
MHA: Konoha's Shodaime Has Arrived

Shodaime of konhagakure: Senju Hashirama, The man who was hailed as the strongest shinobi of all, whose only known rival was the Ghost of Uchiha The man Madara himself travels to the world of Quirks and heroes. What would happen when the people of that world see Hashirama practically hold multiple quirks and watch as his Mokuton (Wood release) slaps the faces of nomu and hero killer. If you enjoy the idea please consider voting. Yosh!

atharva_saraf · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

I am coming through the door like a normal-

The first day of class 1-A ended with a ranking forming between them. Majority knew that Todoroki Bakugo Hashirama Nagato and somewhat Izuku were the top of the cream of their class, Mid tier came with Momo Fumikage, Ida, Kirishima and others came into lower power students as their quirks didn't have strong impact on 'POWER'

This was only one category, by the end of week Hansomeness, Studious and Hotty list were also made, of course unofficially but yes.

As the day ended and all the student came out in the main ground talking to each other exchanging numbers; Hashirama was among one such group which consisted of Him Nagato Kirishima Momo Mina and IDA.

They were exchanging numbers when Mina the energetic girl proposed an idea

"Hey everyone why don't we go to a cafe to celebrate our first day of highschool"

Kirishima immediately agreed and after some seconds Ida too, They were now looking at me nagato and momo

Momo with an apologetic smile said "I would have liked to but there's tution that I HAVE to attend" Thinking for a second she continued "But I could probably manage for the coming sunday if you'd all like". Mina seemed a little down and turned to us

"Well, It would'nt be fair if we didn't include Miss Momo in our celebration so sunday it is; But Miss Momo-" He turned to face her and said "You wouldn't mind having a quick gelato from the shop at the corner would you?"

Momo quickly agreed to this idea as she had some time to eat a quick bite before her car came.

They all walked to the shop named "Tanigawa convince and frosty store"

Mina took a strawberry Momo took Choclate

Kirishima took Black current

Ida had some vanilla

Nagato preferred mango

And Hashirama ate one of each.

"Wow Senju, you sure have a strong stomach" Commented Kirishima and it seemed others also had the same idea.

He laughed and said in a cryptic manner "I'm a senju after all" and proceeded to laugh bosteriously.

Others looked towards nagato for explanation but she just remained stotic so they had to let it go.

A few minutes later Momo's car came up and she left saying "See you on Sunday then" Sometime later kirishima and ida left too.

"Well then Miss Mina we will take our-" Before he could continue mina came closer and kissed him on the cheek, Not meeting his gaze she said in a shy voice "Ano, thank you for...you know....thinking of my opinion and finding a solution...so....thank you again Senju-kun it was fun, See you tomorrow". She hastily leaves and He stands there alone-

Wait a minute

"Nagato!" Where is Nagato, As he was about to panic she came from inside the shop walking.

"Where were you?" he asked worriedly

"Restroom" was the ever stotic answer with no change in pitch.

"Ah, let's walk up to the main road Driver-San will be there waiting for us.

The sun settled down behind them as Hashirama failed to notice a slight strain in Nagato's brows and her eyes which showed sadness and frustration.


That night's dinner was served by the maids and grandfather was eating a steak when he asked about the first day

"Mhm. So; how was the day Hashi"

"It was good grandpa, the homeroom teacher seems well experienced and from my observations my class has a plethora of diversity when it comes to Quirks

And most importantly I've made some new friends" He finished with a smile.

Grandpa also smiled nodding his head he said "Mark my words hashi 'It dosen't matter if you have 100 enemies; It matters if you have one true friend". With a grin he says "Although that dosen't mean you only have to have one friend"

"Kami grandpa was that an attempt at dad jokes eh!"


The dinner at Senju mansion ended with laughter and harmony. Hashirama needed all the happiness he could get cause in future it would get much worse.


Next day training with Nagato seemed a little off, Hashirama could feel that she was upset somehow and her strikes hit just a bit harder, but nothing he couldn't handle He was the First Hokage Of Konoha and Rival Of Uchiha Madara after all.

It was to be noted that both of them never panted after training, it was expected of Hashirama but Nagato had some otherworldly physique and stamina, he wondered if it was a quirk of her Quirk pun intended.

Soon after changing into their school uniforms they got into the car that led them to UA. On the way the driver-San gave him a letter which he said was by 'Old master' the title of his grandfather in the manor.

He curiously opened the letter and to his astonishment he felt Nagato's breath on his neck as she too came close to read it, surpressing a rising blush he read

" The 'Thing' is ready and today you will get to use it, although I would have preferred to upgrade it but your wish is kept in mind while making it; And I will have another surprise waiting for there with 'it'.


The day started with English class taught by Present Mic Hashirama easily learned it, his clever and sharp shinobi brain with previous knowledge from memories led him to become a star student;

"Well done 10 points to gryffindo-( Wrong fanfic idiot)

Ahem- I mean good work and I'll look forward to your mid-term scores young lad"

During the interval groups formed as they started talking to each other

"Ano" Momo voiced

"Would you all be willing to attend my birthday banquet, it's on next saturday".

"Momo-Chan it's your birthday mina said loudly"

Before Momo could clear the misunderstanding rest of the students started to congratulate her. After a few mintues of explained she said

"So, um my birthday is on next Sat and all of you are invited, please attend, the official invitation will be sent-"

The door slid open with a bang as a sliding figure came in

"I am coming through the door like a normal human being".

(So this was a bonus chapter of sorts and I will add some events as reading same things becomes boring after a while, Obviously I'll try not to bucher canon despite my lacking knowledge in it. And if you like this attempt of mine Consider giving it a powerstone
