
MHA: Just Another Story (dropped)

Reborn in MHA with 2 aleatory chosen powers

AllBullshit · Anime & Comics
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Reborn in another WORLD

Huh? What happened?... I remember falling asleep while reading the last chapter of the fanfic 'Avatar: Awakened gamer' by HolyJoker... and after that... I was assaulted by a soudain desire to sleep.

The strange thing is that i am able to think even more clearly than before but... i can't feel no emotion, no anger, no sadness, no joy, nothing at all.

It was just like being taken to where you initialy belong to. So the most probable assumption should to say that i am died.

It's a shame that i died, leaving my father, mother and little sister behind... well, i can't do anything about it anyway.

[Hello Young Alexander, welcome to My domain] An unknow voice resonated in my mind

"Greeting, Mr...?"

[I am a God of Imagination, creation and reincarnation, I have no name, I have been created by the amalgamation of belief and hope from mortals, wishing to see their dreams become reality and wishes exhausted]

"I see, so will you exhaust my wishes?"

[It's a little more complicated than that... you see as a newly born God, my power is my subject to certain restrictions and rules born from the thoughts of my creators, restriction which i can't bypass for now]

"So what now?"

[You will be able freely choose the world where you will go and your appearance but your power will be aleatory chosen by spinning a wheel. But, worry not, if you are not satisfied with the results, you have the choice of reborn in your old world; but with no memory of course]

"i understand, how many times can i spine the wheel?"

[Two times]

"Okay, let's Go"

[The world has to be chosen First]

"I choose MHA"

[Very well]

Suddenly a wheel appeared before me and started spinning, there where many world written on it, it was to fast for me to make sense of anything. Some seconds later it abruptly stopped on...

Upon the Tainted Sorrow... The gift of Chuya Nakahara from Bungo Strays Dogs.

Wait, wait...WAIT, Didn't this ability corrupt and make the user totally crazy in its true form?

[Worry not, the side effect will be removed, but therefore you will need more training to use its true form, there is no need to chant easer]

"I see, thank you"

I didn't even even finish speaking when the wheel started spinning again. It stopped on...

King's wisdom.... The third eyes of the Okhwang from GOH... honestly overpowered if i dare to say.

[As with the last ability, all side effect will be removed. So what will be your choice?]

"I choose to reincarnate in MHA, For my appearance, i wish to look like Okhwang... but about the third eyes, can i not have it? and keep the power?"

[There is no problem]

[About the last ability, i might have eliminated all side effect but it cost too much energy to use for a normal body, so i will conseil you to build your physicals strength and endurance as much as you possible. And again, for information, your first draw will be awakened as quirk at 6th, and when you reach the standard the later will awaken by itself]

"I understand, please can I keep the martial knowledge that he had by using the sage wisdom?"

[Yes that's not a big deal]

"Thank you again"

[Your wish has been granted and you shall realize your dreams with your own effort!]


"Push with all you have" said a nurse to the woman who was about to give birth to the child

"Ahhhh" a little more effort the baby came out "Its a boy" she said while walking away.

Some times later sh became back with boy and gave him back to the mother and asked

"What will be his name?"

Looking at the little boy in her arm she couldn't help but smile.

"Chuuya, Chuuya Homura"


Some where a boy and a girl were sparring, they looked about 13 years, the boy has red hair and black eyes while the girl had long black hair tied in ponytail.

"you have to do better than that if you want to touch me" said boy while side stepping a swift vertical strike from the girl whom was using a bo staff.

"It's not my fault, it's just like you can predict all my move" said the girl with an annoyed look

"Well, that's exactly what I am doing" said the boy, titling his head a little to doge thrust from the girl.

The two youngster were, Chuuya Homura and Momo Yaoyorozu. He was helping Momo with her martial art since she recently started learning 'Bukijutsu'

Momo, seeing that she still couldn't touch him, pouted"I won't spare with you anymore"

To which Chuuya just smiled and pated her head, making her smile as well.

"Don't worry too much, you will eventually get better, be patient, you just started learning after all" he said.

Momo didn't say any further, she know how hard he worked to be as strong as he is now, she saw him training his quirck and body almost every day. She just wanted to be a little wishful and complain a little, definitely not because she wanted to get a headpat, nope.

Seing the little girl all smiling, Chuuya just shook his head. He of course know, what she was thinking, it's not hard to guess with his life experience.

It's been a little more than 12 years since Chuuya had been reborn in this world. His family in this world is rather rich, no in fact really rich.

And as they were in the same circle social with the Yaoyorozu family, and even close friend at that, knowing that they have children of the same age, they got the two to meet since they were toddler, and that's how it all started.

With them practically growing up together, it will be an understatement to say that we are close to each other. They even go at the same middle school

Momo for now is very different from her canon counterpart, she is far less mature, since unlike canon where her parent were hardly present and she had to mature early, this time, with Chuuya around to keep her company, it could be said that she had a good childhood somehow.

"You seem quite tired, we will stop for today"

Looking at her, he could easily tell that she was exhausted after hours of training, well she was sweating heavily.

"Thanks God, I just want to take a bath right now"

she said but looking closely she couldn't help but ask

"I can understand that you are strong and all but isn't a little exaggerated that you didn't even break a sweat after all this time?"

"I guess I am just built differently" he said with a smug smile plastered on his face.



He unconsciously answered without much thinking, after which he saw Momo approaching him without saying anything. When she was close enough, she spread her arms and hugged him.

"huh?" is all he could say to respond at her sudden action.

"Now, you will also have to take a bath" she said, smiling victoriously.

Chuuya was left speechless at her childness. But not willing to take it lying down, he asked

"Do you want us to bath together then?"

"Ni_san!! We are not 5 anymore!" she blushed deeply and retreated, just to see Chuuyo smirking.

"Stop teasing me" she pouted and walked away

"Now, now, alright, i am sorry" he said

"umu" she nodded with a smile, once again victorious

"Where did you even get that 'umu' ?" he asked while catching up with her.

"But you said that you liked it"

"Yes i do but-"

"And that's all that matter, no 'but'" she said without even letting him finish speaking

Looking at her antic, he could only smile helplessly. She is only twelve after all, she has the right to be childish, he too had his dose in his first life. Now he just has to make sure that she mature up in time.

'Canon is almost there, i am strong but not strong enough, i also have to make sure that Momo become stronger than her canon counter part.'

Chuuya stoped walking without even noticing, lost in his thought

"Oni_san? What's wrong?"

Lokking at his thoughtful expression, Momo interpelled with an inquisive look.

"Hum? Nothing, i was just thinking about something, let's go"

Well, I just had some inspiration so... couldn't help it. I wrote!

AllBullshitcreators' thoughts