
MHA: Entoma

Just fanfiction about Entoma, nothing more, nothing less. . . . I do not own any anime or the characters in them."

Apandora · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


(Nezu's POV)

I watched as Entoma walked away. I didn't know what she was up to. I didn't call anyone with me; I wanted to confront her alone. I knew she wasn't here with the intention to attack. And neither was I, even if we did attack. There would have been quite a few dead people here. But the question is, why was she here at all? Various possibilities raced through my mind.

I glanced beside me where Hawks stood. His head was bowed down. He trembled, and I approached him slowly. Fear was in his eyes. He was completely frozen in place. "She's gone."

That calmed him down a bit. He stopped shaking, but he still stood motionless. Then he spoke softly. "Director Nezu. I understand why we didn't attack her, but why didn't you have someone to protect you here? She could have attacked you." I looked at Hawks. I just smiled. "But I do have someone here; I'm looking at him right now."

That startled Hawks. He looked at me as if he didn't believe me. "But I'm completely useless against her, every time I see her, I start hyperventilating, remembering the horrors at the concert." I wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but I'm small, so I just tapped his leg. "But you came with me, you managed to stand in front of her. You're very brave; anyone else would have fainted or started running away. You stood your ground, faced the danger, despite everything she did to you. You knew what she was capable of. So be proud of yourself."

Silence, no one said anything. Hawks raised his head and looked me in the eyes. There was a flame in his eyes, which moments ago was on the verge of extinguishing. "Thank you, Director Nezu." He bowed before me.

Before I could say anything, All Might flew towards me. He didn't look well. Lately, he had lost two friends and one student.

All Might started looking around. No one was looking. So, he shrank to his smaller form. He spoke to me. "Young Kaminari is out of surgery, which was successful. But..." All Might paused and looked down, then quickly returned his gaze to me. "And what are you doing here, Nezu?"

'I can't tell him that Entoma was here; if I told him, he would start pursuing her and fighting without even thinking about it, and he would be driven by emotions.'

Hawks caught my thoughts and spoke for me. "I spoke with Director Nezu about a student I'd like to take under my wing." All Might just nodded. And I began to follow him with Hawks to the hospital.


(Nezu's POV) (Hospital)

We stood in front of the mirror. Me, All Might, Aizawa, Hawks, Naomasa, and the doctor. We watched Denki Kaminari, who lay in bed. He was hooked up to various machines and hadn't woken up yet. I looked at the doctor. "So, will my student be okay?" He just looked at me. His expression didn't look very hopeful. "I really don't know; what caused so much confusion was this." He placed a worm in a tray on the table. "It was very difficult to remove; it was attached to his brain. It was on the part of his brain that controls the body. In the end, we got it out of him. Physically, he's fine. The question is how he'll be mentally. Also, the question is whether he'll even wake up."

I started thinking about Entoma's Quirk. 'We know it has something to do with bugs. Some bugs we found didn't even exist in this world, just like this worm in front of us.'

I looked at Aizawa. "Use your Quirk on this worm. I want to know how it works."

Aizawa just nodded. His eyes began to glow red, and his hair floated a bit. But nothing happened to the worm. Aizawa stared at the worm for a while. Then he stopped. The worm was still motionless in the tray.


(A few hours later) (Nezu's POV)

We received news that Denki Kaminari had woken up. Again, we stood in front of the mirror and looked at him. There was no life in his eyes. The doctor entered our room. "Since he woke up, he's been like he's dead. He hasn't moved. We tried talking to him, but he didn't speak to anyone, and so far, he hasn't eaten or drunk anything. We invited his parents, but nothing. He didn't even talk to them. We don't know what to do with him."

I just looked at him; I had nothing to say. Entoma succeeded; she broke him. But even broken people can get back on their feet. Although it's very difficult.

I looked at All Might and Hawks. "I would like you two to talk to him. You know firsthand what it's like to be hurt by Entoma."

'I hope they get through to him because if they don't, Entoma completely won this. So far, all contacts with Entoma ended in our defeat.

Based on how we fought against her, she doesn't have many weaknesses. Her only major weakness is to cut her off from bugs, but that's almost impossible.'

I just sighed. As I was thinking, All Might and Hawks entered the room. All Might began to speak. "Young Kaminari, I came to visit you with Hero Hawks." Denki had lifeless eyes. He didn't even move. Hawks sat on the edge of the bed with his back to him. "You know, Denki-San, I was one of Entoma's victims, more than once. It was hard to get over it. Haha, I haven't even gotten over it yet. Just thinking about her makes me shake. But I have to move on. I promised myself that I would put her behind bars and interrogate her."

Denki didn't move.

Hawks looked at Denki, placed a hand on his shoulder. "You got caught in her clutches; this is exactly what she wants. Don't let her win. I know you'll blame yourself, and even after what we tell you, you'll still blame yourself. Your friend wouldn't want you lying here and doing nothing while the one who hurt you is still free?! Stand up to it; your friend is dead because of the villain who manipulated you. Don't let her get away! Show your friend that you're not weak, that you still have something to fight for!"

Silence, the room was silent. Denki slowly turned his head and looked Hawks in the eyes. Tears streamed from his eyes. With difficulty, he asked, "Will you help me be stronger?"

Hawks had a small genuine smile on his face. "Of course, but it will be tough."

In Denki's eyes, a flame was reignited, but this one was different, it wasn't full of determination, but it was full of anger. He wanted revenge.

(End of a chapter)