
MHA: Programmer

Disclaimer: Hello! This is my first fanfic, so I hope you'll be lenient with me. I'm not the best at writing, so there may be some grammatical errors. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes so I can improve. Due to my busy schedule, I might not be able to update frequently, but I'll do my best to post whenever I have the time. This story will not be a harem fic, as I personally don't enjoy them, although I don't mind them in general. The main love interest in this story is Momo Yaoyorozu. The story will start off quickly because I want to get into the action without spending too much time on the initial setup. Synopsis: MC: Ren Hikari Ren Hikari is an ordinary college student in his early 20s who finds himself transported into the world of My Hero Academia. With the quirk "Code," his ability is unique compared to other popular quirks like stands or sunshine. You'll have to read the fic to discover the full extent of what makes his quirk special. I do not own any characters or elements from My Hero Academia; all rights belong to their respective creators. My only contribution is the original character.

SonDSoro · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 10: Impact

A week had passed since our heartfelt conversation under the cherry blossom tree, and the change in Momo Yaoyorozu was becoming more apparent. Our friendship, which had begun with a shared understanding of loneliness and ambition, seemed to have a positive impact on her. Her smiles were more genuine, and her interactions with the world around her had become more open, though the challenges of integrating with her peers remained.

Our routine of meeting for lunch and studying together had become a cornerstone of our daily lives. These moments were a blend of light-hearted banter and profound discussions about our quirks, dreams, and the struggles we faced. It was a refreshing change from the isolation that had previously marked Momo's school life.

One afternoon, as we sat together in the school library working on an assignment, I noticed Momo struggling with a particularly challenging problem in her textbook. Her usual calm demeanor was replaced by a look of frustration.

"Is everything okay, Momo-san?" I asked, glancing at her with concern.

She sighed, pushing the textbook away slightly. "This problem is more difficult than I anticipated. I can't seem to get the solution right."

Offering a reassuring smile, I leaned closer. "Maybe I can help. I've had some experience with similar problems."

Momo looked up, her expression softening. "Would you? That would be wonderful."

As I guided her through the solution, I saw her tension ease. It was gratifying to witness her confidence return as she grasped the concept. Our teamwork felt natural, extending beyond just our quirks to a mutual support that was deeply satisfying.

"Thank you, Ren-san," Momo said, her eyes reflecting genuine gratitude. "I appreciate your help. It's nice to have someone who understands."

"It's my pleasure," I replied. "I'm glad I could help. If you ever need assistance with anything else, don't hesitate to ask."

Our study sessions soon became a regular part of our routine, and we began exploring the school's various clubs and activities together. Momo showed a renewed interest in joining the art club, a passion of hers that I wholeheartedly encouraged. She was excited about expressing herself through art, and her enthusiasm was palpable.

One afternoon, we visited the art club's studio, a spacious room filled with canvases, paints, and various art supplies. Momo's eyes lit up as she surveyed the space.

"This place is amazing," she said, her voice filled with awe. "It's so inspiring."

"I'm glad you like it," I said. "I think it'll be a great outlet for you. Plus, it's a chance to meet others who share your interests."

As Momo began working on a new drawing, I watched her focus intently on her art. It was clear how much joy it brought her, and I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had played a part in encouraging her to pursue something she loved.

The art club quickly became a significant part of Momo's life. She started making connections with other students who shared her passion, and it was heartening to see her gradually integrating into the club. Her loneliness seemed to diminish as she found a community where she felt valued.

One evening, as we walked back from the art studio together, Momo turned to me with a thoughtful expression.

"Ren-san, I've been meaning to ask you something," she said. "How do you manage to balance your training with school? It seems like such a challenge."

I considered her question for a moment before responding. "It's not easy. My training is demanding, and there are days when I feel overwhelmed. But I try to stay focused on my goals and remind myself why I'm doing this. Having support from friends like you makes a big difference."

Momo smiled warmly. "I'm grateful for your friendship, Ren-san. It's been such a comfort to have someone who understands and supports me."

I smiled back, feeling a deep sense of connection. "I feel the same way. Our friendship has been really meaningful to me, too."

As we continued walking, our conversation shifted to lighter topics. We laughed together, sharing stories and anecdotes. The bond between us had grown stronger over the years, and it was clear that our friendship had become a source of strength and solace for both of us.

Reflecting on our journey, I realized how much our friendship had enriched both of our lives. It was a testament to the power of genuine connection and the difference it could make in overcoming the obstacles we faced. Despite the challenges ahead, I felt confident that with our growing support for each other, we could face them with resilience and hope.

As I looked at Momo, her smile reflecting the joy and contentment she had found, I understood that our friendship was not just a beacon of light for her but also a source of strength for me. Through this, I had come to appreciate that our struggles often make us more compassionate and empathetic. Momo's courage in opening up about her loneliness highlighted the value of true friendship, and I was hopeful for what the future would bring as we continued this journey together