
MHA: Maru's Adventure

Follow the story of Adachi Maru, a young hero in training as he navigates family, friends and the heroverse. AU I own nothing except OCs and parts of the plot. The image on the cover isn't mine. If you own it and would like me to take it down, just let me know NO BL, NO HAREM, NO HENTAI. First time writer. Native English Speaker. I love the MHA Universe. Almost always reading or looking for fics in this universe. If you like it, keep reading, I appreciate it. If not, don't bother, I appreciate it. Schedule, at least one chapter a week. I don't intend to commit to more than that cause this is new to me plus I've got other commitments. If I drop more than one, it's hopefully a nice surprise for whoever's reading. Any way, add to Library, Comment, Gift, Support etc PS: I just noticed the opening quote. I don't believe in it. I think its bs but i can't change that bs so i had to state that hear js so you know

RujiroTaicho · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


A comparison between middle school and high school fitness levels were always two different things in Abe's view. A lot of growth spats and changes happened during this season and he wouldn't be surprised if a student grew a few feet.

Then there were quirks and acclimatizing to the changes in their bodies. With all this, he failed to understand how a middle school regular physical fitness test was judged adequate to determine a student's maximum with and without their quirks. He might as well just test them himself.

Other than it being a tad dangerous, it provided more accurate results that would be of benefit for the students and their future. It was a win-win as far as he could see. And a few accidents to tame a handful of daredevils seemed a fair trade.

The students gathered around the box. Maru peeked inside to see what looked like handcuffs, minus the chain with an indicator sticking out. He picked one up turning it around to get a closer look. A pair of cuffs was bound together by a wire with its indicator glowing green.

"These are something some student in the 3rd year support course came up with for a group assignment. A variation of quirk suppression bracelets with a stronger restrictive ability, particularly for mutant types. Asking you to take a test without using your quirks is like telling you not to use your fingers. Either consciously or subconsciously, you're more accustomed to moving them in some way. It's the same with your quirks. These will guarantee you don't use them at all."

"It also works on those with heteromorphic quirks with permanent effects. It'll help us gauge your base level abilities better. Just don't mix …"


A small but loud explosion interrupted Abe-sensei's explanation. At the center of the explosion, a boy could be seen holding out one of his cuffs to a girl holding another pair. Their faces both completely covered in soot. The indicators were no longer on their cuffs. They watched bug-eyed at what had just happened. Maru's ears were still ringing and his heart beat had accelerated from the shock of an explosion happening right next to him.

Abe sighed as Scarlett went to the cause of the explosion assessing the students still frozen in shock. Thankfully, there were only a few minor burns. They were quickly taken to the infirmary by Scarlett.

"As I was saying, don't mix them up."

A few students quickly tied back up their separated cuffs, afraid to return them to the box just in case there's another explosion. All they could do was awkwardly hold them at a distance. Abe sighed again.

"These Suppressor Cuffs are designed to work as a pair. The indicator is rigged with a minor explosive to prevent unauthorized removal or changes from one cuff to another. It's targeted at those skilled at lock picking. The explosion is mainly loud to alert authorities if anything happens. Though if one is worn, it has enough force to dislocate your wrist. This only happens at a certain proximity away from its pair or near a different pair so don't worry too much. Pay attention to instructions first," Abe said. An audible gulp was the only response he got.

"Anyway, once you've properly won the cuffs, the indicator will light green. In this state, no explosions will happen so be sure to fasten them properly. They can only be taken off by scanning them on this with me so don't try take them off after you've won them," Abe said holding what looked like a grocery scanner.

They were a bit more at ease knowing it wouldn't just go off on them.

"We'll take a ten-minute break as we wait for your classmates and teacher to get back. Hydrate and take a break in the meantime," Abe-sensei said as he fiddled with the tablet Scarlett-sensei had. Maru made sure to keep his distance from his classmates as he strapped on his cuffs. The snapped on with a click with the indicator turning green after he had them both closed. He had a queasy feeling for moment before it passed and he was back to normal. Something felt odd, though. A part of him a bit off. He tried to conjure up a bit of ice on his palm but there was no reaction. Like trying to bend your arm after you broke it and it healed without any rehabilitation. Your reach was never fully the same. Like there was a certain limit that you should ordinarily be able to surpass but were unable to. Yet it felt completely normal. It made him uncomfortable. As though having a quirk was never something particularly precious. As though even without it, life would just go on. He glanced up at his homeroom teacher who was casually observing them. There's no way this was intentional right?

Any quirkist would be incredibly uncomfortable with this feeling. It made it seem as if there was nothing distinctly unique to you that set you apart from the rest. If they were forced to wear these cuffs, they would probably have a panic attack. Today's society was heavily defined by quirks and what they could do. This was probably a lesson in and of itself. To remind them that a quirk never defined who they truly were. Otherwise, he would have just used regular quirk restriction bracelets. UA could definitely afford it.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself. He too believed that quirks were never the be all and end all, but somewhere along the way, he probably started to define himself based on his quirk. Especially its unique effects. Just being reminded that it did not define him eased his heart a bit.

It didn't take long for the injured students to return with Scarlett-sensei but the test didn't start right away. Most students were incredibly uncomfortable with their restraints on. Not all could pinpoint the cause but turning their quirk into something as ordinary as their hair in the scale of things made them feel completely off. Like a body builder suddenly losing their muscles. There had to be more value to a quirk in their minds. Despite the lack of physical discomfort, their mentality had taken a hard blow to the gut. Those most comfortable were those with more subtle quirks like Shinju, with his quirk 2D. Then there were those with heteromorphic quirks who were plain shocked. They maintained their unique characteristics but had their regular ability boosts thoroughly reduced. Niho for example kept trying to jump as high as she could. It was high but nothing compared to the borderline flight she'd shown during the long jump. Her hang time was crazy and the distance covered was also ridiculous.

It didn't seem to affect them physically either. Other than shock, they didn't seem too bothered by it. Those most affected were like him. With emitter type quirks. They definitely were accustomed to occasionally using them for the smallest things. Being unable to do so left them off kilter.

It was 30 minutes later that the test began. Most of them were more or less accustomed to having the cuffs on. It was only for the test after all. Scarlett and Abe sensei switched positions, with him taking hold of the tablet and scarlet with the indicator that looked like a smart phone.

First off was the 50 m dash, in the same order as the quirk apprehension test. One would think that it would be anticlimactic with the boom the quirk apprehension test had been. It was anything but. To Scarlett and Abe, their classes looked just about ready to come to blows. Like a bunch of delinquents ready to fight for their turf. It was comical. 1B was determined to ensure all the bottom 5 positions would be for students from 1A. Misery absolutely loves company. 1A had zero intention of joining that pity party.

Maybe if their teachers weren't there, they really would get into a fight. A battle royale for the ages. Maru too was happily swept into the atmosphere with his arms crossed and his eyebrow slightly raised in a taunt. The difference was subtle but his 'rival', Shisu, knew exactly what he was doing and had a hard time holding back his laughter. He had seemed completely unconcerned when Shisu was eager to 'fight' him during the quirk apprehension test, but the moment his class took up arms, he eagerly joined the fray with a hint of mischief to his borderline frozen face. 'What a team player,' he thought sarcastically. Well, he was happy to play along.

With the smell of gunpowder in the air, the tests began. And there was a complete reversal.

The 50m dash results didn't change too much at the top, but last place was a close tie between several students from both classes. This was similar for the grip strength and the standing long jump, with the results only raising the tension in the air. There were quite a few changes in ranking but nothing particularly major. Both classes seemed equally matched. That was until someone pointed out who the top scorers were.

It was expected that the top scorers wouldn't change too much. A strong base was required to effectively use a quirk, but things didn't end up quite as expected.

50m dash ranking:

1. Maru – 7.23 seconds

2. Youta – 7.57 seconds

3. Jid – 9.03 seconds

4. ....

Grip Strength Test:

1. Youta – 73kgs

2. Maru – 70kgs

3. ....

Standing Long Jump:

1. Maru – 8.12 meters

2. Niho – 8 meters

3. .....

Maru and Youta ranked 1 and 2 in almost every category with a few changes here and there. And they were both from 1A….WHAT THE HELL??!!

Maru felt like a bunch of flashlights were being shone on him. It made him incredibly uncomfortable but it didn't show on his face or demeanor. It wasn't the first time he had been ogled. What he couldn't wrap his head around was the faint hostility coming from every flashlight. Especially the ones close to him.

With Camp A and Camp B in an all-out war for last place, the top rankers weren't relaxed. From the start, their aim was to be at the top. So the competition was just as intense. Quirks did often heavily influence the performance scores but the largest difference would likely be from the top scorers. After all, their quirks had quite literally blown any possible record out of the park. In fact, those at the bottom may have an easier time with a smaller difference in their scores. If that was the case, they'd be in trouble. Though they all knew the difference would not be the deciding factor. How can you rank someone whose throw could read infinity with a regular 50m throw? It would be illogical. They were likely to be judged based on the difference with an average 15-year-old. Otherwise, they'd all be screwed.

But what was with these figures? There scores could be considered Olympic level for kids their age. With Youta's Herculean figure, it kinda made sense. The one word that crossed everyone's mind when seeing him was 'mighty'. But what about the dainty ballerina next to him. Maru was slender. He had the muscle and flexibility to back his score, it just wasn't as obvious on his physique. Even Youta looked startled at his scores but with no hostility. He was simply impressed his friend scored so highly and beat him in most of the tests.

He knew just how hard he had to work to get his current level of fitness. Maru must have worked ridiculously hard to get to such a level.

But all that was neither here nor there. The problem from the start was their faces.


Just looking at them pissed them off. On this, both classes were united. What's with that smooth skin and fluttery hair? Do you exist just to draw attention. And that cold look on your face, do you think this is some kind of romance novel. Ice prince and Juliet. And you, blondey? You think you're a Greek god or something? A pretty boy face and muscle body, is this some kpop boyband thing for you? Did you dye your hair? Why didn't you just die instead, huh?

During the quirk apprehension test, none of this bothered them a single bit. There appearance was just their appearance. Even though their looks were incredible. Even when they scored highly, they were simply better at using their quirks. But what was this. Is this what mom meant about a winner in life? Do other people not deserve a chance. Two good looking male students, the ice prince and the Adonis, with similarly incredible quirks, ice man and mr. super power, with a high physical fitness level and ridiculous work ethic.

Youta and Maru had unknowingly delivered the message Abe and Scarlett-sensei had been trying to drill into the students from day one. A quirk does not make you special.