

Hey there! I'm Kaelin Godfrey, you can call me kai, and let me tell you, I've had one heck of a journey. In my previous life, I was a hero – yeah, the real deal, capes and all. I fought bad guys, saved the day, and finally kicked back with a peaceful death. No regrets, just a desire for a laid-back afterlife. But guess what? I got reincarnated into this wild world of My Hero Academia! Crazy, right? Here, almost everyone has these quirks – cool superpowers that make my old hero gig look like a sideshow. But me? I just want to chill, enjoy life, and maybe crack a few jokes. So, I'm living life my way: no capes, no grandiose heroics, just pure, unadulterated fun. Making friends, pulling pranks, and spreading smiles – that’s my new mission. Sure, there are villains and chaos, but why sweat it when you can laugh? Don't get me wrong, if push comes to shove, I'll step up. But for now, I'm savoring every moment, bringing a bit of sunshine to this already extraordinary world. Because if there's one thing I’ve learned, it's that happiness is the real superpower. So, buckle up and join me on this joyride through the quirkiest life ever! ***************************************** "Kaelin powers are inspired from ghost superhero in marvel and ghostfreak in ben 10". "Psst! Attention all amazing readers! Want more chapters faster than Bakugo's temper flares? Well, here's the deal: for every 100 power stones you toss our way, you unlock a bonus chapter! That's right – 100 power stone, one extra chapter. But wait, it gets better! Hit us with 300 power stones in a day, and we'll whip up not one, not two, but five bonus chapters! And for the ultimate power stone showdown, drop 500 in a day, and you'll unlock a whopping 10 bonus chapters! So let's make it rain power stones and unleash the epicness! You rock, heroes!"

PRINCEAETHER · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

”Just another day in the life of Kaelin Godfrey”

The tension in the air was palpable as Team Kaelin, comprised of yours truly and the brilliant Momo Yaoyorozu, faced off against the formidable duo of Bakugo and Todoroki. The arena crackled with anticipation as the battle-ready students and All Might himself looked on, eager to witness the clash of powers and personalities.

Bakugo, with his explosive temperament, and Todoroki, with his icy cool demeanor, stood opposite us, a study in contrasts. It was clear from the outset that teamwork was not their strong suit, as evidenced by the muttered disagreements and pointed glances exchanged between them.

As the battle commenced, Todoroki wasted no time in unleashing a blizzard of ice, engulfing the arena in a frosty deluge. The other students watched in awe as our surroundings transformed into a winter wonderland, but Momo and I knew that this was no time for sightseeing.

As Todoroki unleashed his frigid fury, enveloping the entire building in a blanket of ice, the arena fell silent, save for the sound of freezing winds whipping through the air. All eyes were fixed on the spectacle before them, a frozen tableau of power and precision.

All Might, ever the symbol of unwavering resolve, watched with a mixture of astonishment and respect. Despite the chaos unfolding before him, he remained steadfast, his towering figure a beacon of strength and reassurance for his students.

"Such power," he murmured, his voice carrying over the icy winds. "Todoroki truly is a force to be reckoned with."

Kaelin, ever the quick thinker, surveyed the frozen landscape with a mixture of determination and amusement. "Well, this is certainly one way to chill out," he quipped, earning a few chuckles from his fellow students.

Momo, ever the strategist, furrowed her brow in concentration, already formulating a plan to counteract Todoroki's icy barrage. "We need to act fast," she said, her voice filled with urgency. "If we don't break free soon, we'll be sitting ducks."

Meanwhile, Uraraka, ever the optimist, tried to find the silver lining in their predicament. "Well, at least we won't overcold," she remarked with a wry smile, though the tension in her voice was unmistakable.

As the students pondered their next move, All Might's booming voice cut through the icy silence, filling them with a renewed sense of purpose. "Fear not, my young heroes!" he exclaimed, his words a beacon of hope in the midst of uncertainty.

With All Might's words ringing in their ears, the students steeled themselves for the battle ahead. For in the face of adversity, heroes always rise to the occasion.

"Looks like things are heating up, eh Momo?" I quipped, flashing a grin in her direction.

Momo responded with a determined nod, her mind already whirring with potential solutions. "Indeed, Kaelin. It seems our opponents are playing the cold card. But fear not, for we shall thaw their plans and emerge victorious!"

With a shared sense of determination, we sprang into action. I focused my telekinetic powers, channeling them into a mighty surge of energy that lifted the entire building we were standing on into the air. Meanwhile, Momo drew upon her prodigious intellect, concocting a plan to counter Todoroki's icy onslaught.

As the building ascended, Bakugo and Todoroki exchanged terse words, their frustration mounting with each passing moment. It was clear that their lack of cooperation was hindering their efforts, much to the amusement of the watching crowd.

As Kaelin flexed his telekinetic muscles, hoisting the entire building into the air, the reactions from All Might and the rest of Class 1-A were a sight to behold.

All Might, his eyes bulging like saucers, nearly dropped his iconic smile. "Well, I'll be!" he boomed, nearly knocking over his lectern. "That's one way to shake up the curriculum!"

Uraraka, her hands clasped together in sheer amazement, couldn't help but let out a squeal of delight. "Wow, Kaelin-kun!" she exclaimed, her voice reaching a pitch only dogs could appreciate. "You're like a monster!"

Toru, normally invisible to the eye, couldn't contain her excitement. "Did you see that?!" she chirped, bouncing up and down like a hyperactive jack-in-the-box. "Kaelin-kun just lifted a whole building! That's, like, so cool!"

Kaminari, his hair standing on end with shock, could only manage a dumbfounded expression. "Dude," he muttered, his voice trailing off into stunned silence. "I gotta lay off the energy drinks..."

Meanwhile, Tenya, ever the embodiment of discipline, struggled to maintain his composure. "Remarkable," he declared, though the tremor in his voice betrayed his astonishment. "Kaelin-kun's quirk is truly a force to be reckoned with."

As the chaos unfolded around them, All Might couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all. "Looks like we've got a real contender on our hands!" he declared, his voice ringing out like a clarion call to adventure.

And as Kaelin soaked in the applause and admiration of his classmates, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Who knew that a simple display of telekinesis could cause such a stir? But then again, this was UA High – where the extraordinary was just another day at school.

All Might, ever the beacon of heroism, looked on with a mixture of amusement and admiration. Despite the chaos unfolding before him, he remained confident in the abilities of his students, knowing that they would rise to the challenge no matter the odds.

I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I lifted the entire building with my telekinesis. Ice shattered and fell around us like glittery confetti. Momo looked at me, her eyes wide with shock and a little bit of awe. I couldn't blame her; I was pretty impressed with myself too.

"Nice move," she said, pulling out a smoke bomb from who-knows-where. "But we're not done yet."

Just then, Bakugo's maniacal laughter echoed through the ruins. "You think that's gonna stop me? I'll blow you to bits!" he screamed, his palms sparking with explosions. I could practically see the veins popping in his forehead.

"Great, the human grenade is on a rampage," I muttered. "Got any bright ideas?"

Momo smirked. "Leave it to me." She tossed the smoke bomb, and thick clouds enveloped the area, obscuring our movements.

In a stroke of quick thinking, Kaelin used his telekinesis to create a distraction, causing a massive explosion on the other side of the battlefield. The diversion caught Bakugo and Todoroki off guard, giving Kaelin and Momo the opportunity they needed to make their move.

While Bakugo and Todoroki were momentarily distracted by the explosion, Kaelin swiftly enveloped the nuclear core in a telekinetic shield, rendering it invisible to their opponents. With the core concealed and protected, Kaelin and Momo made their escape under the cover of the chaos.

Using the cover, I turned invisible and phased through what remained of the walls to gather intel. Todoroki was layering more ice, creating a maze-like structure. Classic move. I spotted Bakugo, his hands glowing with a particularly unstable-looking explosion.

"Uh, Momo, we've got a ticking time bomb over here," I whispered through our earpieces. "Bakugo's about to go nuclear, literally."

"On it," she replied. Momo quickly crafted an insulated shield. "This should help with the blast, but we need to get to the core."

I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Right. Time to play hero."

I reappeared, lifting Momo telekinetically over the icy barriers. "Hold on tight!" I shouted. We soared over the maze, landing right near the nuclear core. But Bakugo wasn't far behind.

"DIE!!!" he roared, launching himself at us with an explosion that could probably be seen from space.

"Momo, shield now!" I yelled. She threw up the insulated shield just in time, blocking most of the blast. But the force sent us flying backward.

"Oof, that's gonna leave a mark," I groaned, picking myself up. I glanced at Momo, who was already getting back to her feet. Tough girl.

Bakugo wasn't done yet. He charged at us, hands ready to detonate. "Time to end this!"

"Not today!" I shouted, focusing all my telekinetic power. I lifted Bakugo and hurled him across the room. He hit the wall with a loud crash, temporarily stunned.

Todoroki saw his chance and thickened the ice around the core. "You're not getting through," he said, his voice cold as his quirk.

"Oh yeah?" I grinned, feeling the rush of battle. "Watch this." I telekinetically grabbed the largest chunk of debris and hurled it at the ice, shattering it. "Momo, now!"

She didn't need to be told twice. Momo sprinted towards the core, crafting flashbangs on the go. She tossed them at Todoroki, disorienting him. "Got it!" she shouted triumphantly, grabbing the core.

Just then, Bakugo, still dazed but furious, got back on his feet. "You… you think you can beat me?"

He started charging another explosion, but I knew we didn't have time for round three. I used my telekinesis to lift the entire nuclear core, with Momo hanging on. "Hold tight!" I yelled.

Bakugo let loose a massive explosion. The force of it was enough to shake the entire building. But I focused all my energy on creating a telekinetic shield around us. The blast was intense, my head felt like it was splitting, but I held on.

When the dust settled, we were still standing, the core safe in our grasp.

"All Might! We did it!" I shouted, feeling a mix of exhaustion and triumph.

All Might's eyes widened, and a broad smile spread across his face. "PLUS ULTRA! Well done, Kaelin and Momo! That was a spectacular display of heroism and quick thinking!"

Uraraka floated in excitement, cheering loudly. "That was amazing, Kaelin!"

Toru, even though invisible, could be felt bouncing around with enthusiasm. "Incredible!"

Kaminari gaped, "Dude, that was epic! I need to step up my game."

Tenya nodded, clearly impressed. "Excellent teamwork and strategy. Truly commendable."

I looked around at my classmates' awed faces and gave Momo a high five. "Teamwork makes the dream work, huh?" I said, trying to catch my breath.

She smiled. "Absolutely. That was... intense."

"Yeah," I replied, grinning. "And just another day in the life of Kaelin Godfrey."


"Hey there, fabulous readers! Just a quick shoutout – I'm loving all the love you're sending my way with those power stones, but hey, don't be shy with the comments either! I wanna hear what's crackin' in that beautiful brain of yours. Got a joke? Share it! A pun? Lay it on me! Just wanna say hi? Well, hello there! Your comments light up my day brighter than All Might's smile, so keep 'em coming! Let's turn this comment section into a party – and trust me, you're all invited to the Kaelin Godfrey extravaganza! 🎉💬"

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