
MHA: Matter Manipulation

A young man dies but is offered a second chance by a mysterious being. This being reincarnates our mc into the MHA universe with the ability to harden and soften matter. I'm writing this for fun so don't take this seriously. I've never written anything before so if things seem stupid and stuff... that's just how it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Constructive Criticism is always welcome. Don't expect a coherent chapter schedule. not even sure if I will continue this, we'll see. Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or the cover photo. If the creator of the photo wants it taken down message me.

TypicallyMixed · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Knowledge is Power

Walking with Chiyo I ask what happened to her, more specifically why her parents decided to abandon her.

"My quirk relies on me having seen something but everything I see is just shapes and blobs so they called me a shame to the family and left me in that alley. T-t-they said they were going to show me an s-s-special surprise," she says, barely holding in her tears.

'Yikes, you're telling me they really abandoned their own flesh and blood because she didn't meet their standards. That is beyond messed up.'

"Chiyo, what's your quirk?" I ask curiously

She looks at me with tears in her eyes, "Y-You're not going to leave me too… Are you?" her voice getting progressively quieter as she continues.

"No way! I'm nothing like those scu- I mean… Bad people." 

"Bad people?"

"Yeah, anyone who discriminates against another person, much less abandons their own daughter is a bad person in my book." 

"Then will you be my friend?" she says, voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course not." I say, she looks at me with a shocked expression, "I'll be your BEST friend." I say smiling.

Hearing my words she gives me a radiant, blinding, smile causing me to shield my eyes. 

'Too bright!!'

"But anyway, what's your quirk?" I'm genuinely interested in this. What type of quirk would cause someone to abandon their kid over not being able to use it?

"My quirk allows me to warp to up to 3 places I've seen before," she responds.

'THAT'S STRONG, they even talked about how rare warp quirks were. How has All for One not stolen her quirk yet?'

"That's a crazy useful quirk Chiyo, mine allows me to harden and soften things, but I think I can do a little more with some practice."

This brings me to my theory. Whenever I soften something I feel a sort of connection to it, like if I really wanted it to I could make it move. So if I can fully grasp this feeling I might be able to manipulate Chiyo's eyes and fix them.

[A/N I am no eye surgeon, this is in no way accurate lol. Just some quirk logic here move along...]

"I think I might be able to fix your eyes Chiyo, but I'm gonna have to do a lot of research so I don't mess up."

"YES! YES! Anything for me to be able to see again." She says, ecstatic.

"Alright, to the library we go then." I point in the air, dramatically.

'You know what they say, Knowledge is Power.'


After asking around under the guise of, "It's for a school project," we managed to find the library.

Walking to the biology section I managed to find some books on the human eye, as well as some history books since I know nothing about this world other than the classic, "300 years ago in china a baby yadyayada…"

It also seems like Chiyo knows some Japanese brail so I got her a few books, can't be skipping out on school of course.

'They couldn't bother to give her super strong glasses but they taught her brail? Makes sense to me.'

"Did your parents teach you brail?" I ask Chiyo

"No, auntie taught me, she also taught my schooling," she responds

"Your auntie sounds like a good person, way better than your parents." At least she had one good adult to rely on.

"Yeah, she was…" her mood goes from happy to depressed in an instant.

'Oof, touchy subject, time to expertly change the topic.

"Let's go buy these books now." '10/10'

Going to the counter I purchase the books, with the stolen money of course. But the cashier gives me a weird look.

"Hey kid, what do you need books about the inner workings of the eye for?" He says, one eyebrow raised.

'Ok, I prepared for this question 10-year-old mode… Activated'

"I'm gonna grow up and be an eye doctor so I can help my best friend see better." And for the cherry on top, I give him a smile of childlike innocence.

He looks at my visually challenged friend then back at me giving me a warm smile, "Well, good luck with that kid, here's your change."

Taking the change I walk out bags in one hand Chiyo in the other.

'Ugh, I didn't really want to do this in my next life but it's time to… Study.'


A time skip next chapter :o (only a couple of months or maybe a year!?)

Cya ಠ_ಠ