
MHA : Fire Dominanace [Multiverse] {UNDER REWRITE}

Got rid of the multiverse arc currently under rewrite =============================== A guy with Daddy issues , Mommy issues , moral issues and Skill issues. Struggled to get a job after wasting life in college and then in internships that did nothing to improve his condition. He went to a walk outside frustrated with life and bam got sent to hell with no way of reincarnation! Just when he willingly was about to end his existence the absolute grnats him a chance! Follow along to see how this messed up human grows along while deluding himself with things that aren't really his =============================== The chat Gpt aah intro is over now main topics of this story . Mc will be a Hero and Villain in different time frames of the story. Small endgame harem and probabaly romance will be a backstage too. Mc's personality is a bit messed up and his behavior would be questionable at times. any further questions will be answered personally. the synopsis is already 1280 words long =============================== Tags OP MC , Twisted psychology, Anti Hero, Edgy , Multiple relationship, Multiverse, AU, Genderbend {not MC} , Haki, Immortal Mc, Elemental powers MHA , BNHA , Naruto ,One peice =============================== SPECIAL THANKS TO Life_sa_Beach_ for allowing me to use his character itsuki from his fanfic "Minato may have been your father but he Ain't your Daddy"

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Life is sh#t

Before the story begins i will say somethings the Mc is going to be a complex charachter and he has issues with himself.

My life gives me surprises so don't be surprised that i don't post regularly, and don't get scared i ain't gonna drop this one .

I know my profile doesn't look good with all the abondoned fics but they were just trial runs okay.

Also for some reason Webnovel is being a little bitch and doesn't let me update the cover photo so here is the cover lol.


The story is paced slowly after the prolouge ends so cope with me okay .

No harem.(Probabaly , you can try convincing me otherwise

Edit : At the moment of this chapter's making it was thoight to be a normal fic but later i decided for it to become Multiverse and so yes it is a harem Albeit a small one and will probabaly only happen in the end.

Thr romance would be for limited female leads and generally the characters that are unique and not used in cliche fics would be used.


[[ MC Pov (Self Narration)]]

Don't you love it ? When life shoves the biggest of problems your way and there is nothing you can do other than take it like the good little bitch you are .

Life as an unemployed University graduate is already hard enough , Living with the fact that despite wasting so much money and time all that you studied was equivalent to waste since you remained skillless , bitchless and broke .

Living day in and day out , running around like a fool giving interviews eating food worse than shit to save as much money as possible.

But you see the skyman has a plan , he always does , whenever you think that your life is already shitty enough he will ALWAYS double tap and make sure you stay fucking dead inside for longer.

If living with the fact that the only reason you aren't virgin is because of a tourist trap in which all you money was stolen was bad , Having no money provider was worse , since my parents died in a ditch before i could learn how to differentiate between colours so my deadbeat drug addict uncle was the next best solution .

Turns out thats not a great idea cause drug addicts tend to have unpredictable lifespan , mood and literally anything about them, not like i was any better since he had an actual source of income , not like its of any use now since the guy Unalived himself due to stupidity.

You know growing up being raised by nannies that couldn't care less about you and a father figure that was as present in your life as an anime dad is not really healthy for your psyche , its a suprise that i can even think like a normal person ?

However it's not a suprise that escapism is the only way i cope with my life problems. Turning off your brain and giving in to the brain rot is probabaly the best part of my day .

But you see as it is said by the great tactician Sun tzu , "Shit goes down when you least expect it to " , who would have thought that a mindless walk near your apartment would lead to a rocket engine dropping on you ?

The last thing i remember is the searing pain of having a 100 tonne Hydrogen engine dropped from kilometers of height , i must have gone splat like a tomato within seconds.

Not that i hate this , death is honestly a release for me , that was my honest opinion for a while but the after life was EVEN MORE SHITTIER.

I was surprised to be in a place that appeared to be made of flowing Lava and fire , obviously hell with demons of red skin colour souls leaving for reincarnation after having three wishes fullfilled but as it is said before by our forefathers " Life is a bitch ", after talking to the grim reaper i found out that i did not qualify for reincarnation at all.

THAT PEICE OF SH#&^#^@&@;;@;'.

Ahem sorry for loosing my composure.

Apparently living a life as worthless as a seashell makes you unqualified for reincarnation in this place . DAMN IT ALLL , the one wish every isekai consuming weeb in the world ever has is within my hold and there is nothing i can do about it (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠).

But hey it couldn't get any worse right ? Right ?


It got worse , the ruler of hell that peice of garbage is a slave driver , for the past 11 months i have done every work in existence , probabaly, from cleaning sewers to being a maid.

At this point the only thing i wish for is some sleep , even though i don't need it but working for the past 11 months has definitely killed me again from the inside.

You know i made peace with the fact that i will never get a chance to reincarnate so maybe i will bag a demon girl , oh how mistaken i was these "beings" they aren't anything like the demon girls i was familiar with , they are abominations a sin upon the existence of the world.

Faces so hideous that it might make a grown man cry and personality 100 times worse than your average politician and insults that would make any person want to kill themselves.

Having to deal with them as a literal slave was way worse than anything i had ever experienced in my life , thankfully demons had no attraction for my human soul's face or else i would have been target of their messed up fetishes (worse than average blue archive fan ).

There is only one solution to my problem , it is to destroy my soul because i can't take it anymore , no i don't want to take it anymore , thats what i have done my whole life and even death , i would rather die than face this humiliation any longer.

Thats why today i will jump into the special fire pit that can incinerate souls of anything even demons .

[[Mc Pov]]

As i take steps towards the pit full of black flames that permeated an instinctual dread, my thoughts raced , even though i had decided to end my suffering i was still just a coward .

Even if it tooks months for me to come to this decision hestation was ever present in my mind , because i had neither the the strength nor the conviction to march willingly to my own death , i was always just an ordinary guy that had the misfortune of a lifetime .

Tears streamed down my eyes not because i was afraid of dying permanently but by the fact that my entire existence was nothing but a tale of patheticness ,wether in death or in life.

I slowly sat at the edge feeling pain in my legs but my mind in far too much turmoil to care about it , it felt like a lifetime of insecurities and fears were gushing out of my psyche like a broken dam.

After some time i controlled all my wmotion and looked at the growling fire with resignation and acceptance because no matter how dreadful of death I might be sometimes , it is a release and one that i was craving for.

Just when i was about to jump into the fire pit a sudden noise reverbrated in my head and took my attention.

Within seconds four messages delivered by a female voice sounded in my head and blue screens similar to a system appeared in front of my eyes.

[The Absolute acknowledges your plea for a better life]

[ The messenger has understood your pathetic behaviour and deems it a liability for the pled and desired life ]

[Analysing appropriate ability to counteract, The skill : Conquerer's Haki has been awarded {source:One piece} ]

[ Your desire to never face death has resulted in the ability: Conditional Immortality {source: The vampire Diaries} ]

[ Selecting a world for your second life ...]

" Wait don't i get a say in this ?" I questioned the voice with panic evident in my voice as i dreaded going to some cursed worlds like Warhammer and the nonsense worlds of Doujins.


It replied with finality in its tone ,before i could say anything else the voice sounded again.

[ World selected for transmigratation : My Hero Academia

Time Line : 1 Year before All Might's fight with All for one "Prime All Might "

Age of Transmigration : 17

Quirk Factor : Pyro Sovereignty

" Allows the user to manipulate , control and steal all Fire type quirk factors and dominate all fire related Phenomenon... "

"Evolvable to complete Enthalpy control "]

[ Destination identity : Kiyoshi Takahashi

"A boy born with a fire quirk that could only be used to heat things via Conduction "]

[Rejoice Human for The Absolute has shown you mercy and charity]

[Do not waste it and know full well that The absolute does not do things twice]

I was about to ask about the absolute but a feeling of drowsiness took over and i couldn't help but fall asleep.

[[ Reader Pov (Universal Narration)]]

In the serene suburbs of Tokyo, a grim scene unfolds beneath the delicate branches of a Sakura tree.

The lifeless body of a young boy lies motionless amidst a heap of discarded debris, his once vibrant spirit extinguished.

The air hangs heavy with silence, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze. There are no onlookers to bear witness to the tragedy, no voices to pierce the stillness of the surroundings.

The boy's pale form bears the unmistakable signs of violence, his vacant gaze fixed upon the heavens above. His organs, cruelly stolen, leave behind an eerie emptiness that permeates the air.

But then, a surreal phenomenon begins to unfold. The boy's wounds, once gaping and life-draining, start to close with supernatural speed. As if guided by an otherworldly force, his battered body begins to mend itself, the torn flesh knitting together and the bruises fading into oblivion.

Simultaneously, the leaves of the Sakura tree overhead begin to change, their delicate green hues transforming into a deep, crimson red. Each leaf turns slowly, as if whispering secrets to the wind, until the entire canopy is ablaze with vibrant color.

And then, just as the last leaf turns scarlet, a stirring comes from the boy's still form. His eyelids flutter, and with a gasp of breath, he awakens, his once lifeless eyes now alight with an otherworldly confusion and curiosity.

In this tranquil enclave, where death once held sway, the miraculous rebirth of the boy beneath the crimson canopy of the Sakura tree heralds a new beginning to the life of an otherworldly visitor.

A person with no earth shattering ambition , just a simple desire to live better than how he did in his previous life.

[[Mc Pov]]

Waking up after talking to the "Messenger" my senses were immediately assaulted by the foul stench of garbage , the feeling of being covered in grime and the winds did not help at all.

I quickly stood up from the pile of trash and walked to a clean spot under a tree, contemplating the surreal turn-around my life had taken.

From wanting to kill myself to a new fresh start with an almost absolute immortality and a strong power , it felt like a fever dream of some high school student too delusional of reality.

But i knew it was real , it was all real from the Hellish hell to the new Quirk based society i was part of and i had to make the most of it or else i would forever live with the fact that even after given such a chance i remained the same pathetic guy too weak to do anyhting about his own life.

Standing up and looking at the night sky, i pledged to myself to Improve , to be better to be stronger to be the best i could ever become and i will Allow NOTHING to hold me back not this time not after this second chance was granted to me.

I will indulge in all possible pleasures , all possible treasures i will make the best of my life no matter what it takes.

After all this was the Final and Only chance i got .


1861 words without the A/N at the beginning, so how did you like the proplouge ?

Also all reader suggestion are welcome .