
MHA: New Generations

A story of a young bot with a deadly power in the world of MHA. Due to this he is shunned by society and becomes somewhat antisocial but learns to break out of that as he advances with his classmates in the prestigious U.A high hero corse.

LegendaryKing13 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: First day

A new day had started and almost every first year was gathered in front of the dormitories. Jinko was approaching the dorms in his casual attire with his suitcase in hand when he saw a crowd of students in their casual clothing crowded up waiting to enter the dorms. 

As he walked towards the crowd he'd hear the voices of Yusei and Tokiko calling his name. He keenly looked forward and saw the two in their casual attire waving at Jinko with their suitcases and other bags beside them.

Jinko approached them with his usual expressionless face.

"Morning Kasayami-san."

``Morning``; Jinko replied before looking around the hoardes of first year students. He then asked Yusei what was going on, hands tucked in his pocket.

"We're all waiting on the teachers so we can enter the dorms but they're taking really long."

Just as he said that a black shadowy figure appeared from the ground with the other first year homeroom teachers.

The trio saw the shadow man and instantly recognized him. He was a hero who was famous in the eastern and western parts of Japan due to the amount of villains he captured and the countless people he saved during the bombing incident at Fusha city. 


"The Shadow Hero…"

"KAGE!!"; they shouted in unison before received odd stares from the others. The trio quickly hushed up before the shadow like hero began instructing them.

The hero told the students to quiet down and follow their respective homeroom teachers to their dorms. The students lined up and followed their homeroom teachers into the dorms including class 1-b. 

Inside the 1-B dormitories Sado was about to relay some important information to the students.

"Before you go exploring, here are the dorm rooms rules:

``They are Cameras on in dorms 24/7 to prevent inappropriate behavior.``

The students reacted to the first rule as any normal human would, they were freaked out. 

"What!!" (Katou)

"Isn't that an invasion of privacy." (Erin)

"I agree with you but those rules weren't my idea." (Sado)

"Let's continue:

2.You all must be in your rooms before 10:30 P.M or you will face serious consequences.

3.You can use your quirks to a minimum degree, that means no destructive abilities.

4.You have to clean and maintain the dorm by yourself, that means no maids or cooks. You gotta do that for yourself." (Sado)

"Also you will be sharing dorm rooms with a second person, your dorm room numbers are on your I.Ds and to get into your dorm rooms you have to place your I.D's on the scanner of each door. Your other items will arrive shortly…"

The spiky haired student raised his hand asked Sado if that was all. Sado replied with yes that's all in a sad way before allowing them to go explore.

The students walked off while talking about how unfair and terrible some of the rules were. 

The students separated and checked out each facility. Erin looked at the kitchen and was amazed by all the cooking appliances. Tokiko was in the living room which was in the same area as the kitchen sitting comfortably on the sofa.

While some of the students explored the dorm Jinko went to his dorm room. He approached the room with his I.D in hand.

Jinko placed his card on the scanner, opening the door. His dorm room was practically empty and only contained a bunk bed, 2 desks, 2 lamps and a ceiling fan. 

"Guess this is what I'm working with."

He dragged his suitcase in before locking the door. He'd put the suitcase beside the bed before sitting on the bottom bunk.

Sighing, he opened his suitcase and took out a picture of him and his grandfather when he was young. 

Jinko fell back unto the bed and held the picture in the air.

"I miss you gramps."

Suddenly the door busted wide open alerting Jinko.

"Hello there new roommate!!"

Jinko sat up and had a shocked expression on his face.



"Guess we're not only seat neighbors, we're also roomates, what a coincidence."

Jinko shrugged before Yusei walked in and placed his bag in a corner.

A few hours passed by since they got into the dorms and all of Yusei's and Jinko's items had finnaly been unpacked. Yusei placed both his arms on his hips before telling Jinko he just unpacked his last box.

Exhausted as ever, Yusei climbed up to the top bunk and layed down on his bed while Jinko went over to his desk with his drawing book in hand and drew.

The first day of school had officially begun and the students were given their timetables.

First Period - Math - 8:30am -9:30am

A woman with blue eyes and long flowing water hair all the way down to her hip placed an equation on the board and asked the students for the answer with a smile on her face.

Character Analysis✨

Hero Name: The Aquatic Hero: Rip-Tide 🏊🏼‍♀️

Quirk: Hydration 💨💦

Miyuki eagerly raised her hand.

"Yes you young lady." (Rip Tide)

Second period - Science - 9:30am - 10:30am

A blond male teacher sat on his desk as the students wrote down notes he had placed on the board. He asked them a quick question about the topic as his eyes sparkled like stars.

Character Analysis✨

Hero name: The Attractive Hero: Tiger

Quirk: Love Sight 😍

Some of the female students were dazzled by his charms, he even attracted a crowd of female students from other classes outside.

Third Period - English - 10:30am - 11:30am

A female teacher with 5 snakes on her head pointed at the board and asked the students to find the mistake in the sentence.

Character Analysis✨

Hero name: The Serpent Heroine: Medusa

Quirk: Hydra🐍


Eagerly, the students raised their hands.

Fourth Period - Lunch - 11:30am - 12:30pm

Jinko, Yusei and Tokiko sat eating lunch when a yellow haired muscular man wearing a white t-shirt and apron approached them with a huge smile on his face before asking them about the taste of the food.

Character Analysis✨

Hero name: The Blessing Hero: Dazzler

Quirk: Enchant

Yusei and Tokiko were amazed to see the popular pro hero since they were huge fans of him. The two asked the hero for his autograph while Jinko ate unenthusiastically. 

After the lunch period the trio walked back to the classroom wondering what the next class would be.

🌟Fifth Period🌟

Fifth period had started and the teacher seemed to be running a bit late. Some students waited quietly for the teacher to arrive while others talked with each other.

Loud footsteps could be heard through the hallway as someone approached the classroom. A gray haired woman wearing a blue jacket with long sleeves entered the class with a dominating presence surrounding her. 

Most of the students recognized her instantly and yelled out her name.

The Cloud Hero: Turbulence

As they freaked out about Turbulence entering the room Jinko tapped Yusei on the shoulder. 

"Who's that?" (Jinko)

Yusei quickly turned to Jinko with a shocked expression on his face.

"Are you joking right now, you don't know who Turbulence is." (Yusei)

"Nope." (Jinko)

"Where have you been for the last few years dude?" (Yusei)

"Turbulence is a Russian hero who made her first appearance in America during the California villain riot. She was once Russia's strongest hero until she migrated to Japan where she grew an even bigger following. Now she's currently ranked as Japan's number 57th hero." (Yusei)

"Hmm, impressive." (Jinko)

The female hero walked to the desk before telling the students to be quiet with her hard russian accent.

"Good morning fledgling heroes, Im Turbulence and I'll be your Foundational Hero Studies Teacher. " (Turbulence)

"My class won't be a walk in the park like some others. Here I'm gonna break you down and build you back up and by the time I'm done with you, you'll look like real heroes. By the end of the year you won't even recognize your former selves" (Turbulence)

Some of the students became a bit worried while others were excited. 

"Now let's get into today's lesson." (Turbulence)

End of Chapter