
MHA: None can defeat gravity.(dropped)

Can someone completely beat anything? No. Nothing can beat gravity, as no matter how strong your mental fortitude or body is. No matter how big your kingdom, gravity kicks in and you fall. From your high breaches of heaven. Nothing stops gravity. But someone who can somehow use this chaotic force. The problem is that they keep reincarnating in a different world suffering cruel fate after another. Can it fight back against this curse or will it just suffer through its eternal torture never realizing this is it’s punishment? ~~~ The pictures that I have posted are not mine. I wish I had that artistic skill but I don’t so I have to find pictures that match my imagination. None of it belongs to me, though i if I can find the actual artist I will include it.

SpiritsGoCrazy · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

You encountered a wild hero!

Sorry about the delay. I had lots of school work as it was the end of a project so I had to finish everything up. Along with this i dont have the best sleep schedule so I have been catching up on that.

Sincerely, the best author on Webnovel.


Waking up i stretched my back which was practically dead from sleeping on the asphalt.

I walked out of the alley gagging from my own smell. I decided I was gonna go take a shower in some random citizens house because reasons.

Walking aimlessly around I decided to break into a couples house. Though I didn't kill them because as long as I'm not seen and there aren't any cameras recording I didn't need to.

Unfortunately that plan didn't go great as they were making out in the bathroom… with a disappointed face I crushed them together.

But then I realized something. NOW EVERYTHING IS FUCKIN BLOODY!

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom looking for their bedroom. Once I reached it I looked for the males clothes. Looking through I put on some black jeans that are too small for me, and a grey t-shirt that fit just right. I then walked out of the room and down the stairs. So far so good.

I opened the door to find a hero with way to much muscles than necessary. How do I know she is a hero? It literally says it on her suit. "Uh. Hi?" I commented.

She just gave me a deadpanned look, sighed and got slightly bigger. "Let's just get this over with you obviously aren't worth my time villain"

I poured a little bit and put my hand over my chest like I was emotionally hurt by her words.

"I little rude don't you think?" I asked, unfortunately she ignored me.

Sighing I just stretched out my arm and put my hand into a fist. Surprisingly enough she didn't get crushed into a bloody pulp, and instead it just looked like she had started wearing 150 kilogram weights on each appendage.

I blinked my eyes and tilted my head. Question marks appearing everywhere around my head. Then I realized something and put my fist on my palm.

"Ah! You must have a strength enhancement quirk! That explains why you look like a muscle head but you're actually kinda smart!" I concluded.

"Did you just say I look dumb?" She asked tick marks appearing everywhere. I nodded my head and smiled in response.

She started charging at me albeit pretty slowly because of the increased gravity. I started slowly increasing the gravity until she stopped right before me, barely able to stand. "Soooo… how do we want to do this? 1) you can be stubborn and I have to torture you and then kill you after you gave me the info I want or 2) you tell me right away what I need to know and I cut off your legs so o end your hero career." I asked in a manner as if I was asking what I should buy from a convenience store.

There was one thing I failed to notice though. Her hand was slowly reaching for her comms device and signaling for help. Hey I can't control air so I couldn't feel the vibrations.

Thankfully I'm not deaf and heard the beeping of the device. My gaze hardened and I focused all of the force of gravity(to the extent I can control) on her head. The result is like when too many rubber bands are put around a watermelon. It popped.

Sighing I realized I may need a different way to get clean.

I realized that the way I did it was really messy so now I was covered in human guts and brain matter.

"I overdid that didn't I" I chuckled at the the experiment. Sadly I couldn't change or else more heroes would be on my backs once I finish.

Brows furrowed at the thought I tried figuring out how to get away quickly from heroes without being seen.

I realized that I could just increase gravity in a certain direction.