
MHA: Invincible

What if humanity is faced with a threat that they can not destroy? Even constantly warring heroes and villains will understand the impending threat, but will their united coalition be able to do at least something to an enemy that is Invisible?

DestroSun · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: Invisible Vs Garou.

I was back at my desk in English class, which I had learned when I was 4 years old, and I had also been taught 4132 other languages. They considered the remaining unlearned ones unnecessary, but of the 4133 languages I actively used only two: English and Japanese.

Looking out the window, using my super vision to watch a movie through the walls a couple blocks away, I suddenly felt my heartbeat stop. It was the first time that had ever happened to me, so I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

Strange, no internal organ dysfunction, but it was still worth starting it up.

I silently slapped my chest, causing my heart to start immediately, but Bakugo looked at me with a face full of incomprehension.

- What are you doing?

His quiet but dumbfounded tone reached the ears of a couple of the other students, who glanced at us questioningly, but Mick continued to write something on the board in his headphones.

- Something made my heart stop, I had to start it up again.

Bakugo blinked a couple of times, remaining silent, and I went back to watching the movie, while the explosive blond looked at me for a few more seconds, but still went back to writing in his notebook.


Finally it was time for lunch, but I wasn't going to buy food from Lunch Rush, so I took a couple large containers of burgers and hot dogs with me. I decided to try the bacon burger first, at which point a joyful Kirishima came over to me.

- Yeah, you don't go broke on food," he said, looking at all the food in several containers, "By the way, isn't Tetsutetsu really your boyfriend?

- I guess a buddy is a friend? If that's the case, then I guess you could call him a friend.

- I see. We've become friends too, and we have so much in common, even our quirks.

I concentrated on my food while my classmate talked about the fun he was having with Tetsutetsu.

- Hmm, how many push-ups can you do?

His story was interrupted by a sharp question.

- Probably infinity, because the last time I was able to do 169 billion 524 million 999,999,999,999 push-ups, I stopped because I got bored.

Kirishima's face changed drastically after my words, it became shocked and even traced a little sadness.

- ... Okay. How many pull-ups can you do?

- 204 billion 879 mil-.

- I get it, you don't have to go on. You're a real monster.

Kirishima shook his head, his original smile gone, just shock. I finished all the food I had and went back to the classroom, where Bakugo was waiting for me with a notebook. As soon as I sat down at my seat, he smirked and placed the sheet on my desk. A neat 3×3 grid was drawn on the paper.

- Let's play tic-tac-toe.

- Okay.

I pulled out a pencil while Bakugo drew a cross in the center, waiting for my move.

I'd only managed to play them a couple times, when the doctor was testing my logical abilities and when he was bored.

A zero in the lower right corner. Cross under the center. A zero above the center. A cross in the lower left corner. A dotted line in the upper right corner.

Bakugo froze with the pencil in his hand, his victorious grin beginning to slowly fade. He abruptly grabbed the sheet and crumpled it up before burning it. With one last twitchy eye glance at me, he returned to his seat and went back to his phone.

I probably should have given in, even though I hadn't put any effort into the game.

The rest of the school day passed without any incidents or interesting occurrences, just a couple of classmates offering after-school activities, but I declined because I had some things I needed to check out.

Now I was on my way home when I suddenly noticed a laser projectile flying straight at me, with space warping around it. It was traveling at a speed imperceptible to the human eye, so that people could only watch with shock at the distances of those through whom the laser passed. I had to extend my left arm as the beam almost caught up with me and absorb it completely, converting it into my own energy.

Someone is definitely trying to kill me, judging by the direction of the beam, it's probably from America, but I'm too lazy to fly there and scan the whole country. I'd rather go play games and eat fast food, but before that I should try to open the portal.

I enter the house and head to the backyard while my gaze catches on the dozens of burgers and consoles, but still need to check out the current opportunity. Once again channeling the energy in my hands, I was able to tear the fabric of reality, once again meeting God at the tea party, who greeted me with a tired face. This time his naked friend wasn't there, just the camera on the chair.

- ... Ahem, gotta change the host.

After God's words, I felt an unknown force push me away and close the portal.

- Okay, I guess this is a sign that I should go play and eat junk food.

Shrugging my shoulders, I sat down at the console and started to launch the game. As World Of Eggs launched, I devoured the burgers, savoring their flavor. For the next few hours, I played continuously while eating fast food.

As night fell, a sudden explosion was heard outside the door from a black man landing and heading towards the door. A light knock was heard, causing me to lazily get up from the couch while a new game was being installed.

As soon as I opened the door, a man with strange skin the color of a featureless void, the front of his body decorated with stars, galaxies, and nebulae, and dark bandages developing from his shoulders, attempted a straight punch with his left hand, but I grabbed it and completely absorbed the momentum of the blow. This development did not make him give up, but on the contrary, he struck with his leg, which I also caught and did the same trick with my arm. His eyes went wide, and then I struck him in the jaw, sending him straight into space.

- There's been a lot of weird stuff going on around me lately. I guess I'll have to read his memory.

He was still unconscious, but as I flew closer, he woke up and opened a portal, trying to strike from the back, but I grabbed his arm and pulled his body through the small portal. His body had taken on a slightly different appearance from the impact, but the general outline was still there. Even so, he tried to hit me, but I grabbed his neck and jammed the fingers of my right hand right into his brain, reading the memory.

It's blank. His only memory starts with him landing outside my house. So someone erased it, the kind of thing that can be done with special technology or rare quirks, so it's impossible to know where he's from. Since he can't even talk.

- If you're no good, I'm gonna drop you in some world.

When I hit him on the neck, he immediately lost consciousness, and then I opened a portal leading to a metropolis where ten-meter tall naked men were running around.

- I hope you'll be okay.

I returned home, but I took one last look at the small crater in front of the house.

- Good thing I don't have a car.

With that positive thought, I sat down at the console, beginning to play a visual novel about a boy who moves to a strange village where rumors say sacrifices were once made to a god.


- Rick, this is fucked up.

The old man lit a Cuban cigar. Slowly exhaling the smoke, he voiced his thought.

- Yeah, Morty, that's fucking fucked up. He just nullified all his hits and threw them out into the random universe. His power level was a lot higher than I thought it would be, but I wasn't wrong about Garou losing, so 100 bucks.

The teen stretched his lips and opened his eyes wide, stepping back to leave the garage while Rick worked on another plan. When Morty had already opened the door and was about to exit, his grandfather abruptly turned around and pointed a dildonator3000 at him, capable of turning almost anything in sight into a dildo.

- Morty. Go on. Mine. 100. Bucks. Make no mistake, you could become a thing of carnal pleasure.

The teenager paused as an ingenious plan to infiltrate a girl he liked popped into his head.

- Don't you dare, Morty. Her father likes that kind of thing, too.

The smile on the teen's face disappeared, changing to a grimace of horror. Morty obediently walked back to Rick and handed him the hundred dollars.

- That's fine, Morty, but get that idea out of your head. It's not going to do any good.

Rick pushed mindreader29999 off his head and disconnected the laser producing module from the rifle, replacing it with a dildonator3000. Taking aim again, he fired at object #1, constantly changing the direction of the charge to make it harder to calculate. As soon as the shot should have penetrated the wall where the object was, Alex stepped out and intercepted the charge, absorbing it.

- I see, so it's really capable of absorbing energy and it's simply useless to do damage with such a weapon.

- Maybe we shouldn't have erased Garou's memory.

- I had enough memories of his battles and his abilities, but this superman was more powerful. Let's try this, then.

Rtk pulled a small bullet marked "DANGER!!!" out of his pocket. He loaded it into the rifle and fired again.

- What's this?

- A bullet that contains the power of a thousand nuclear bombs, but has a range of only 5 meters, and no contamination, just a boom.

His grandson marveled at the power contained in just one tiny bullet.

- Where did you get it?

- Morty, I'm a scientist, of course I stole it from a Martian smuggler. Now stay out of my way, I'm watching.

The bullet almost hit the walls as it suddenly disappeared without a trace. Rick blinked a couple times, but quickly came to an answer.

- He used his speed, all right. But where did he put the bullet? Did he explode it in his hand and absorb it?

- Rick, why don't we go get some rest. You've been trying to kill him all day.

- Hmm, I guess I could. Get on a plate, let's go see old man Crocklax.

- Oh, I shouldn't have suggested that.

Over the next few days, Rick went on a huge bender, partying hard while Morty tried to resist the octopus-like aliens who were trying to shove their tentacles into his orifices.


From the author:

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I'm going to go rest now, good luck!