
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Dancing on Air

(A/N: Valentine here! I am currently writing the beginning of the tournament and I'm wondering if you guys would like me to go into detail of each match, or do a quick little summary of the less important matches, focusing on the major ones.)

The Fall loomed ahead, a gaping chasm that seemed to stretch into eternity. Towering stone pillars rose from the depths, their surfaces worn smooth. Connecting each pillar was a thin, taut tightrope, the only path forward. Below, a mesh net sprawled across the pit, a safety measure for those unfortunate enough to lose their footing.

I pulled up short at the edge, my breath catching in my throat. Beside me, Todoroki and Bakugo skidded to a halt, their expressions a mix of determination and calculation.

Without a word, Todoroki stepped forward, his right foot slamming down onto the starting platform. Ice surged from his sole, creating a frozen path that bridged the gap between the first two pillars.

"Catching up to me won't be so easy," he called over his shoulder as he began to skate across his self-made bridge.

"Bastard!" Bakugo snarled, explosions sparking to life in his palms. "You think I need your scraps?" In a burst, he blasted off the platform, using his quirk to propel himself towards the next pillar.

I watched them go, my jaw tight, my heart pounding. They were already pulling ahead, their quirks giving them an early advantage. But I had my own skills, my own strengths.

I stepped up to the edge, the Tandava humming beneath my skin. A deep breath, a silent invocation, and then I was moving, my legs pumping, my feet finding purchase on the narrow tightrope.

It swayed and shook beneath me, the motion threatening to upset my balance with every step. But I flowed with it, my body instinctively adjusting, maintaining equilibrium through minute shifts and corrections.

Ahead, I could see Todoroki and Bakugo, each forging their own path across the chasm. Todoroki's ice allowed him to create solid footing, but the creation of each new platform cost him precious seconds. Bakugo's explosions allowed him to jet forward in huge, reckless bursts, but each blast sent shockwaves through the tightropes, making them tremble and buck.

"Looking a bit unsteady there, Kacchan!" I called out, unable to resist the jab as I watched him pinwheel his arms for balance after a particularly strong detonation.

"Shut it, Deku!" he roared back, his eyes blazing. "I don't need your commentary!"

A fierce grin tugged at my lips, the rush of competition driving me forward. The Tandava surged through my veins, its rhythm steadying my steps, guiding my movements across the treacherous ropes.

One pillar passed beneath me, then another. I was closing the gap, my natural agility and the Tandava's boost allowing me to navigate the obstacle with increasing speed and confidence.

Todoroki glanced back, his eyes widening fractionally as he saw me gaining ground. A flick of his wrist, and a new ice path surged forward, propelling him towards the next pillar with increased velocity.

Not to be outdone, Bakugo let out a bellow of fury, his explosions doubling in intensity and frequency.

I gritted my teeth, forced myself to focus. I couldn't afford to be distracted, not now, not with the end in sight. My feet danced across the ropes, finding the rhythm, the flow that allowed me to surf the chaos of the obstacle.

One final leap, one last death-defying moment of weightlessness, and then I was across, my feet slamming into the solid ground of the far platform. A heartbeat later, Todoroki landed beside me, frost crackling across the stone. Bakugo hit a second after, his impact accompanied by a blast of heat and the acrid smell of smoke.

For a moment, we stood there, chests heaving, eyes locked. A silent acknowledgment of the challenge overcome, the gauntlet thrown down.

Then, without a word, we turned as one and sprinted forward, towards the next obstacle, the next trial.

The Fall was behind us. But the real test was still ahead. And only one of us could claim victory in the end.

The final obstacle came into view. The ground ahead was pockmarked with small, circular protrusions - landmines, spread out in a treacherous carpet.

"And there it is, folks!" Present Mic's voice boomed over the loudspeakers. "The last challenge standing between our competitors and victory - the Minefield! By the way those landmines were designed for the game so they might be loud and flashy, but they're not all that dangerous."

"A test of caution and strategy as much as speed and power," Mr. Aizawa added.

Todoroki, Bakugo, and I exchanged glances as we approached the minefield, our steps slowing, growing more cautious.

"Huh," Bakugo grunted, eyeing the explosives with a mix of wariness and anticipation. "Guess it's not just a clever name."

Todoroki's gaze was calculating, his mind doubtless already working on a strategy to navigate the hazardous terrain.

I, on the other hand, found myself grinning, a sudden burst of inspiration hitting me like a lightning bolt. The mines could be an opportunity. If used correctly, their explosive power could become a tool, a means of propulsion...

Without warning, I sprinted forward, angling my steps to hit the edge of the nearest mine. The explosion was immediate, a burst of force and flying debris that sent me soaring forward.

"Izuku Midoriya seems to be using the landmines to his advantage!" Present Mic crowed, his voice nearly drowned out by the roar of the explosion. "A risky move, but it's giving him a huge lead!"

Behind me, I heard Bakugo's enraged shout. "Damn it, Deku! You think you're the only one who can play with explosives?"

A series of rapid blasts followed, the shockwaves nearly knocking me off balance mid-leap. Bakugo was using his quirk to detonate the mines from a distance, trying to use their power to close the gap.

"Nice try, Kacchan!" I called back, twisting in midair to flash him a grin. "But you'll have to do better than that!"

Bakugo's response was a wordless snarl of fury, his hands sparking with increased intensity as he redoubled his efforts.

Todoroki, meanwhile, had created an ice path, trying to skate above the mines. But the uneven terrain made his progress slower, more cautious.

I landed in a roll, immediately springing back to my feet and continuing my mad dash. Each step was a calculation, a gamble - aiming for the mines that would propel me forward while avoiding those that would blow me off course.

It was a high-wire act, a dance on the knife's edge of disaster. One wrong move, one misjudged detonation, and I'd be out of the race, potentially nursing some serious injuries.

But with each successful leap, each perfectly-timed explosion, I could feel my confidence growing, my lead increasing. The Tandava sang in my veins, its rhythm guiding my steps, honing my instincts to a razor's edge.

Behind me, I could hear the ongoing destruction as Todoroki and Bakugo struggled to keep up. Bakugo's blasts were growing more frequent, more desperate, while Todoroki's ice was fracturing under the constant barrage of explosions.

"Looks like Midoriya's risky strategy is paying off!" Present Mic commentated, his voice rising with excitement. "Todoroki and Bakugo are giving it their all, but they just can't seem to close the gap!"

I risked a glance over my shoulder and saw Bakugo, his face a mask of determination and rage. Our eyes met, and I saw the challenge there, the unspoken demand to stop running and face him head-on.

I felt my grin widen, the competitive fire in my chest blazing hotter. I angled my next leap to detonate a mine just as Bakugo was passing over it.

The blast caught him off guard, sending him tumbling off course. He managed to right himself with a hastily-fired explosion, but the damage was done - he'd lost valuable ground.

"A sneaky move from Midoriya!" Mr. Aizawa noted, a hint of grudging approval in his normally dispassionate tone. "Using your opponent's own tactics against them - a smart play."

I could practically feel Bakugo's rage from here, could imagine the curses he must be screaming into the wind. But I didn't have time to savor my small victory - the finish line was in sight, and Todoroki was still hot on my heels.

Gritting my teeth, I put on a final burst of speed, leaping from mine to mine in a rapid-fire sequence of explosions. Each blast pushed me harder, faster, until the world around me was nothing but a blur of color and sound.

And then, with a final, earth-shattering boom, I was across. My feet hit solid ground, my momentum carrying me forward in a stumbling, half-falling sprint. I ran as fast as I could through the tunnel and then..

Around me, the stadium was erupting, the cheers of the crowd washing over me in a tidal wave of sound.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA TAKES FIRST PLACE!" Present Mic's voice was nearly lost in the din, but I could hear the pure, unbridled excitement in every word. "What a finish, folks! What a show of skill, determination, and sheer guts from our rising star!"

I felt a hand clap my shoulder and turned to see Bakugo, his eyes blazing, his expression a complicated mix of frustration, respect, and something else I couldn't quite name.

"Deku..." he growled, his voice low and intense. "You better not think this is over. Next time, I'll be the one standing in first place. You got that?"

I met his gaze, my own eyes unwavering. "I'll be waiting for you at the top, Kacchan. But I won't make it easy for you."

He barked a laugh, sharp and challenging. "Good. Because I don't want it easy. I want to beat you at your best."

With that, he turned and stalked away, his shoulders squared, his head held high in defiance of his second-place finish.

[Inko Midoriya's POV]

I couldn't take my eyes off the stage as Izuku stepped up to the podium, his green hair shining under the bright stadium lights. Beside me, Mitsuki leaned forward, her gaze just as riveted.

"Look at him, Inko," she said, a note of wonder in her voice. "Our boys, ready to show the world what they're made of."

I nodded, a lump forming in my throat. It seemed like only yesterday that Izuku was a timid child, his dreams of heroism overshadowed by the harsh reality of his quirklessness. But now, seeing him standing tall, his voice ringing out with confidence and passion...

"I knew he had it in him," I murmured, a smile tugging at my lips. "He just needed a chance to shine."

Mitsuki chuckled, elbowing me playfully. "Don't get too cocky, Inko. Katsuki's no slouch either. I bet he'll give Izuku a run for his money."

I shot her a sidelong glance, my competitive spirit rising to the challenge. "We'll see about that, Mitsuki. My Izuku's been training hard."

As if on cue, Izuku's voice rose to a crescendo, his final call of "Plus Ultra!" echoing through the stadium. The crowd erupted, a tidal wave of cheers and applause that sent shivers down my spine.

But as the students lined up for the first event, I felt a flicker of worry. The obstacle course looked daunting.

"They'll be okay, right?" I asked, my fingers twisting anxiously in my lap.

Mitsuki scoffed, waving a dismissive hand. "Of course they will! They're tougher than they look, Inko. And besides, a little danger is part of the hero gig. They might as well get used to it now."

I took a deep breath, trying to let Mitsuki's confidence bolster my own. She was right - Izuku had proven time and again that he could handle himself, that he had the strength and the smarts to overcome any obstacle.

As the starting signal sounded and the students surged forward, I was on the edge of my seat, my heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of Izuku's strides. He navigated the first barrier with a series of agile moves, slipping through the press of bodies like a fish through water.

"That's it, baby!" I cheered, my voice nearly lost in the roar of the crowd. "Show them what you've got!"

Beside me, Mitsuki was equally vocal in her support for Katsuki, her shouts of encouragement interspersed with colorful threats to anyone who dared get in her son's way.

But as Izuku approached the second obstacle, the tightrope canyon, I felt my stomach clench with fear. The ropes looked so thin, so fragile, swaying in the wind like gossamer threads. One misstep, one gust of wind...

I clutched at Mitsuki's arm, my nails digging into her skin. She didn't seem to notice, her own eyes glued to the action.

To my amazement, Izuku stepped out onto the first rope without hesitation, his balance perfect, his steps sure. He moved with a fluid grace that took my breath away, his body adjusting to every tremor and sway as if it were second nature.

"Inko, are you seeing this?" Mitsuki's voice was incredulous. "Since when could Izuku move like that?"

I shook my head, wonder and pride welling up inside me. "He's been training so hard, Mitsuki. Day in and day out, pushing himself to be better. And now... now the whole world can see what I've always known. My Izuku is a hero, through and through."

As Izuku cleared the final tightrope, Mitsuki let out a whoop of joy. "That's my godson! Showing those other kids how it's done!"

But her celebration was short-lived as Katsuki rocketed past Izuku, his explosions propelling him towards the final obstacle with reckless speed.

"Ha!" Mitsuki crowed, shooting me a triumphant grin. "Looks like Katsuki's taking the lead. Better watch out, Inko - your boy's got some serious competition!"

I just smiled, my eyes never leaving Izuku. "Don't count him out yet, Mitsuki. Izuku's got a few tricks up his sleeve."

As if on cue, Izuku put on a burst of speed, his legs pumping as he sprinted towards the minefield. But instead of trying to avoid the explosives, he deliberately triggered them, using the force of the blasts to propel himself forward.

My heart nearly stopped as I watched him soar through the air, a green blur amidst the smoke and fire. But with each landing, each perfectly-timed leap, I could feel my fear giving way to awe, to a fierce, burning pride.

That was my son out there, my Izuku, facing down danger with a smile on his face and a fire in his heart. He was everything I had ever hoped he would be, everything I had always known he could become.

And as he crossed the finish line, his fist pumping the air in triumph, I felt tears of joy streaming down my face. Beside me, Mitsuki was on her feet, her voice joining the thunderous applause that shook the stadium.

"Not bad, kid," she said, her grin wide and genuine. "Not bad at all."

I love you, Izuku. I'm so proud of you. And no matter what happens next, no matter what challenges you face... I'll always be here, cheering you on, believing in you with all my heart.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

Standing in the middle of the field with the roar of the crowd washing over me, I felt a grin spreading across my face. I raised my hand, waving to the cheering masses. The response was immediate and overwhelming, a surge of noise that seemed to shake the very foundations of the stadium.

Amidst the sea of faces, I searched for two in particular. It took a moment, but then I spotted them - Mom and Auntie Mitsuki, their faces beaming with pride from their seats in the VIP box.

Mom's eyes met mine, and even across the distance, I could see the tears glistening on her cheeks. Happy tears, I knew, tears of joy and relief and love so fierce it took my breath away.

I waved to her, my smile widening into something more genuine, more heartfelt. She waved back, her own smile brighter than the stadium lights.

"Izuku, you're amazing!" a female voice screamed from the stands, followed by a chorus of similar shouts.

"Midoriya, you're so cool!"

"Please notice me, Izuku!"

I was just starting to wonder how to respond when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned, and there was Momo, her face flushed with exertion but split by a wide, beautiful smile.

"Congratulations, Izuku!" she said, pulling me into a hug. "You were incredible out there!"

I stiffened for a moment, caught off guard by the sudden display of affection. But then I relaxed into her embrace, my arms coming up to wrap around her in return.

"Thanks, Momo," I murmured into her hair. "What place did you come in?"

She pulled back, her hands lingering on my shoulders. "Seventh, but I wouldn't have gotten that high without that late night training."

Around us, I could hear the whispers starting, the murmurs of surprise and speculation as people noticed our embrace. I knew what it must look like - the first-place winner and one of his top competitors, sharing a moment of intimacy in front of the entire stadium. But I didn't care.

Before I could do something totally reckless, Midnight's voice rang out over the loudspeakers.

"Hate to break up the lovebirds," she teased, her tone sly and suggestive, "but we've got a festival to continue! Can the 42 students that qualified please come to the center of the field?"

When all the students were present she gestured grandly to the screen behind her, where a spinning wheel of events began to whirl. The crowd held its collective breath, every eye fixed on the flickering display.

With a final, decisive click, the wheel ground to a halt. The words "CAVALRY BATTLE" blazed across the screen in bold, uncompromising letters.

A murmur ran through the assembled students. Cavalry battle? What did that entail?

Midnight's grin widened. "Forty-two of you qualified for this round after that heart-pounding obstacle course. And now, you'll be testing your teamwork and strategy in a grand cavalry battle!"

"Here's how it works," Midnight continued, her voice ringing out over the hushed crowd. "You'll form teams of a maximum of four people: one rider, and at least one horse. Each of you has been assigned a point value based on your placement in the preliminaries."

She gestured to the screen again, where a list of names and numbers began to scroll by. "The forty-second place finisher is worth five points, with five more points added for each place above that. Your individual points will be added together to determine your team's total score. But for first place, it's a little different.."

I scanned the list quickly, my heart pounding as I searched for my name. There, at the very top: Izuku Midoriya - 1st Place. 10,000,000 points.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Ten million points? For one headband? It was an astronomical figure, a score that could catapult any team to victory in an instant.

Midnight was still talking, outlining the rules of the game. "Your point values will be displayed on these headbands," she explained, holding up a strip of cloth emblazoned with a number. "Your goal is to steal as many headbands as you can from the other teams, while protecting your own. The top 4 teams with the most points at the end of thirty minutes advance!"

She paused, her grin turning sly. "Oh, and one more thing. You're not allowed to make each other fall on purpose. But even if you lose your headband, you can keep competing until the very end. So don't give up, even if things look grim!"

The crowd erupted into a frenzy of chatter, students already turning to each other, forming alliances and strategies on the spot. But through it all, I could still feel their eyes on me, the pressure of their collective ambition bearing down.

Let them stare. Let them scheme and plan and come at me with everything they had.

Because I refuse to hold back.