
MHA: I'm a Symbiote(Kinda SI)

----------- Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OCs. Everything else belongs to their respective owners. ----------- Your friendly neighborhood loner gets an unexpected love tap from a very famous celebrity in the Otaku Circles. You guessed it—cue dramatic entrance—Truck-kun! Now, he finds himself face to face with a ROB emanating some serious Dumbledore vibes. Not the canon Dumbledore, mind you, but the "Rated M" Dumbledore from AO3. Swiftly filling his wish meter, our hero embarks on a journey, determined not to succumb to the perverse desires that tend to plague isekai tales. No bunny girl thighs for him! Instead, he's got his own book, navigating dreams and desires while staying true to his nice (and realistic) guy persona. Oh, and did he mention? The Great Sage from Tensura is the consciousness of his symbiote. Talk about an unconventional partnership. This story isn't about a guy living in MHA, but rather a guy from our universe 'experiencing' MHA. Expect a deep dive into the world beyond canon, because why settle for the ordinary? ---------- Additional tags: Cheats, NoHarem, ExpectMemes, Racing, GagMoments, Original Characters (Not many, just enough) The cover was made with the help of AI (Symbiote) and by me (Text, BG, Resizing, colours, etc.) using an image editing software. ---------- NOT A WISH FULFILLMENT FANFIC (Kinda) He won't go around 2 mins after he's born and bitch-slap AFO and bang 90% of the female cast. MC will have a life and personality and so will the Romantic Interest. ---------- A/N: Hey everyone! Remember that pizza slice you sneakily stashed away from your siblings, only to forget about it under the sofa for months? Well, guess what—I'm that neglected pizza slice, and I'm here to spice up your reading! So, after diving into tons of fanfiction, I've reached a point where I can practically predict the plot within the first 10 chapters. Inspired, I've decided to try my hand at writing my own. Buckle up, and I hope you enjoy the ride. I'll be posting regularly, though I don't have a Patreon to beg for support or artificially inflate word counts. Being a broke student means occasional breaks during exam season, but fear not—I'll be back with more chapters. Feel free to critique and drop suggestions for what you'd like to see in the upcoming story! I've got a bunch of fanfic ideas lined up, so unless the reviews are devastating (please be gentle with my fragile self-worth), I'll keep 'em coming. Catch me on ScribbleHub, and maybe RR and AO3 in the future—I'm still getting the hang of those. Cheers!

RottenPizza · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 21: Interlude 1

[A/N: Well hello there 👋 You might know me for not uploading when I said I would and delay it for 29 days….. how about a lemon as an apology (next chapter)?

I'll be explaining the future schedule and stuff in Sl. No. 23 (the next of next chapter) which will be deleted after I start Arc 2 in all seriousness.]

{Happy New Year 😜✨}


In a realm far far away

Regional Designation: XXXX XXX 5318008

At the nexus of all realities 

FBI Regional Headquarters


In an elusive place surrounded by galaxies and stars. We can see a large, square shaped building on a floating rock.


At the base of the rock there's an entrance to the building with several portals lined up in front of it in an orderly fashion. Several beings who can only be described as pre-adolescent children travel to and fro, performing their duties. 


Even though the hustle and bustle might seem chaotic and unorganized, there was a sense of discipline and pattern to which they milled about. However, dozens of meters above the portals, a crack in space was ripped open as if to show a giant middle finger to the order of the place. 


The turbulent swirls on the other side of the tear corrupted the calm space near the portals causing them to fizzle and crack. 


The child-like beings, despite their innocent and harmless appearance, took out several weapons from their pockets. Some were so comically big and unrealistic that you may question their purpose. But the whirlpools of energy that they generated were so vast that it can easily slap a young master out of his delusions. 


The being which stepped out of the crack, contrary to everyone's expectations, was a woman in her late teens or early twenties. With hair so long and dark that it blended in with the emptiness of space. Her white, knee length dress did little to hide her voluptuous body. 


Her beauty, however, was marred by the expression of pure rage on her face. Even with that expression, she was a multiverse toppling beauty, but her emotions were so out of whack that the onlookers would feel nervousness before lust.


However, when the child-like beings saw the woman who stepped out of the crack in space, they simply grumbled their annoyance and sheathed their weapons and diverted their focus to start fixing the damaged portals. After all, they know the reason behind her presence and wrath.


She was here for one reason, and one reason only. 


To ensure that her father was thoroughly fucked.






Let me word it better – To make sure that her father couldn't weasel his way out of his predicament and stop his slippery scheming.


Now, to understand what's happening, we need to look back to the day it all began. The day, a person who sucks at keeping his word, had died. (A/N: That's a jab at me, dw, the MC is a man of his word.)


(Crush POV)


I stare at the woman in the mirror. The personification of male desire. With full breasts and rear, she was eyed like a piece of meat since her puberty began by both little boys and old men alike. 


To relieve herself of those stares, she started to eat more in the shallow hope that she gains weight and destroys her appeal to a major part of the population. That plan went down the drain when the fat added a bit of chubbiness to her cheeks… both pairs of cheeks. And even though a few gazes dropped, the rest simply intensified. 


But not all was lost.


For almost twenty years, she had hidden herself in this world and had been living her life as a regular human. She made friends, she had loving caretakers, and she even had a pet who guards over her and what belongs to her. 


She lived the life of a normal city girl. To keep up with the life she has been living, she now goes to college so that she can get a well-paying job and relax in the future (lol).


But all of it came crashing down with a single phone call. The charade was torn down. Her father had hidden her away so that she wouldn't be a liability in his line of work. 


She was found. 


He was sending backup to retrieve her from the world she was in. It was sad, leaving it all behind. The memories of two decades were not so easy to simply brush off.


However, she was not going to let her friends know. She had to stay the happy-go-lucky girl she had always been so as to make their last memories of her the best they can be. 


And that girl, now a young woman…. is me.


With a sigh, I began to get ready for my 9 AM class, the weight of my predicament burdening my mind and slowing my actions. But a loud bang at the front door jolted me out of the haze I was in.


Sprinting to the source, what I saw didn't surprise me but disheartened me all the same. My roommate stumbled in wearing a skimpy glittery bikini dress. The thick jacket being the only thing that guarded her dignity – or whatever's left of it. 


Hurrying to her, I held her up and guided her to her bed. She's a beautiful woman with mocha skin and a dainty figure. But what stood out was her eyes. Those eyes that have seen all what the world could offer – or more like take away, were a cold metallic grey. 


Living as a student in one of the most populated cities in the country meant that the cost of boarding skyrocketed. So, I shared a room with one of my seniors of the college. She comes from an… unfortunate situation and has to secure her own source of income. 


With her skillset and gifts, the only source she could cling to before being thrown out was that of a… "private dancer". But despite her choices, I admire her. 


The resilience to go back and sit in a room full of fellow students after a shift at her job and still study to excel. That drive and will is something not many humans have.


As I laid her down on her bed, she laughed and said, "Hehe, thanks sweetie but I can take it from here. Don't you have a class to get to?"


"You seriously think that I'll let you be on your own after last night? It was a rough shift, wasn't it?" And before she said anything I interrupted.


"And don't try to lie! I've lived with you for almost a year. You think I won't notice the signs? Those stains and ruined makeup are enough for even an idiot to notice that you've had it bad." With a humph, I got up and made my way to the washroom.


"And don't you dare move!! Let me get some towels to clean you off." But along with the towels, I even got a small tub of warm water. 


(10 minutes later)

"Sigh, you spoil me, you know that?" She said as I helped her move her tired body into some sleepwear. I then laid her down and set the alarm for her afternoon class. 


"No, I don't. You're just getting what you deserve." I said as I tucked her in with a soft smile. 


"Hehe you're such a mother hen." She giggled. And as I was about to get up and make my way out, she said.


"Thank you, and I mean it. You're an angel." The smile she gave me at that moment was so pure and infectious that I unconsciously returned one of my own. Little did she know that she wasn't far off the mark.


With my bag packed and keys in my hand, I walked out the door. As I was about to close it, I whispered into the air, "Stay and give her some pleasant dreams, will you? Let her have some peace when she can."


And with the faint sound of tinkling in the air, I made my way out with a smile. That smile was instantly wiped away when I checked my phone and realized that I was late. 






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