
MHA: Invincible

What if humanity is faced with a threat that they can not destroy? Even constantly warring heroes and villains will understand the impending threat, but will their united coalition be able to do at least something to an enemy that is Invisible?

DestroSun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Observations (in progress)

# Day 1 #

- Khhhhhhhhhhhh.

There was static on the TV screen, but after a second it disappeared, replaced by a handsome blond man who was staring at the camera with a wide smile.

"Hello everyone, I'm with you, Dr. Heisenberg, aka the best doctor and scientist specialized in the study of quirks.

The video was paused when one of the six men at the table shook his voice, followed by others. Their faces were not visible because of the darkness in the room, but they were all dressed in normal business suits.

Yes, those were good times.

- I agree, then there were fewer problems than now, and now also to rake all this shit. Alex, you are a bastard.

"It's not his fault that the subject escaped, it was only a matter of time until the subject wanted freedom, which we could not fully provide.

"Yes... I remember we rebuilt several cities, driving residents there, but the object found out about everything and went berserk. We were lucky that we got off with a couple of buildings.

"Okay, enough chit-chat, Heisenberg did his job, just like us, and ours is to destroy his trail, so let's go through the documentation already.

Everyone silently agreed and the video continued showing further content.

- Today we have to bring a child ...

Barely restrained emotions appeared on the doctor's face, but he immediately poured out his delight, spreading his arms.

- Which is probably the highest dot evolution. And these are not empty words, according to preliminary information, he is invulnerable to physical damage, has great physical strength, but the most amazing thing... A week later, after his quirk awakened and these abilities manifested, he discovered levitation... A week later after the awakening of the quirk... You most likely think that this is just a coincidence, or the negligence of the doctor who examined him, but no, that's not all. A few days ago, he gained telekinesis... Maybe even psychokinesis, I don't know.

Disbelief was considered in the doctor's eyes, but he still smiled broadly, while the atomosphere became more serious, even the smile disappeared from his face.

- Now his parents should bring him, for the sake of further research, you will have to talk with them, since this matter is simplified by the fact that they almost did not hand him over to the orphanage on the first day, I don't know what happened there, but their attachment to the child is very low which is in my hand.

By the end of the video, instead of a perky and cheerful person, there was already a serious man who was finishing the shooting.

- Day 1, arrival of the object at the base, see you tomorrow.

Waving at the camera, the doctor finished recording while the people at the table silently digested the contents.

- Well, we know about it, run the next fragment.

# Day 2 #

Instead of the expected interference, a tired doctor appeared, whose face still showed off a wide smile, while shock was read in his eyes.

- Hello, this is the second entry and, accordingly, the second day. The object was delivered yesterday and, having agreed with the parents, we were able to take it for ourselves, fortunately due to the incident in the garden and the police, it turned out to be easy to do. From this you can even draw a small conclusion: money and a little psychology - a terribly powerful combination. Okay, enough of these prefaces and go straight to the object.

He took a small folder from the table, which contained various photographs, a couple of which showed red color and white sheets with unknown information, one of which he took.

"Ahem, well, I'll start right away with the main thing, subject #1's quirk, from now on it will have such a serial number, its predecessor will be overwritten as #45. Oh, again, I'm in the wrong place, so, subject # 1 probably has one quirk that can generate others ... So far, this is the most suitable theory, which will be tested today, unless, of course, unforeseen circumstances arise.

He returned the sheet back to the folder, closing it. After a moment of silence, he continued his speech with a thoughtful face.

— Ha, I think that's all for today, I shared my joy and hypothesis, thanks for watching, like and subscribe.

He finished with a sincere smile on his face when the video cut off.

— We also know this, let's watch the next day, — the man said from the edge of the table when the next recording turned on, — besides this, we have other matters that also need to be monitored.

# Day 3 #

A familiar man appeared on the screen, seated at the table with a haggard face, doing something on his phone, he paid no attention to the camera, still poking at his phone, this went on for one minute until he clutched at his stomach.

- Oh man, I shouldn't have drank that fresh milk, I'm gonna shit my pants for sure, ughhhh.

Crouching down he tried to get up, but with his eyes wide open he went back to his seat, looking around.

- Okay, I'll cut it out later.

Fixing his appearance, he smiled and looked into the camera lens.

- Hello, everyone, the ever-present Dr. Heisenberg. Today we will try to find out if Object #1 is capable of breaking down barriers, and unusual ones at that, but created with the help of telekinesis.

With a strange gait, the doctor approached the camera and the recording was interrupted, and when it resumed, the scene changed to a room with dark walls, while behind him was an elderly woman and a black-haired child who was looking around.

- Alex, now this auntie is going to create a wall and you need to hit it, just try not to overdo it, okay?

The boy nodded deeply, looking back at the woman, who looked at him apprehensively, after which she was immediately grabbed under the arms of two strong men in robes, taking her somewhere that the corner of the cell did not reach. Twenty seconds later, a translucent wall emerged, emanating a blue glow as the boy approached it, the doctor himself standing to the side, watching with a serious face. Making a small swing, the child struck the wall, which immediately disintegrated.

At this point the recording was interrupted again, and a moment later the scene was back to its original, but the doctor was a little grim.

- Her quirk was capable of withstanding a blow of 100 tons, we also used a quirk amplifier, with it her potential should have almost doubled, but the child not only easily destroyed it, but the woman also experienced an overload on her brain, but we managed to save her. I think that's enough for today.

Instead of another cheerful farewell, there was only the doctor's pensive face, staring off to the side.

# Day 4 #

Immediately after the completion of the previous entry, a new one arose. Instead of the usual office glow and excessive fighting color, the trees spread out, looking healthy and sturdy. Their crowns seemed to press together to form an impenetrable forest vault. And the entire forest behind the figure was shaded, creating here, even on a sunny day. Changing his customary robe for a white T-shirt and black shorts, the doctor announced with a smile the reason for the change of scenery.

- Guten Tag, my dears, we are now in a wooded area to finally take a break from the hospital stuffiness and unwind, and, of course, to conduct another experiment, eh, my young friend?

The black-haired boy, who had just turned four a couple of weeks old, just nodded quietly.

- Don't be shy, you and I have many years of interaction ahead of us, so we'll be inseparable buddies.

The man said with a smile on his face as he turned the camera to a small asphalt path right in the woods, it reached exactly 110 meters in length, which was perfect for measuring the speed of objects.

- What do you want, Alex?

- A cool toy!

- A cool toy, yeah... Hmm, how about this?!

First rubbing his chin, the man pulled out from behind a toy machine gun, equipped as well as the real ones. It had several firing modes, including an automatic mode and a single-shot mode, also simulates the sound of a shot, the effects of a flash, and the recoil of a shot. In addition, it is equipped with a laser dot. The machine itself is made in high-tech style and looks like a real weapon.

The boy's eyes lit up at the mere sight of this work of art that captivates his gaze.

- All you have to do to get it is outrun me.

- All right.

The kid got up on the track while the doctor assumed a pose for maximum speed at the start.

- March.

The man managed to yell as he found the child at the finish line. Unbelieving his eyes, he walked over to the gauge and was dumbfounded.

- Z-zeptosecond...

The doctor staggered, but managed to grab hold of the tree, struggling to digest what was happening.

- L-okay, hold your machine, you can play while I gather up all the instruments.

- Thank you!

Joyfully answered the boy, snatching the toy, and then ran to terrorize the forest dwellers, while the doctor turned to the camera.

- That's it, his speed and strength are terrifying, if he takes the wrong path... Okay, that's it, your favorite, at least I hope, Dr. Heisenberg was with you.

# Day 5 #

The figure of a doctor appeared in front of the camera, putting his coat on a chair. His usual appearance had changed a lot, now he was in the usual gray shorts and a yellow tank top, while behind him you could see people in light clothes, instead of doctor's gowns.

— Hello, today we will not conduct any experiments, we will just rest.

After that, the recording was immediately interrupted.

Haa, is he serious? Why was it necessary to record a video if it does not carry useful information?

"You yourself must understand that he always possessed non-standard thinking. Brilliant people may seem crazy, but that doesn't change the fact that they're smart.

Okay, let's move on to the next entry.

# Day 6 #

He appeared on the screen as his own Dr. Heisenberg, who stood in front of a huge shiny beat meter.

- According to our data, it can withstand a blow of 890 tons, but we have not yet been able to find out for sure. Professor Sanchez is to be thanked for such a device, without his help it would be impossible to create such a device. Alex, come here.

The doctor called to him a little boy with black hair, looking around.

"Don't be afraid, all you have to do is hit this piece of iron and I will give you a cool bike with ten speeds.

The child cautiously approached the piece of iron and swung it.

"Just try to break the piece of iron, okay?" So that nothing breaks around.

The boy nodded and delivered a blow that shattered the meter. One of its parts even flew into the child, but did not even scratch him.

- Haa, incredible.

The frame changed and now there was a strange treadmill behind the doctor. The path itself looked almost normal, but was covered by a round dome.

- Especially for children with great speed. An incredibly accurate indicator, durable metal that does not heat up from high speeds and a dome that prevents various cataclysms from occurring. Alex, come on.

The boy already looked much more confident, so he went inside without fear and embarrassment.

"Try to gradually increase your running speed when necessary, I will stop you, okay?"

- Yes.

The doctor nodded and began to observe the value of the meter.

[ 4 km/h, 10 km/h, 20 km/h, 50 km/h, 100 km/h, 350 km/h, 700, km/h]

The doctor quickly crossed his arms, causing the child to stop abruptly, causing the child to fly through the dome. The fragile protection collapsed, and the child stood next to the doctor, as if nothing had happened.

The following frames were already in the doctor's office, where all the windows were curtained. He silently picked up a piece of paper where it was written: "We used a memory-erasing quirk on a child, as a result of which it was possible to remove memories of parents and life before he got here, but the child developed immunity to such quirks, so further exposure the child needs to be strictly regulated.

After that, he put the sheet back on the table and turned off the camera.

# Day 12 #

In the familiar background sat a doctor staring directly into the lens.

- You know, the more ways we used to determine his powers, the more I became convinced that he was a godlike being. All weapons are useless against him, and his true physical parameters are impossible to determine with our and even alien devices. In addition, he possesses a vast array of abilities, the number of which we do not know. It's just an unknown. I don't know how one can resist such a creature, but if it is possible, only Professor Sanchez is capable of such a thing.

The doctor's face changed, as if he was uncomfortable.

- Instead of finding a means to confront him, I think I should start by raising him first, which is what I will do from today. After all, if he grows up to be a good guy, a bad outcome can be avoided. See you later.

The people at the table turned to the man who had just rushed to call the mad scientist.

- You didn't ask him about the success of the operation?

- No progress so far.

A heavy silence hung in the middle of the dark room, but one of the members turned on the next tape.

# Day 13 #
