
MHA: Musical Journey

A Boy who wishes for the smile of all the people, be it good or bad. It is his sole purpose of living to make everyone smile. (A/N:Other Than Oc The Rest Are Not Mine, Also Cover Is Not Mine)

Lamenting_Devil · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

A Boy's Wish

Somewhere In the wide universe exist a place where there are heroes and villains, joy and pain, fear and hope.

People crying for fairness, envy is taking the heart of normal people.

Crimes happen one after another open or hidden.

A place where there is darkness in peace, lurking around waiting for its prey.


Inside an alley, a little boy can be seen laying on the cold ground using cardboard as his blanket to seek more warmth on a frozen night.

Unfortunately, no one was around to see such pitiful sight... A hero? there is no crime so how can there be a hero. A villain? what is the fun of killing a kid with no money or strength. Just someone normal? Why would be someone normal in a hidden alley?

As the boy continues his struggle with the torture of that time just to see another morning that he hoped would come.

A blessing has shone upon, a person descends in front of his freezing body, the person seems can't take to seeing the boy suffer more and descend on the unfortunate child.

Who is it? a human? a hero? or a villain? it's not, rather it's a Goddess who can't take it anymore to see the child suffer.

"Why do you keep fighting? why do you want to see the sun even if you suffer? what is your wish? the goddess asks.

As the boy heard the voice he open his eyes but he can't see anymore... the sickness he have has already taken over his eyesight but instead of fear and sadness, the boy smiled.

"Even if I have to suffer, even if I can't see it anymore... cant I still feel its warmth? All I want is to give make people smile even if they are evil or good that is enough for me," the boy said while smiling till his last breath.

'Silence' not a little sound was heard the place was pure silent. Suddenly raindrops started to fall from weak to strong.

" Even the heaven are mourning for your death such kind-hearted soul what has the devil offered fate just for you to suffer" the goddess spoke.

The goddess silently leaves the place after taking the little boy's body ascending to her realm, leaving a world still mourning the death of a kind soul.


A pillar of light has descended on a beautiful place filled with life and joy. here there is no prey or predator and both the lion and the deer go along.

The goddess has come back to her realm to bury the body of the boy. for her it's something he deserves.

After she buries the body, she immediately goes to the room of her father someone who created her, a powerful god who is the start of everything.

Going inside while holding a pure soul she immediately called.

" Father, can I wish for you to aid me in making this pure soul's wish come true" the goddess begged.

"The man was undisturbed by the goddess's request and said, " You know that if ever that boy was given a chance and was led to the wrong path can destroy the balance" the god replied.

"I made that boy so he can take everyone's pain, I made him so he won't die, but continue to reincarnate fulfilling his duty to bear the pain, grief, anger, and all the negative emotion the people would do"

"But father how can they be worthy of him, they who made sin and destroy what they can, how can you make a soul take everything so those souls who sin can be pure. the goddess replied with grief.

The God looks at his crying daughter grieving for the soul who was tasked to bear the burden of never-ending pain.

" Sigh "

The God sighs and finally answers, "Fine I will grant your wish but it would be your responsibility to guide him so he won't be led to the wrong path"

The goddess was full of joy and immediately nodded, "Yes father I would do my best"

"Take this orb to aid you in choosing where his next world can be it would all depend on your choice" The God takes out a golden orb giving it to his daughter.

The goddess takes the orb a hurriedly left to go back to her realm, " Finally I would be able to help you... don't worry I would do my best" the goddess said to the souls on her hand.

"All I want is to give make people smile even if they are evil or good that is enough for me"

The goddess remembers the boy's last wish, " A place where you can make everyone smile I know just a place that would fit for you, I hope you would be able to make some friends this time.

Smiling the goddess looked for the world she deemed fitting for the boy, A World a little bit similar to his last world, A place where there are heroes and villains but this time instead of the cruel fate, it would be a bright future.

"Now let us think of what will be your ability cant send you into a dangerous world with no protection right? hmm, something you like that can make people smile what would it be?

The goddess thinks of what is the right answer, the time pass and it was already years but it feels like just a second to the goddess, for her it is important that even if it takes time she can't choose the wrong one.

She decided to do research and look at what makes people smile, she see many things like gifts, jokes, food, and music... "music? that seems a good one" the goddess decide.

"I would give you the power of music, good hearing, and a warm aura to make people feel at peace" Smiling the goddess bless the soul and send it to its destination.

"I wish you the best of luck"

(A/N: So the world he die was actually Gotham in batman if you don't know)