
MHA: I'm a Symbiote(Kinda SI)

----------- Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OCs. Everything else belongs to their respective owners. ----------- Your friendly neighborhood loner gets an unexpected love tap from a very famous celebrity in the Otaku Circles. You guessed it—cue dramatic entrance—Truck-kun! Now, he finds himself face to face with a ROB emanating some serious Dumbledore vibes. Not the canon Dumbledore, mind you, but the "Rated M" Dumbledore from AO3. Swiftly filling his wish meter, our hero embarks on a journey, determined not to succumb to the perverse desires that tend to plague isekai tales. No bunny girl thighs for him! Instead, he's got his own book, navigating dreams and desires while staying true to his nice (and realistic) guy persona. Oh, and did he mention? The Great Sage from Tensura is the consciousness of his symbiote. Talk about an unconventional partnership. This story isn't about a guy living in MHA, but rather a guy from our universe 'experiencing' MHA. Expect a deep dive into the world beyond canon, because why settle for the ordinary? ---------- Additional tags: Cheats, NoHarem, ExpectMemes, Racing, GagMoments, Original Characters (Not many, just enough) The cover was made with the help of AI (Symbiote) and by me (Text, BG, Resizing, colours, etc.) using an image editing software. ---------- NOT A WISH FULFILLMENT FANFIC (Kinda) He won't go around 2 mins after he's born and bitch-slap AFO and bang 90% of the female cast. MC will have a life and personality and so will the Romantic Interest. ---------- A/N: Hey everyone! Remember that pizza slice you sneakily stashed away from your siblings, only to forget about it under the sofa for months? Well, guess what—I'm that neglected pizza slice, and I'm here to spice up your reading! So, after diving into tons of fanfiction, I've reached a point where I can practically predict the plot within the first 10 chapters. Inspired, I've decided to try my hand at writing my own. Buckle up, and I hope you enjoy the ride. I'll be posting regularly, though I don't have a Patreon to beg for support or artificially inflate word counts. Being a broke student means occasional breaks during exam season, but fear not—I'll be back with more chapters. Feel free to critique and drop suggestions for what you'd like to see in the upcoming story! I've got a bunch of fanfic ideas lined up, so unless the reviews are devastating (please be gentle with my fragile self-worth), I'll keep 'em coming. Catch me on ScribbleHub, and maybe RR and AO3 in the future—I'm still getting the hang of those. Cheers!

RottenPizza · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

CHAPTER GOING TO BE DELETED (vote for nickname)

Plz read the whole thing if you have the time 🥺

POLL FOR FL's NICKNAME (what to call out in bed 😏)

Name-> Letitia

1. Letty (Personally- no)

2. Tia (Kinda ok)

3. Tisha (Preferred)

4. Reader's Choice (Nothing to absurd)


Ohh and I want to rewrite the second half of chapter 4 - I legit don't know what I was smoking when I was writing that. I'll drop a note when I do so and if you have ideas, please share them. 


Well, here we are! So first let me apologize for not uploading when I said I would. During Christmas I was over 5000 feet high, watching the sun rise on a grateful mountain trail…..


And on New Year's I was dragged across the city by some old friends who I hadn't spoken to in months. Played LazerTag for the first time so that was cool. 


A week after New Year's, a friend and classmate expressed his intentions to end it so…. That was one of the most stressful nights I've ever had. Big question! Why do those prevention helplines have work timings? I'm pretty sure that most stuff like that happens after 8 pm….


Then when I finally got to writing again, I scrapped the entire romance plot line. I felt like jumping off a bridge myself for trying to write what I was planning to… that being how the MC and FL cross paths again. 


It was originally going to be like a situation similar to Rias Gremory and Rizer Phenex. He'd swoop in and save her from a political marriage to forge the bonds between clans and pump out some uber buff babies. 


It was so cringe that I couldn't even open a word document for weeks. The only way I did so was when I had to for completing an assignment. 


The entire scenario goes against my core principles of romance and about how the FL had to have some substance of her own. I did not want her first MAJOR interaction with the MC to be where she's heavily disadvantaged and where she has to overly rely on him. 


Not to mention, given how I've written him so far, he would instantly look the other way and not bat an eye at her troubles. He's got no hero complex and even if he had a wet daydream about her at first sight, doesn't mean shit when he has to stick his neck out in an unfamiliar situation for an unknown person.

Plus, it goes against her aesthetic and personality to play the helpless maiden which needs saving. 

I've fixed that now and that's not how they meet up. 


Speaking of which, I have envisioned how I want to proceed with the arc. It is set at an estimate of 50 chapters. And it's better to show you guys about how I plan out and write chapters. 


The following is the copy and pasted version of the "blueprint" which I follow when writing chapters for arc 1. I write down the points which I want to see in the chapter and then flesh it out. 


Be warned tho, there are some major differences than what I wanted to happen and what ended up happening. This thing was done in October to mid-november and it started serializing soon after. 



Symbiote in MHA

Wanted lazy potato power set but not suitable to the world

Chp1: Tensura system(great sage GET!!) - Dumbledore ROB - Wish to be caught studying by parents - diss other powers(what use is vector control when you are stepping on a strand of symbiote?) 


Chp2: Self discovery(diss generic brawler hosts and go for an assassin build) -SceneChange- ROB reading HP R18+Fic(DumbxHerm) - FBI Open Up!! - KYAAA - Oopsie - intro gag(hate that you need a host to survive)


Chp3: resigned, search for personal Eddie Brock Jr. - get telepathy from wolf leader - devour still warm mutation based(ask sage to control) - cameo Ant King in MHA(Beru POV) - upgrade predator - past life?(prolly no) and recent memories!!


Chp4: Flashback - vendetta against Mutant abusers - continue searching for the perfect host - want to go to civilisation but the orphanage people might still be there so skulk around 


Chp5: wander near a garbage dump - find original body as biomass and live like planned cause it's a perfect fit 


Chp6: Try to get an Identity/stay low(idk) - ?run in with OFA's detective friend? - insert crime fighting


Chp7: ?Overview of the world? - where in timeline(idk) - try to get a job- plan to break into Tartarus - need knowledge 


Chp8: Go to library - see programming books and facepalm(realise that you aren't some generic MC with generic Ability Steal) - change Tartarus plan to code yourself an identity - first encounter with RomInt

{Do you like sleeping? Yes. OMG me too! Wanna do it together?} I grew a pair and asked it was a sure kinda but then I woke up


Chp9: buy laptop with villain's money - at checkout tell that you forgot your phone(cashier's POV you sus) - ask to open it and check if it works cause got scammed last time(excuse to charge the battery at the store) - hightail it from there


Chp10: test programming skills at a coffee shop - start small and (contemplate if he should try finding his parents=no?) end with a identity(no teen drama), penthouse and librarian job - MC is born!!


Tags: Cheats - ?NoHarem? - R18 - MHA - Action(try) - fluff - System(AI) - ?AntiHero? - reincarnation - transmigration 


RomInterest: OC Hermione type next door - big brain(fast reading & compartmentalisation & eidetic memory) - wants to be a marine biologist but broke - loves kids - Imaizumi Institute for Aquatic Sciences - Fuji city - wants someone to propose to her with the pin of the grenade used to obliterate her enemies. - I am no king, nor conqueror.

I have no tales of splendor, nor spoils of war,

and yet your love has made me the richest man to ever live - vibe slips. 


Income: Fiction Writer(try), take from the villains(hesitant to kill)


Alignment: lawful neutral/evil? (Morally questionable)


?Family: Imouto Chara =Eri(if not, then no one else) - be your own father/son (brownie points with RomInt)?


As you can see, there are huge changes to what ended up happening especially with FL's character build. 


So now, I'm gonna start to do what you have read above – make points of interest and plot it onto a chapter list. I've seen how Arc 2 ends in my mind's eye but now I'm legit gonna try and put this stuff to paper. 


So I'll see you when it's ready! Bye!! 👋👋✨

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