but is okay! Beat her face in! HAHAHA! Very fun!"

Ragdoll blushed, "S-SINGLE?!" Bullet nodded and smiled, "Real name Tomoko, right?? Bullet have hard time find you! So secret! But Mei find you, so easy! You look good, small boobs very good for fighting, not in way!"

Tomoko was dumbfounded and Bullet stopped in a park. He took off his top and made a stance, "Bullet, not much time teach. We fight, Bullet come back tomorrow with plan." Tomoko tilted her head and said in shock "F-Fight?"

Bullet nodded and smiled "Yeah! How judge strong no fight? Silly Tomoko! Bullet really kill you, you not ready!" as he charged at her, punching at her head.

Tomoko stumbled back and twisted around, extremely agile and flexible… Like a cat!

Bullet continued fighting her intensely as she twisted around, dodging with a troubled look on her face. Bullet shouted "FIGHT BACK! HOLD BACK FOR WHAT? YOU HURT BULLET? BIG JOKE! RIGHT NOW, YOU TRASH KITTEN! BULLET MAKE YOU LION!" as he shot an uppercut, nailing Tomoko in the stomach.

She spat out bile and shot her leg up in an instant, catching Bullet in the chin. He shot his head back but it came down, grinning "Now we can talk! Good reflex! Hero long time, in bones! Tomoko mostly support before but not miss training! Good!"

Bullet stopped and hugged her happily.

He rubbed her stomach and smiled apologetically, "Sorry… Bullet go too far. Hurt?" Tomoko looked at his gentle and kind smile, slowly smiling herself as she shook her head, "No. Thank you, Bullet."

Bullet smiled and wrapped his metal arm around her neck, grinning "Bullet like pussycats! Very funny and cool! Most time see Hero not really hero just fake. But Tomoko become like Bullet and Pixie-Bob bonk! Tiger no fear rush to save Tomoko! Fight All For One, still protect Tomoko with body, save other lady also! This real hero!"

He walked to Tomoko's home, smiling as he pulled her hand along, "Bullet see Hero always do commercial, say 'Wah, me big hero buy chips!' but never see this hero save! What hero for? Very stupid! Bullet like vigilante more but vigilante not good for hero. So become Hero." Tomoko listened to him and walked next to him, holding his hand as he went on, "Truth, Bullet sad life. No Quirk throw in trash! Get scar from this! Kill to live, very bad. Every day, but Bullet think, people smile, very happy thing! So Bullet smile! Not let world beat Bullet! You get?"

Tomoko nodded and Bullet smiled happily, going on, "Bullet think, if Bullet real Hero. Save people, one day people see and say 'Me hero too!' No Quirk, bad Quirk, strong Quirk, all the same. Just people! Bullet want to be Hero who inspire everyone to be hero! Say look if Bullet can do, you can do too!"

He clenched a fist and smiled happily, "Dream change many times, want normal to be hero for smile, finally, Bullet get friends, Girlfriend, feel lots of love everywhere. See many things! Change Dream!"

He turned to Tomoko and stretched out his hand smiling kindly, "Bullet Hero who Inspire everyone to never give up! Even if live in trash, one day get better! Even Orphan can be hero! Everyone have hero inside!"

He let go of her hand and pressed a finger on her chest, "Hero inside here! No fear mean 'No Fear one day life get better for you!' No matter what No give up and you will succeed! If Bullet can be hero with no Quirk, everyone can be hero! Just have to want it!"

Tomoko was blown away, staring at Bullet's kind smile in a daze.

Bullet gave her a thumbs up, smiling with a star twinkling at the corner of his mouth, "NO FEAR!" Tomoko shivered and cried, sobbing as she hugged him abruptly "Thank you! Thank you so much, Bullet!" Bullet smiled gently and rubbed her back.

She squeezed him and separated from him before smiling sweetly and kissing him on the cheek, her bubbly self returning from the down and depressed version, giggling "You're my Hero~ Meow~!" while gesturing like cat paws, grinning cutely.

Bullet laughed and cheered "Yeah! AHAHA! Tomoko back in action!" Tomoko jumped happily, "I've been CAT-atonic for too long! HAAHA!" Bullet grabbed her waist and held her, saying seriously "Ah, but Tomoko too happy. Think go out and beat Villain, big hero? Tsk tsk~!"

He shook his head and Tomoko froze, Bullet smiled happily, "Tomoko new Hero training only begin! Bullet teach you real hero! You Work Study under Bullet now! Like Sidekick, oh no- Intern! Ah! Tomoko intern!"

Bullet touched all over her body, saying "Okay, you stay still. Record measurements!" he slid his metal arm over her entire body before nodding as she blushed, "Good! Today until night, train hard! Tomorrow come back with plan! See weakness and strength! Come on!"

As they started sparring again.

The next day