
MHA: Maru's Adventure

Follow the story of Adachi Maru, a young hero in training as he navigates family, friends and the heroverse. AU I own nothing except OCs and parts of the plot. The image on the cover isn't mine. If you own it and would like me to take it down, just let me know NO BL, NO HAREM, NO HENTAI. First time writer. Native English Speaker. I love the MHA Universe. Almost always reading or looking for fics in this universe. If you like it, keep reading, I appreciate it. If not, don't bother, I appreciate it. Schedule, at least one chapter a week. I don't intend to commit to more than that cause this is new to me plus I've got other commitments. If I drop more than one, it's hopefully a nice surprise for whoever's reading. Any way, add to Library, Comment, Gift, Support etc PS: I just noticed the opening quote. I don't believe in it. I think its bs but i can't change that bs so i had to state that hear js so you know

RujiroTaicho · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Their first day at school was quite ordinary. After a few boisterous reactions to Abe-sensei's introduction, everything followed the usual process they were familiar with from the opening ceremony to a basic tour of the school premises. Maru had already gone through it and so paid more attention to his classmates and homeroom teacher. Abe-sensei was impossible to ignore. Regardless of where he led them, a few fellow first years would automatically pay a bit more attention to him. Some of the female students even had that look in their eye. The reaction from the older students was a mix of nervous and excited but what caught his eye was they straightened immediately on seeing him. They could feel the respect other students had for the man. It made some puff their chest out at it and intensified the mystery of who he was. For their teacher to be so respected in UA yet none of them even recognized him stung at their pride a bit. Despite this, Maru didn't miss the wobbly smiles on his seniors' faces. The way they looked at him and his classmates was also strange. Almost like pity. A slight frown came to his face. Abe-sensei had been nothing but normal so far.

As for his classmates, well, they were like kids on a sugar rush. He wasn't sure if it was the excitement of being in UA or being in the ever-popular hero course. Maybe even first day jitters but the energy pouring out of them was like a shaken can of coke. Some were literally bouncing their way around school. They were also very outspoken. Not a single one afraid of giving their opinion on something said or seen. Conversation branched from one topic to another like a gameshow regulated by their host Abe-sensei. They actively engaged Abe-sensei and hang onto every word he said. From answering their questions to some little-known info on some space. They kinda looked like ducklings with how closely they clung to him. It took them about one and a half hours for the basic tour with Abe-sensei encouraging them to explore further.

"Well then, shall we head to Ground B?" Abe-sensei suggested, the class grinning in response.

Ground Beta, the gigantic cityscape used as a heroics training area. It was the first da and they were already off to do something heroic. If they hadn't been instructed to get changed first, the class would probably already be there. In the changing room, the lockers were labelled with their admission numbers so it wasn't difficult for everyone to get their uniform in their size. Male and female changing rooms were separated obviously. It was almost like a challenge to see who could get changed fastest. Maru had gotten a few oohs and aahs at his physique from his male classmates. One even straight up attempting to pinch his waist to find evidence of fat.

"Dude, do you diet or something? How can u have like 0% fat," a light brown eyed boy with dark brown dreadlocks asked poking his stomach.

"That's not humanly possible," a strict looking blonde-haired boy responded from the locker beside him replied. Both Maru and the boy with dreadlocks turned to him and gaped as they looked upward. Their mouths automatically hang open at the possibly 6ft tall mass of bulging muscles at his side. If not for his face, they'd be sure they were standing next to a full-grown man.

"R-Right…," one of them stammered.

"Dude…," the other just gaped

They simultaneously looked at their bodies pitifully. The boy with dreadlocks more so than Maru. He had thought that he was fit. Most of the other boys had a similar muscle mass to him as far as he could tell. That was until he saw Maru on the opposite side. The dude looked photoshopped with how compact and symmetrical his muscles looked. He couldn't help but poke at his stomach when he came closer to confirm how real they were. This wasn't the type of muscle you could develop at a gym. He looked slim in his clothes but now he wondered just what kind of training he had gone through. It was way beyond him but hopefully achievable with time. But this other dude made him seem lazy. His superhero physique so precisely sculpted you could feel the power radiating from his every move.

After affirming his need to work out, he took the chance to introduce himself. The only other person from his middle school was from 1B. He might as well make a new friend.

"I'm Kazuki Jid. You can just call me Jid. Nice to meet yah!"

"Adachi Maru. Maru is fine," said the silver surfer.

"Youta," said the Greek god.

Jid's mouth didn't stop moving since then. Asking about middle schools, to how they trained, to who they thought Abe-sensei was. A few of their other classmates occasionally pitched introducing themselves in the process. The entire changing room was filled with chatter breaking whatever ice there was being in a new class. Maru's face shone at Jid. He was happy to have someone to talk to and engage with. Especially someone as spirited as Jid. He seemed like an above-board kind of guy. Social people were often a joy to be around. Maru's response and occasional enquiries made Jid relax a bit more. He was a bit of a chatterbox but he hoped it wouldn't annoy anyone. A lopsided grin made its way to his face as he comfortably engaged the two in conversation. Youta was more on the quiet side with brief responses but his leaning in to the convo showed just how glad he was to have people to talk to as well.

"I wonder what kind of activity we're gonna do," Jid broached the subject.

"Something simple," Youta responded. It was the first day of school. Though it was the hero course, he didn't expect any intense activity to take place. They both understood what he meant.

"I can't help but feel chills though." Maru shuddered. He wasn't sure what would happen but his nerves just wouldn't go away. It didn't take long for the class to gather at the centre of ground beta, a large open courtyard, as they waited for their teacher. They had broken off into small groups of two or three as they chatted amongst themselves. Maru could see Raion at the periphery of the class chatting with a black-haired beauty with glasses. They were all animatedly speaking amongst themselves when a wave of killing intent stopped them dead in their tracks.

Maru was the first to react, turning to a corner where their teacher was watching them with a muzzled and chained man. He was completely wrapped up like a patient from a mental asylum. Other than his blood shot eyes, not a bit of his body was exposed. He looked completely mental with saliva drenching his muzzle like some slobbering dog. Maru knew for a fact that things were about to go south. His classmates were still mostly frozen with a few turning to face their homeroom teacher.

"I'm all about practicality. The best way to understand who a hero is, what a hero does, is to face something every hero will face."

A few people stepped back at Abe-sensei's words instinctively knowing what was about to happen. Maru eyes narrowed watching his teacher and the man he now knew was a villain. Taking a quick look to his sides, he could see a few students trembling while others still looked to be processing what was happening. Thankfully, Jid and Youta weren't trembling. Maru took on a combat ready stance in preparation of whatever was to come.

"Get ready," he softly spoke. Those near him twitched slightly while Youta and Jid similarly got into a combat ready stance. Their response made him smile a bit. How lucky. They didn't even question him. No one was really in the right frame of mind to argue with the teacher with the lessened but still present killing intent leaking from the villain.

"Kid gloves are off the moment you join my class. I don't really have the patience to babysit either. Fantasy and reality need to be separated from the start. This is a villain I was tasked with transporting to a mental asylum. The local police were having trouble with his violent tendencies."

The chained man started shaking in excitement at every word. Like he could sense what was about to happen from Abe-sensei's words.

It was really fun coming up with Abe. I probably thought about him more than Maru just cause of how iconic Aizawa was for me. Hope y'all like it!

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