
MHA: Neptune Origin (AU)

Grey is a 15-year-old kid who dies from an unlucky encounter. When he is reborn into the World of MHA, follow his story as he finds himself in a world devastated by the villains who have come to destroy society. "Wait. All Might? Heroes? Quirks? Who the hell is Steel Heart? I'm American? What about U.A.? This isn't the MHA I remember!"

DaoistSmileySmile · Anime & Comics
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Thousands of kids find themselves all fitting in a large courtyard-type field out front of a massive facility. Staring patiently at the stage, waiting for the appearance of the school's directors or teachers.

The walls surrounding them tower high into the sky, and are covered with cameras. Some for security purposes, and others, are currently streaming the event live.

Advent takes a completely unique approach to hero schooling. While most academics do their best to hide their accomplishments and strengths, Advent does not. Rather, they constantly stream their events.

By giving up the little element of surprise or secrecy that other schools do their best to preserve, Advent believes in showing the world the next generation.

While the popularity and fame were hard to deal with as students, it greatly reinforces the world's trust in heroes, as well as brought inspiration to the whole country. Hero's are meant to bring hope!

How can you do that by hiding away in the shadows?

Staring up at the cameras, Gil smirks. "So this is Advent?"

Amidst the throng of people, a strikingly familiar young man draws the eye with his confident smirk. His maroon hair, meticulously styled and perfectly cropped, adds a touch of boldness to his overall appearance. At a proud six feet tall, his broad shoulders and impressive physique exude strength and vitality that are difficult to miss or ignore.

"Gil. We are finally here." An equally as intimidating girl mutters excitedly, an excited glint in her eyes.

Jada has transformed into a strikingly graceful woman. Her height now reaching five foot eight, she carries herself with a quiet confidence that immediately captures one's attention. Her long, pure white hair cascades down her back in waves, a stunning contrast to her beautifully flawless chocolate skin that glows with radiance.

"Yeah. It's about dam time." Gil chuckles, a strangely hungry grin etched onto his face. Excitement racing through him. The past six years have been filled with brutal training at the Blake family home.

Taking the children's determination, the servants took it upon themselves to ensure the kids grew up to be the best they could be. The home transformed from a sweet and quiet home to a grueling training facility that brought out the best in the two kids.

Those years only caused the hunger inside Gil to grow. Just like in his previous life, the stronger he got throughout the years, the more he desires. Suffering countless defeats within the mansion, he once again regained the feeling of adrenaline which can only be experienced through fighting.

Finally, he would be able to display his abilities to the world. Become a hero for everyone admires. To fight against powerful enemies. These things, as simple as they may be, bring immense joy to him.

This was why he was so excited to become a Hero.

As the large crowd of students all stand, staring at the large stage in front of them, the doors from the building behind the stage finally open.

Walking out of the doors is perhaps one of the most famous figures in the history of U.S. Heroes. Standing at an impressive six foot four, the figure was unmistakable.

The current U.S. Ranked 2, and World Ranked 6, White Cap.

Perhaps the most aesthetically simple and unimpressive Hero aesthetically, he is renowned for his fights with villains like Steelheart, All For One, and even the Hero All Might.

Wearing his signature backward white cap, white tee, and simple jeans, the young 24-year-old Hero walks over to the Podium and taps on the mic.

"Hello everyone. Welcome to Advent."

The crowd roars out in cheers and excitement as the thousands of hopeful students all excitedly stare up at the legend standing before them.

After waiting for the crowd to calm down, White Cap continues, "Today is the day where exactly 1 out of 100 of you all will begin your journey to becoming students at our Hero Academy. Your Hero Academia!"

Hearing this, the crowd roars again. Gil can't help a wild smile of excitement to appear on his face and join the others clapping loudly.

"Now, let's not waste much time. After all, none of you are students here yet. You all still have one test left to pass."

Hearing this, everyone falls silent, the excitement in the air instantly evaporates leaving only tension.

Advent is famous not only for their open advertising strategies, but also for having some of the most vicious student sections in the world.

Places like U.A. In Japan, Blank High in Russia, and Riverside Hero Academia in Korea all have very intricate and difficult selections, however they are usually focus on both academic and Hero like tendencies.

Advent is different…

"Tell me! What is the most important thing for Heroes?" White Cap asks the silent crowd before him.

As he does so, a number of hands shoot up, all hoping to be called on.

"You." He states pointing to a bot over by Gil and Jada.

"To protect those around us." The boy replies confidently.

"Wrong." Moving on, White Cap then points to a girl over on the other side of the crowd. "You."

The girl simply replies, "To be symbols of peace."

"Wrong." He states again. "Both of those, as well as many more things are great qualities for Heroes to have. However, the most important thing for a hero is…."

Raising his hands into the air, he leans forward putting his mouth to the mic.

"To win. If you can't win then you have no use as a Hero. Wether you use poison, assassination, overwhelming strength, luck, or any other method, all that matters is victory at the cost of minimal civilian casualties."

Hearing this, many students look at each other in a confused manner. To win? What about honor? What about everything a hero stands for?

Knowing what the kids below are thinking White Cap continues, "What about Honor? Fairness? In the end, none of that matters if you lose.

Within villains territory, innocents are killed, raped, enslaved, abused, and even experienced on.

Do you really believe things like honor is more important than the safety of those who rely on us?"

This question silences the entire crowd. No one can answer. Of course he was right.

Satisfied with the result his words have on the crowd, White Cap finally gets to the point. "Today, the Advent final student selection will reflect my words. In a moment, you will all find yourselves teleported into an arena of some kind with 100 other students.

I don't care how you do it. Be the last one standing. Do that, and you will be a student here at Advent. Only one rule. No killing or crippling your opponent, doing so will not only result in failure, but possible jail time. Now good luck to you all."

Finishing his speech, the squares on the floor everyone is standing on begins to glow.

Seeing this, Gil turns to Jada and winks, "See you at the finish."

Jada can't help but smile brightly looking at her friend. "Of course."