
mha gf series - goddness & sunshine

meet elizabeth aka lily is a girl been through hell and back, as a young girl she fought cancer until the end. her mothers does what she can, take her to a island in Greece. where the island, has a temple that has hot springs that known to be healing. when she get's heals, she becomes the next powerful goddess she get's a quirks of controlling earth, air and fire, water. plus she can heal people as well. she lived on the island until she was 15th. on her 15th birthday. a awful man named apollo, that killed everyone on the small island than took lily. was going to kill her for her power but decide to keep her. since that day lily she wishes she was dead. ~~~~~ one day she is saved by stranger, named aizawa he tells her he knew her mother and promise to keep her safe and apollo won't ever touch her again. he brings her home, and have her join ua, to train her to be in a hero. while her time there, she meets the boy she had seen in her dreams, mirio she tries to stay away but he tears her wall down, she finally let's him in, this is their love story

rosanne_thornton · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

chapter 13

Lily pov

I was in the school library; I was trying to catch up on past events and reading. From the pro hero history book, I had for the class, I was taking. I have only been here for a couple of months now, I was trying to fit in. but I am always unsure if I belong here or even. Apollo would take me away from here, I thought deeply as I turn the next page. I was getting along with others, for the first week I was invited to eat with mirio and his friends. But after that I did not want to be a brother, even my classes keep me close with him or team up with him.

Which I did not mind, but I did not want to get close to anyone, they get hurt if they get close to me. I thought as I was reading, I was sitting against the wall, in the corner of the library. As I was reading, I was not aware of my surrounding, or anyone around me. Me, I thought deeply as I read. I heard someone was clearing their voice. I looked away from the book, there was mirio, a blonde-haired boy with blue eyes. "γεια σου, κρίνος ... το όνομά μου είναι mirio" he spoke, I slightly bit my lip before speak, "um…I speak…English" I Sutter out, he kind of smile – fawn. I felt awkward at the moment, "your Greek was perfect" he smiled, it was a moment before he sat next to me. He spoke "I hope you're alright…. I noticed I do not see you in the lunchroom." he halfway asked, "um…you…do not …have…to be nice. To me – I am – "he cut me off "I want to be nice, you are not. Trust me," he said to help me relax he could tell that I was stressed or worried.

There was a moment of pause between me and mirio until he spoke up, "I hope you don't mind me saying this, I have seen you train, out in the woods. Your powers are amazing but in class, you hold back…why?" he asked I started to mess with my fingers. As I try to explain, "it's just…I am not...good, I don't want to talk about it" I said and nodded, I smiled to myself then I heard the bell go. Off he quickly got up, then he had his hand out for me. Then I placed my hand, as he helps me up, I felt something between me and mirio. It scared me half to death, I thought to myself at the moment