
MHA: Nightcrawler

Death. Five Wishes. Reincarnation. Life.

Mountain_Dew_98 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Four Years Old

In a room we can see a boy with blue coloured fur sleeping. Suddenly the boy disappeared from the bed with a blue smoke and appeared near his rooms ceiling and started to fall from there, but before he got face first on the floor he woke up and flipped and landed on his feet.

Right after he landed he got the memories of four years in this world. He was born looking like the Nightcrawler and his name is Tetsurō Kuroo. His mother's name is Nanao Kuroo, she's an elementary school teacher and her quirk is shape shifting.

Looking around he saw a bed with blue smoke on its top, lot's of drawings of a woman and a child was on the walls and a picture of him and a woman, looking at the picture he said "So, that's my mom huh?"

Looking around he found a mirror so he went near it and looked at it. He saw that he's still in his blue demonic form so he willed it to change and he started to transform. After the transformation he looked into the mirror again, and what he saw was a young Nishinoya from Haikyuu. Nodding his head he called out to his mom and ran outside the room "Mommy!!!!"

"What is it? " He heard her voice from her room so he went there.

When he was about to enter the room, the door opened and his mom came out. Seeing him she was first confused but that went away fast as she hugged him and said "You got my quirk huh."

"I don't know, I just changed like this. What's happening?"

"Nothing to worry about okay, mommy will take care of it. Now go and brush I'll prepare the food."

"Yay food." Saying that he started to move to his room but suddenly he disappeared from the spot and reached his door. Seeing this Nanao's eye's went wide and said to herself "So he got his quirk too huh?"

Shaking her head she went to the kitchen to cook up something that he likes.

Inside Tetsuro's room after brushing his teeth he looked at the mirror again and thought about changing and in an instant he was back in his blue form. Looking at his tail he smiled a bit and then he tried to concentrate, after couple of seconds he said to himself "I'll have to train it to the next level to get into it huh." After he said that he teleported from his bathroom to his room and thought 'So with observation haki i can go to places I can't see, that increases my range of teleportation.'

After that he went to the kitchen in his blue form and sat down at his chair. Hearing the movements behind her Nanao said "It'll be ready in a minute, okay?"

"Okay. But mommy, I think I can changed again."

"How so?" Saying that she turned around to see Tetsuro in his blue form, looking at him she said "It's alright, I think that you can change as you like."


"Really. Now think about changing again."

"Okay." Saying that he thought about changing and he changed into his human form. Looking at his hand's he said "Wow... "

"See, you can do it yourself."

"Thanks mom!" Saying that he got down from his seat and went to hug her. But his hug only reached upto her legs. Looking down Nanao smiled and ruffled his hair and said "Your welcome, now be seated, food is ready."

"Yes mom." Agreeing with her he went back to his chair and sat down.

Right after him Nanao also came with the rice and miso soup and ohitashi (boiled vegetables) served as side dishes with scrambled eggs.

Placing it on the table Nanao also sat down and both of them said ""Itadakimasu"" and started to eat their breakfast while making some small talk.

After the meal was finished Nanao spoke "Go and change your clothes, well go to the hospital to register your quirk okay?"


Saying that he went to his room to change.

After changing they both went to the hospital in their car.

Half hour drive later they reached the hospital and met up with a quirk doctor.

After couple of tests the doctor said "It looks like he have a quirk based on teleportation. Rarest of the quirks I've ever seen. Anyway, additionally your son can change into the blue skinned form and human form as he wills it, so he can't change into other's."

"Okay, so what will be the name of his quirk?"

"Let's go with... " But the doctor was interrupted by Tetsuro who said.


"Are you sure?" Nanao asked him.

"Yes! I want it named Blink, that's how the magic man do right?!!"

Seeing his excitement the doctor spoke "It can be named blink. Happy?"

"Yay!! Good doctor."

Whe he said that both Nanao and the doctor smiled at that.




-----------Chapter 2 End----------